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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Not Dead

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Time of Post: 12:oo

Once again, I'm sorry that I haven't been on. Just now got internet connection. But alot has happened within this past week or so. My life has been flipped totally upside down.

My mother started drinking again, because she's an alcoholic. But she drank on top of taking some kind of pills, and I'm surprised she's even alive. I don't know what triggered it, but I came home to her drunk and my parents fighting about a week ago. I had to break them up before they hurt each other.

She was bad, I mean, I couldn't even understand a word she said. She said some not-so-nice things to me and my father. I just can't explain to all of you how horrible it is to see your mother in that condition, so I'm not even going to try.

So we left. I'm no longer in South Carolina, me, my dad, and my brother moved to Georgia. What else could we do? She was so trashed, she couldn't even walk straight. She even called my friend when I wasn't home, and tried to get her to take her to a bar.

It sounds selfish, to say that we just left like that. But I can't live with her, not like that. Living back there would have been miserable. I think it always was, but I'm just now realizing this. I'm here with my family, and it feels as if a dark cloud has been lifted from us.

It just breaks my heart to leave her though. And I'm not explaining everything in this post because it'd be too long.

Right now she's in the psychiatric ward because of how she's acting.

I'm afraid though. We don't have a house, we're living with my grandparents, my uncle and two cousins. It's a full house right now, not that I mind. I'm just afraid of being all alone in a new school, and I'm sad for my mom, but I'm too mad at her for words right now. I'm sure I sound selfish, but there's just too much to explain, and I just wanted you all to know why I've been absent from here.

Plus I may not be on as much. Don't expect me to be on all the time like I used too, because I'm going to focus more on art, my writing, and soon school.

But I'm not leaving, and I will be lurking around here, drop a comment here and there. I just can't be on as much as I used too.

Hope you all have been well, I really missed my friends. <3


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