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No tengo.
Um... Isn't that classified information.
Member Since
I go to school, as a freshman. Yeah and I've also got the fact that I'm the greatest jedi master ever born. Yeah you heard me.
Real Name
Sorry, I'm tryin 2 stay low so my name won't pop up on the grid too much. Just call me Darth.
Um... Nothing really. But I'm working on something.
Anime Fan Since
When I was a kid and Dragon Ball Z came out.
Favorite Anime
Yugioh. DBZ, Hikaru No Go, DBGT, and Star Wars (although it's not an anime)
I wanna get the third Star Wars dvd because I' have all six and I could watch them all in a row in 1 day (if thats possible).
Being lazy, eating.... Thats it.
Being lazy and eating. I have talent in my hobbies. But I'm good at 1st person shooters.
| darthcallahan
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Yes... The greatest movie once again
Hey guys it's been a week and 2 days that I've had an Otaku account. You; my loyal readers are still reading my horrible posts. Don't worry I don't blame you for not reading if you stop... Anyway, I saw Star Wars Revenge of the Sith again. And I loved it again. I also saw Th Longest Yard. That was a funny movie. Then I did my Homework and then I played Fight Night 2 (a boxing game) and I was in the Title Fight. I was getting my ass handed to me, but then I was going to make my comeback and all of a sudden my mom walks in with my aunt, grandma, and cousin and said I had to turn it off so they could watch a movie. (Sulking over this horror). Seeing Star Wars inspired me to post a Star Wars character of the week. This is it.
Mace Windu was a great jdei master. Only second to master Yoda. He was the only jedi to master the lightsaber fighting style Vaapad while remaining on the light side of the force. His poor death was brought to him by Darth Sidious. With the aid of Darth Vader(Skywalker).
-Darth Callahan
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
Today Pharoh Yami took me, Zakku, and Hazaa to a yugioh thing and I got awsome cards. It was a lot of fun and... well... it was cool. Then we went to his house and we all hung out and got pizza. Then Hazaa and Pharoh Yami came over and they're sleeping over. Now they are playing and I should join so goodbye my faithful readers. I know my life isn't interesting but try to comment anyway.
-Darth Callahan
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Friday, May 27, 2005
I had a good day
Well school was ok besides the fact that I was horribly injured. (You don't want to hear the horrible arm injury). Or is it that I just don't want you to know. It could also be that I'm a sucker when it comes to pain. Well anyway. After school Pharoh Yami came over and we had a grand time. I put on my CD "Running with Scissors" by Weird Al Yanchovic. and it was awsome. I haven't heard it in 2 years. The world's greatest song is on it. Albuquerque is the best song. For those of you who just want to listen to that one song you can always pirate it, but I recomend the CD. Well that was a lot of fun. Now I'm posting. Tommorow I'm going somewhere in New York City or New Jersey with Pharoh Yami and Zakku to this Yugioh thing. I'm gonna have a good time. Only 8 more days of school. By the way, I'm sorry my life isn't as interesting as you would like it to be. Now if you don't mind I have much better things to do than post to you guys. JK.
-Darth Callahan
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
I can't think of any cause I'm too tired
School was really bad (when isn't it?) besides the fact that after school me and a bunch of other kids from school (and that have an Otaku account) went to this Manga drawing... thing... It was really cool. Although I can't draw to save my life it was still fun. No matter what Zakku says I'm the worst drawer (not him). It was cool though. And now I have to go to a school band concert cause I'm the man and without me the band would be a train wreck. lol.
-Darth Callahan
P.S. 9 days till school ends.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Life (It's boring)
Well here I am... Posting; again. I'm really bored and I can't watch my T.V. because my grandma and aunt have comondeered it. O well. (sigh). That chorus concert wasn't that bad, but then again all the other guys forgot their lines. (Not that they knew them in the first place). Thats what we get for Pharoh Yami being our Team Captin (Inside joke). Well anyway, I wanna watch Wolf's Rain and it seems really cool, but I'm either too lazy or it's cause my Dvd player isn't working. Not one of them. (by the way; we have 4). Well I'll post again tommorow.
-Darth Callahan
P.S. 11 more days 'till school is over. I have to count down. It's the only thing that keeps me going.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Life (this will be a subject very often)
I've got more school (but I've been counting down the days). 12 more. All I did after school was do my HW and talk to a friend. And now I'm here... Posting this message.. To you... My loyal readers. Anyway I got a chorus concert to get ready for and a lot of people to impress with my AWESOME signing.
-Darth Callahan
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Monday, May 23, 2005
Once Again BORED!!!!
Once again I'm bored and I have nothing interesting to do. School is a time consuming waste. I finally met someone else passionate about Star Wars(inkenyo 2.0). Lucky me :)That's all folks.
-Darth Callahan
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
This is my 2nd post and I'm really excited about having an Otaku acount.
But today is very boring. I got back from Zakku's house after I slept over . I've been there since the dinner dance which by the way was really fun. I had a very good time and by the last five minutes I started dancing (If you could call it dancing). That was annoying (I wish I could have swallowed my pride before it ended). Anyway; I'll post again tommorow (If I can).
-Darth Callahan
P.S. I found an interesting clip Go here:
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
hey everyone. I be darthcallahan. welcome to my site. this is my first post and I'm new to this, but i got a lot of help so far so I'm doin pretty good. I have to go 2 zakku's sisters baseball game.I'll post later.
-Darth Callahan (really zakku)
P.S. go 2 this site
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