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No tengo.
Um... Isn't that classified information.
Member Since
I go to school, as a freshman. Yeah and I've also got the fact that I'm the greatest jedi master ever born. Yeah you heard me.
Real Name
Sorry, I'm tryin 2 stay low so my name won't pop up on the grid too much. Just call me Darth.
Um... Nothing really. But I'm working on something.
Anime Fan Since
When I was a kid and Dragon Ball Z came out.
Favorite Anime
Yugioh. DBZ, Hikaru No Go, DBGT, and Star Wars (although it's not an anime)
I wanna get the third Star Wars dvd because I' have all six and I could watch them all in a row in 1 day (if thats possible).
Being lazy, eating.... Thats it.
Being lazy and eating. I have talent in my hobbies. But I'm good at 1st person shooters.
| darthcallahan
Thursday, June 9, 2005
Star Wars character of the three days
Well first I'll start with my patheitc life. It was a horrible day. First we had math and that was normal. Which isn't a bad thing, but not a good thing either. Then I had art. We played the worst game I've ever had the misfortune to play. I was sooo bored. So there goes two wasted hours already. Then I had Earth Science, which is always funny, but I couldn't consintrate on the funny part becuase it was way too hot. I can't even stand the heat in dry 90 degree weather. But to top it off it was humid. and more than 90 degrees. Then I had Computer Apps which was the only good part of the day. It was pretty fun, but the best part was........ THERE WAS AIR CONDITIONING!!!!! What a savior. Then lunch/chorus, I have to share the period. Then... Social Studies which was another wasted hour... Then the worst part of the whole day... It's coming... It's here... SPANISH!!!!! (gasp). Not that Spanish is hard. It's by far the easiest class. It's one of those classes where you won't start learning anything until four years after you start the couse. So I just sit in my seat for an hour. Not moving... Not paying attention (because there is no need). But sitting and staring at a wall.I hope I'm already fluent (don't no how to spell fulent). in Spanish. Lucky for me there is only one day of school left. Tommorow. And on the sixteenth of June, my awsome cousin is coming from Florida. He's fifteen, only a year older then me. So we're good friends. He comes every summer. Now for the Star Wars character for the three days. Some of you will be disapointed, but others will find a smile on your faces.
The character is Admiral Ackbar. Admiral Ackbar was famous for three things. His plan to destroy the Death Star, his plan to destroy the shield generator around the second Death Star on Endor, and his alien species, Mon Calamari. Calamari, (like the food).
He commanded the Rebel fleet, in the trilogy, and he was known for his great strategic plans. He commanded from a famous Mon Calamari Star Cruiser, "Home One" He shows that the Rebels weren't discriminative towards race or Species, or exactly what planet you were from. (So join them). Well, I don't know much more about him, but he's pretty cool, so that's all folks. YOu'll see the next character on Sunday. (with a more interesting description).
-Darth Callahan
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