Dawn of Scipio
Bite me!

I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Gaara
Likes: Death
Dislikes: Ninjas
Owner: Dawn of Scipio
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Really nothing exciting happened today...Someone said I looked like Pippi Longstocking today.
Scary much?
So, got a coupla new friends who make me horny! Kidding, kidding.
WHOOT! to Britney Spears.
...Jord loves Britney...
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
Teh School is Teh Torture
Today I totally spaced and went to my eighth period when I was supposed to be in 7th period. The teacher held me back and told me a fifteen minute story about the advantages of elevators, when I finally said I had to go.
Went to 7th period 20 minutes late, and forgot to get an excuse slip. I was nawed on for the rest of the day.
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
Bakura, Scipio, Death...FIGHT!
It was awesome. On Friday (two days ago), Bakura, Death, and I, sparred in the play area of our school. After hours of course.
It was decided. I would be a ninja named Rhiann, sister of Gaara. Bakura was Yunai (I'm guessing here, folks), and Death was, shall we say herself.
We made up our own animal side-characters,and it was a blast making up awesome looks. We feigned-sparred, and whacked at each other, having a total moment.
Later we all went to Death's house to flop around and play What-if,Truth, or Dare. We almost got around to prank calling, but Death's mother came home, and I had to get a ride back to the Lair (library). So, the day was pwnage, and my mother still thinks Death is a bad influence on me.
But! Bakura and I glomped Death. So, that is the end of my tale. ^^
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