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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Friday, September 14, 2007

Quick Update~

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Time of Post: 7:3o

Remember me? How've you all been? I hope you've been well. ^_^

Things have been alright with me. I like my school pretty well, I usually have abunch of work, but it's alright. My mother is living with us now, and she's better too.

I haven't made many friends in class though..there are a few people who are nice to me, which is good. And an anime fan who is cool. They have an anime club and art club there as well, which I'm a member of..but..I'm just not a group person, you know? I don't really know how to talk to people, and I'm very shy. When I do try and talk I usually end up saying something stupid, or the other person misunderstands. I'm more of a loner anyway, but everyone has a limit, and I'm lonely. Maybe I just alienate myself, but you can never tell.

Oh well, enough of my problems. I really do hope you all have been good. ^_^ I'm on fall break right now, which means I'll have time to swing by all your sites~

Aside from that, I forgot to leave you all with my other accounts..feel free to e-mail me whenever, I love to hear from ya: darkwolves_faith@yahoo.com.

Here's my deviantartpage, which I lurk around frequently:


I'll talk to you later! *hugs*
Ja mata,

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