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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Monday, January 8, 2007

how's everyone's day been so far? Hope things are going well.
School's been alright for me. I have exams all this week, which means I have to study. Sorry if I don't get to many peoples sites but I really need to be prepared for those tests. I'll be happy when they're over. Please wish my luck though, because I'm going to need it. I have Biology and Spanish tomorrow.

Anyways other than that, there really isn't much to say. So I'll leave you with a link to a Pip/Seras fanfic. It's good if you like the bittersweet romantic stuff.
I didn't write it, just so you know.(lol)

50 Things I Hate about you

Well thank you for visiting. Like I said, I'll return the favor later on this week.

"je danserai mon chemin avec les loups"
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