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No tengo.
Um... Isn't that classified information.
Member Since
I go to school, as a freshman. Yeah and I've also got the fact that I'm the greatest jedi master ever born. Yeah you heard me.
Real Name
Sorry, I'm tryin 2 stay low so my name won't pop up on the grid too much. Just call me Darth.
Um... Nothing really. But I'm working on something.
Anime Fan Since
When I was a kid and Dragon Ball Z came out.
Favorite Anime
Yugioh. DBZ, Hikaru No Go, DBGT, and Star Wars (although it's not an anime)
I wanna get the third Star Wars dvd because I' have all six and I could watch them all in a row in 1 day (if thats possible).
Being lazy, eating.... Thats it.
Being lazy and eating. I have talent in my hobbies. But I'm good at 1st person shooters.
| darthcallahan
Sunday, June 5, 2005
It's been a while
I haven't posted in a while, so I guess I have to post now. On Friday, our school had an award ceremony and that was very interesting. I got three awards and that was cool. (I didn't get more because the school didn't want anyone else to feel bad about the fact that I'm so much better). Jk. Well, then we went to see Madagascar, (gee I hope I spelled that right). That was a pretty good movie. And Jimby Sunshine, which used to be Zakku's friend came to town. Zakku is his best friend, but zakku hates him. On saturday I went to the street fair for the first time and it was tons of fun. I was there for about 4 hours. I mainly hung out with zakku, Pharoh Yami, and Hazaa. By the way visit Hazza54 the website. He's knew. Then I asked zakku if he wanted to sleep over, but no, he had to eat dinner with.... I dare not say his name again.... JIMBY SUNSIHINE!!!! (gasp). He really is that bad and he doesn't even try to bother me. I mentioned his name so if anyone sees him they can shoot him on site. Well today was interesting cause me and my family went to a running shoe store and we were there for like 30 min. Then we went to Syms to get me a suit for graduation on the 23rd. We were there for like 50 min and didn't get anything. We had left the house kind of late so we got back late too. I saw the first episode of Wolf's Rain the anime on Friday but I was so bored I could barely consentrate. It was interesting though. And for me interesting is good. Well, tune in tommorow for my STAR WARS CHARACTER OF THE WEEK!!!!
-Darth Callahan
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