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Sunday, March 20, 2005
Dragonball original/z/gt attack list.
This is an attack list for the whole dragonball series. This is the most detailed attack list going all the way to what color the attack is. The only error is that vegeta ultimate attack is called Sacrifice. Enjoy.
4 Arms Attack
Japanese Name: Shiyoken
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Tien
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
4 Arms Attack - During the 22nd World Tournament, Tien uses this attack against Goku in the finals. The attack allows Tien to grow two additional arms out of his back, and attack much more often.
8 Arms Attack
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
8 Arms Attack - When Goku fights Tien during the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, Tien uses his 4 Arms attack on Goku (seen above this attack). In defense, Goku decides to use an 8 arms attack, which works even better. Because of the extra arms Goku is able to fight much faster and attack/block more often.
10 Times Kamehameha
Japanese Name: 10 Bai Kamehameha
Other Names: Kamehameha Times 10
Color: Red
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball GT
10 Times Kamehameha - Identical to a regular Kamehameha wave, but just 10 times more powerful. Goku seems to take a liking to this attack after going Super Saiyan 4 in GT, and uses it on several occasions.
Japanese Name: Kyuushyuu
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Fusion
First Used by: Cell
Also Used by: Majin Buu
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Absorbtion - This attack allows one person to absorb another. Cell does this through his tail, and Buu through his fat. Once absorbed the powers of the one being absorbed is usually gained.
After Image Technique
Japanese Name: Zanzoken
Other Names: N/A
Color: A Blur
Type: Other
First Used by: Jackie Chun
Also Used by: All of the Major Fighters
Appears In: Dragonball/Z/GT
After Image Technique - In this attack the user moves so fast, they leave an image of themselves behind. Thus, it looks like the user is in several places at once, or has made copies of himself/herself.
Arale Kick
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: A Blur
Type: Melee
First Used by: Arale
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
Arale Kick - Virtually just a regular kick, Arale uses this on General Blue when he crash lands in Penguin Village on his search for Goku. Arale manages to beat him with two attacks, the first of them being this kick.
Beam Of Evil
Japanese Name: Akumaito Kousen
Other Names: N/A
Color: Pink
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Akuman
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
Beam Of Evil - Akkuma's most powerful attack, he uses this on Goku in the Fortuneteller Baba saga. It finds all evil within a person, and causes that evil along with the person to explode, thus killing whoever is getting attacked. When we it see it used on Goku, it has virtually no effect since Goku has no evil whatsover within him.
Big Bang Attack
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Vegeta
Also Used by: Vegito
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Big Bang Attack - After going Super Saiyan, Vegeta learns or makes up this attack. He takes a strong liking to it, and makes it his signature attack from then on.
Big Bang Kamehameha
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Gogeta
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball GT
Big Bang Kamehameha - This is Gogeta's combination of two attacks; The Kamehameha and the Big Bang Attack (Vegeta and Goku's signature attacks).
Body Change
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Capt. Ginyu
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Body Change - In this attack the user is able to switch bodies with another person. Users both retain memory and voice of their previous body, but gain all the power and strength of their new body. When Ginyu used this attack he was able to continue switching bodies, even after leaving his original body. When preforming this attack arms and legs are stuck out and the words CHANGE NOW! are shouted.
Burning Attack
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Energy Ball
First Used by: Trunks
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Burning Attack - Future Trunks' trademark attack, this is first seen when he fights Cyborg Frieza. Frieza easily dodges the attack, but the point of the attack was not hit Frieza, but simply distract him from getting sliced in half by Trunks' sword. To preform the attack, he does a strange system of hand movements, and then ends it by making a spade like shape with his fingers in which a Ki Ball shoots out.
Buu Ball
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A ellow
Type: Melee
First Used by: Super Buu
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Buu Ball - In this attack Super Buu wrapped himself in a ball (as you can see in the image) and through himself at his opponent.
Change Beam
Japanese Name: Henka Beam
Other Names: Turn Into...
Color: White
Type: Other
First Used by: Majin Buu
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Change Beam - This attack allows Buu to change anything he wants into chocolate. He uses this attack on Vegito, but ends up getting beat up by Veginto in coffee candy form.
Japanese Name: Choubakuretsumaha
Other Names: N/A
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Piccolo
Also Used by: Cell?
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Choubakuretsumaha - Piccolo uses this by charging up a lot of energy in his hands, then unleashing it in
the form of a beam.
Chou no Ryoku
Japanese Name: Chou no Ryoku
Other Names: N/A
Color: Purple/Transparent
Type: Other
First Used by: Bujin
Also Used by: Bido, Zangya
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Chou no Ryoku - Bujin uses this technique in Movie #9. The attack is in the form of a thin piece of energy,
which wraps around the victim sucking the energy out of them.
Continuous Die Die Missile
Japanese Name: Renzokou Shine Shine Missile
Other Names: N/A
Color: Yellow
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Gotenks
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Continuous Die Die Missile - Gotenks uses this attack against Buu in the Hyperbolic Time Chanber.
It's lots of small energy blasts, but, Gotenks doesn't notice Buu is behind him so he gets hit by him.
Crusher Ball
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: Crasher Ball
Color: Red
Type: Energy Ball
First Used by: Jeice
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Crusher Ball - Jeice uses this attack during the Frieza Saga. He charges a medium sized ball of energy in one hand, then hurls it at the opponent.
Cube Fade
Japanese Name: Bunkai Teleportation
Other Names: Break Up Teleport, Instantaneous Movement
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Janemba
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Cube Fade - With this technique, Janemba can instantly go anywhere by turning his own body into many cubes, then which changes the dimension instead of time.
Death Ball
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Red
Type: Energy Ball
First Used by: Frieza
Also Used by: Cooler
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Death Ball - Frieza used this attack to destroy Planet Vegeta and Planet Namek. He charges a large ball
of energy and then throws it at whatever he wants to destroy.
Death Beam
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: Frieza Beam
Color: Red
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Frieza
Also Used by: Cooler
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Death Beam - This is an attack used by Frieza. It's a thin, very strong beam which can pierce through
enemies skin. Unlike the Dodon Ray, this attack does NOT explode on impact.
Destructo Disc
Japanese Name: Kienzan
Other Names: Circle of Ki
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Disc
First Used by: Krillin
Also Used by: Cell, Vegeta, #18, Frieza
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Destructo Disc - This attack is created by forming a disc of energy with one hand. It can be a very strong
attack because it can cut through almost anything.
Dodon Ray
Japanese Name: Dodon-pa
Other Names: N/A
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Mercenary Tao
Also Used by: Tien, Chiaotzu, Master Shen
Appears In: Dragonball
Dodon Ray - One of the best techniques of the Master Shen school. It's an energy beam shot from the
finger. It's powerful, but it cannot be strengthened.
Double Assault
Japanese Name: Gatai Kousen
Other Names: 2on1
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Goku and Piccolo
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Double Assault - During a fight with Garlic JR in Movie #1, Goku and Piccolo execute a double assault to
try and take the big guy down.
Dragon Fist
Japanese Name: Ryu Ken
Other Names: Dragon Punch
Color: Yellow
Type: Melee
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Dragon Fist - This is one of Goku's most powerful attacks. He uses the power of the eternal dragon to try
and take his enemy down!
Dynamite Kick
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Gotenks
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Dynamite Kick - Gotenks only uses this attack once. It looks like a normal kick, except after the kick hits the
enemy, he says "Detonate" - An explosion then follows.
Earth Line Blast
Japanese Name: Daichiretsuzan
Other Names: Great Earth Cutting Row
Color: White
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Frieza
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Earth Line Blast - Freiza uses this attack on Goku during the fight on Planet Namek. It cuts a huge straight line
through Planet Namek, luckily Goku avoids the attack.
Electric Attack
Japanese Name: Dengeki Ha
Other Names: N/A
Color: Transparent Yellow
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Monster Buyon
Also Used by: Cymbal, Neizu
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Electric Attack - This is an attack that Monster Buyon first uses. He shoots electricty from his antennas,
shocking the enemy. Cymbal later uses it, except the electricty shoots from his hands instead.
Energy Absorption
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Blue if Any
Type: Other
First Used by: Android #20
Also Used by: Android #19, Super #17
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Energy Absorption - A couple of Dr. Gero's androids have the ability to absorb energy with their hands.
Android #19 used it to suck away Yamcha's energy, and Dr. Gero used it to absorb a large blast shot by Vegeta.
Energy Barrier
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: Chi/Ki Barrier
Color: Differs
Type: Defense
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: #17, Broly, Gohan
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Energy Barrier - With this technique, the user can create a shield around themselves which can withstand
many attacks as long as the person has enough Ki to supply. An example of when this was used is when Gohan
creates one to protect himself, Piccolo and Krillin from getting sucked into the Dead Zone.
Energy Ring
Japanese Name: Ring Jyou no
Other Names: N/A
Color: Yellow
Type: Other
First Used by: Vegeta
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Energy Ring - When Majin Vegeta and Goku fight, he uses this attack. Since Goku had no where to go, Majin
Vegeta threw five of them, which pinned Goku to a nearby wall.
Energy Sword
Japanese Name: Energy Shyutou
Other Names: N/A
Color: Magenta
Type: Melee
First Used by: Suazza
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Energy Sword - Sauzaa does this attack by creating an energy shaped sword around his hand. He tries to kill
Piccolo with it, but to no avail.
Evil Containment Wave
Japanese Name: Mafuba
Other Names: Demon Incarcerator
Color: Green
Type: Other
First Used by: Master Mutiato
Also Used by: Roshi, Tien, Kami (Shen)
Appears In: Dragonball
Evil Containment Wave - This attack is used by several people to attempt to seal up King Piccolo into
the denshi jar. Since the attack is very powerful, whoever ends up using it usually dies.
Evil Containment Wave Reflection
Japanese Name: Mafuba Gaeshi
Other Names: Demon Incarcerator Reflection
Color: Green
Type: Other
First Used by: Piccolo
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
Evil Containment Wave Reflection - King Piccolo uses this ability to deflect the Evil Containment Wave
away from himself. Fortunately, whoever uses this attack does not die, unlike the Evil Containment Wave.
Eye Lasers
Japanese Name: Ring Jyou no
Other Names: N/A
Color: Differs
Type: Other
First Used by: Vegeta
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Eye Lasers - This attack is first used by Piccolo to silence Gohan, and to destroy some cameras at the World Martial Arts Tournament. Dr. Gero later uses it to destroy an island.
Feet Kamehameha
Japanese Name: Ashi Kara Kame Hame Ha
Other Names: From The Feet Kamehameha
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Feet Kamehameha: This attack was first used by Goku against Piccolo at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai. He fired a Kame Hame Ha from his feet to propel himself at Piccolo and leave his hands free at the same time.
Final Flash
Japanese Name: Final Flash
Other Names: N/A
Color: Yellow
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Vegeta
Also Used by: Vegito?
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Final Flash - One of Vegeta's coolest attacks. He first uses it to try and destroy Perfect Cell. It is charged with the arms spread out, palms facing the opponent. Then the wrists are brought together, like in the Kame Hame Ha, and an almighty blast of Ki is let rip!
Final Kamehameha
Japanese Name: Final Kame Hame Ha
Other Names: N/A
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Vegito
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Final Kamehameha - This is Vegetto's brilliant combination of two of Goku's and Vegeta's best attacks. A very powerful blast which Vegetto uses when he fights Super Majin Buu.
Japanese Name: Bukujutsu
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Chiaotzu
Also Used by: Most Characters
Appears In: Dragonball/Z/GT
Flying - This is the ability to fly using one's Ki. The user simply controls their energy and pushes out from underneath them allowing them to fly.
Japanese Name: Hikou
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Giran
Also Used by: Winged Creatures & Androids
Appears In: Dragonball/Z/GT
Flying - This is the ability to fly using wings. Or in the case of the Androids, without Ki. As the android have no Ki of their own, they are unable to use Bukujujitsu.
Fortune Telling
Japanese Name: Usana
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Baba
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Fortune Telling - This is Baba's ability to see almost anything using her crystal ball. She can even fly on it.
Fusion Dance
Japanese Name: Harahotaku
Other Names: Fusion
Color: Yellow
Type: Other
First Used by: Goten and Trunks
Also Used by: Goku and Vegeta
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Fusion Dance - Created by the Metamaries, which Goku meets in Heaven. The first people to use it in the series were Goten and Trunks, who fused into Gotenks. Goku and Vegeta also used it in Movie #12, and in DBGT, to create Gogeta.
Galactic Donut
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Yellow
Type: Energy Disc
First Used by: Gotenks
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Galactic Donut - This is one of Gotenks' many goofy one time attacks. This one involves forming a ring of energy, that looks like a donut, and using it to trap his opponent. It is meant to be inescapable, but Buu gets out of it no problem.
Galic Gun
Japanese Name: Gyariku Ho
Other Names: Purple Beam
Color: Purple
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Vegeta
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Galic Gun - This is one of Vegeta's Trademark attacks. It is first used in the Saiyan Saga against Goku. The energy is gathered behind the user with the backs of the hands together then the hands are brought forward with the palms outward.
Hana Gaeshi Kameha
Japanese Name: Hana Gaeshi Kameha
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Defense
First Used by: Tien
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
Hana Gaeshi Kameha - This is the ability to block a Kame Hame Ha by putting your hands in front of your chest. Tien uses to counter Yamcha's Kame Hame Ha at the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai.
Hand Crush
Japanese Name: Nigiri Tsubishi
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Metallic
Also Used by: Oozaru/Baby Vegeta
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Hand Crush - This is the ability to crush an opponent between your hands. Obviously only characters with large hands can do this.
Japanese Name: Kaifuku
Other Names: N/A
Color: Differs
Type: Other
First Used by: Dende
Also Used by: Kibito, Buu
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Healing - This is Dende's and Kibito's ability to completely heal anyone who has been injured. The do this by placing their hands over the injured person and in a few seconds they are healed. This comes in very handy during the Freeza, Cell and Buu Sagas.
Hell's Flash
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Android #16
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Hell's Flash - Underneath Android #16's hands are very powerful laser cannons. Once his hands are removed Android #16 uses these laser cannons to unleash the awesome Hell's Flash attack.
Hyper Tornado
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Grey
Type: Other
First Used by: Pikkon
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Hyper Tornado - With this attack Pikkon creates a tornado around himself, and then brings it down on his opponent. The tornado then throws the opponent around and round, as the strong winds cut them over and over.
Japanese Name: Yoini Min Min Ken
Other Names: All Good Children Go To Bed Technique
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Jackie Chun
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
Hypnosis - A technique where the user puts their opponent to sleep. The opponent will not wake until the user gives the signal. That is until Jackie Chun uses it on Goku, and Bulma manages to wake him by shouting "Dinner time!"
Ice Blast
Japanese Name: Touketsuken
Other Names: N/A
Color: White
Type: Energy Blast
First Used by: Ebifurya
Also Used by: Syn Shenron
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Ice Blast - A technique used by Ebifurya in DBZ Movie #2. With this he has the ability to freeze anything with a quick blast from his hand. This is also used by San Shenron, who shoots the blast from his eyes instead.
Imprisionment Ball
Japanese Name: Hokaku Kon Dan
Other Names: N/A
Color: Yellow
Type: Other
First Used by: Frieza
Also Used by: Syn Shenron
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Imprisionment Ball - A great technique devised by Freeza. First this technique locks the opponent in an paralizing ball of light. This ball explodes upon contant with the ground. Unfortunatly for Freeza, it did not work on Goku, as he was able to escape the ball, the instant it exploded.
Instant Transmision
Japanese Name: Shunkan Idou
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: Meta Cooler
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Instant Transmision - One of the series' most useful techniques. This allows the user to dematerialize and move as a mass of light. The only downside to the technique is that the user requires a Ki target to "lock onto". Son Goku learned this technique from the Yardratto-Jin after he escaped from the exploding Planet Namek.
Instant Transmision Kamehameha
Japanese Name: Shunkan Idou Kamehameha
Other Names: N/A
Color: None/Blue
Type: Other/Energy Beam
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Instant Transmision Kamehameha - This is a brilliant attack combination by Goku, which can fool even the smartest enemies. He charges the Kamehameha as normal in front of his opponent, then at the last second he uses Instant Transmision to get close to the opponent and let the blast rip.
Instantaneous Movement
Japanese Name: Kai Kai
Other Names: Teleportation
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Kibito
Also Used by: Kibito Kai
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Instantaneous Movement - This is Kibito's ability to get any where in the universe instantly. He uses it to transport Kaioshin, Gohan and himself to Kaioshin Kai. But unlike Goku's Shunkan Idou, Kai Kai does not require the user to lock onto a Ki target. They can go anywhere regardless of if there is a Ki target there.
Japanese Name: Irome
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Bulma
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
Irome - Bulma uses this "attack" on General Blue when he has Krillin beaten. She wiggles her ass at Blue but Blue isn't interested in the slightest.
Janemba Portal
Japanese Name: Ikoukan o Hatsusei
Other Names: N/A
Color: Grey/Yellow
Type: Defense
First Used by: Janemba
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Janemba Portal - During the fight with Goku, Janemba uses the defencive technique to absorb one of Goku's Ki Blasts into a small portal that he creates.
Japanese Name: Kaioken
Other Names: Fist of the Worlds
Color: Red
Type: Power Up
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Kaioken - This was taught to Goku in the afterlife by Kaio-Sama. It is a power up technique that allows the user to amplify their Ki by how ever much they desire. Goku should not have been able to go past two times Kaioken, but after training under 100x Earth's gravity he could increase it to 20x. The number denotes by how much the user's power level is times (except for regular Kaioken which is 1.5x). E.G: Pl = 5,000 + Kaiokenx10 = 50,000.
Japanese Name: Kakusan Kikou Ha
Other Names: N/A
Color: Orange
Type: Energy Beams
First Used by: Krillin
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Kakusandan - The ability to fire two blasts, then merge them together and split them so you have multiple Ki bolts raining down on your opponents. Kuririn uses this attack to destroy all but one of Nappa's remaining Saibamen.
Kakusan Yuudou Kikou Ha
Japanese Name: Kakusan Yuudou Kikou Ha
Other Names: N/A
Color: Blue
Type: Projectiles
First Used by: Piccolo
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Kakusan Yuudou Kikou Ha - This involves the attacker firing many Kikou Ha's at their opponent which are made easy to avoid on purpose. The attacker makes these Kikou Ha's then wait behind the opponent, making sure the opponent is surrounded. With their opponent trapped the attacker makes the Kikou Ha's converge on their opponent causing mass damage.
Other Names: Turtle Destruction Wave
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Master Roshi
Also Used by: Goku, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan, Goten, Pan, Cell, Cell Jr., Grandpa Gohan, Jackie Chun, and Majin Buu
Appears In: Dragonball/Z/GT
Kamehameha - The signature attack of Dragonball. We first see it performed by Kame-Sennin to put out the fire on Mt. Paozu, unfortunately Kame-Sennin puts too much power in and blows the mountain away! The attack is charged with cupped hands behind the back, then brought to the front with the arms outstretched, and fired.
Kamehameha Warfare
Japanese Name: Kamehameha Gaeshi
Other Names: Turtle Destruction Wave Warfare
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beams
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball/Z/GT
Kamehameha Warfare - The ability to block one Kamehameha with another. This is simply firing your Kamehameha at an oncoming one. Goku uses this against Jackie Chun at the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai.
Japanese Name: Kamekameha
Other Names: Turtle Turtle Wave
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Goten
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Kamekameha - This is Goten's Kamehameha. It is identical to the regular one, he just mispronounced it.
Katana Slice
Japanese Name: Ira Zari
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Yajirobe
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Katana Slice - This is a quick slice with a katana blade, as the name of attack implies. Yajirobe uses this to slice Cymbal in half, and later uses it to cut off Vegeta's tail.
Ki Sword
Japanese Name: Ki no Tsurugi
Other Names: Flash Sword, Sword of Ki
Color: Yellow
Type: Energy Sword
First Used by: Vegito
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Ki Sword - In this very cool attack, Vegetto makes a sword of Ki and uses it to impale Buu. Players of Final Bout may be familiar with this attack.
Japanese Name: Kiai
Other Names: N/A
Color: None
Type: Other
First Used by: Tien
Also Used by: Goku, Uub
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Kiai - This is an attack where the user shoots a blast a Ki at their opponent by screaming. Goku pushes Jeise and Burter around with this, and Uub uses it on Goku when they fight at the end of DBZ.
Japanese Name: Kikouha
Other Names: N/A
Color: Differs
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: Anyone who can Control Ki
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Kikouha - This is just a simple energy blast. They are very often weak, and are mainly used to deflect larger beams or to distract. But can be effective against lesser opponents.
Kuukanteni Punch
Japanese Name: Kuukanteni Punch
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Janemba
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Kuukanteni Punch - One of Janemba's unique moves. With this attack he creates a hole in time and space that has an entrance and an exit. He then punches into this hole and his fist comes out of the exit, allowing to attack enemies from afar.
Japanese Name: Kyodaika
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Piccolo
Also Used by: Lord Slug
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Kyodaika - This is Piccolo's and Lord Slug's ability to greatly increase their size and strength. It is like a Namek's form of the Saiya-Jin Oozaru. Piccolo uses this against Goku at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. But Goku cunningly exploits Piccolo's new size, to go inside him and rescue Kami-Sama.
Light Eating
Japanese Name: Kou Shiyoku
Other Names: Energy Eating
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Yakon
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Light Eating - With this technique the user can eat Light Energy (Ki) much like eating food. This technique ultimately proves to be Yakon's undoing, as Goku's SSJ aura provides Yakon with more energy than he can handle and he explodes.
Japanese Name: Ekishyou Ka
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Majin Buu
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Liquefy - This is a very unique technique that Super Buu uses. First he liquefied his body and then shoots down his opponent's throat. Once inside their body Buu expands until his opponent explodes.
Japanese Name: Masenko
Other Names: Devil Blast
Color: White
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Gohan
Also Used by: Trunks, Piccolo
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Masenko - Gohan's trademark energy blast. It is charged with one hand behind the other above the head, then the hands are brought in front of the chest to fire the attack.
Mind Control
Japanese Name: Ayatsuri no Majyutsu
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Bibidi
Also Used by: Babidi
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Mind Control - This is Babidi's ability to enslave anyone with evil in their heart. He uses this on many people, including Vegeta. When enslaved the person has the Majin symbol on their body.
Mini Goku
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Pink
Type: Other
First Used by: Janemba
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Mini Goku - When Goku charges up a Kamehameha during his fight with Janemba in Movie #12, Janemba comes up with a unique way of countering it. He creates a Mini Goku to fire it's own Kamehameha back at the regular Goku.
Mini Janemba
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Janemba
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Mini Janemba - Another move unique to Janemba. During his fight with Goku, he creates a whole army of Mini Janembas. These all attack Goku at once, but the don't get very far against the Saiya-Jin.
Mirai o Yochi Tsuru Mabaroshi no Ken
Japanese Name: Mirai o Yochi Tsuru Mabaroshi no Ken
Other Names: N/A
Color: Blue/White
Type: Other
First Used by: Tooro
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Mirai o Yochi Tsuru Mabaroshi no Ken - A strike to the back of the head that allows the victim to see into the future. The last Kanassa-Jin, Tooro, used this on Bardock so he could have the pain of seeing his own dimise like the Kanassa-Jins had to.
Mouth Blast
Japanese Name: Kochi Kara Kikou Ha
Color: Differs
First Used by: Goku as Oozaru
Also Used by: King Piccolo, Tambourine, Piccolo, Any other Oozaru, Dodoria, Fat Buu, Gotenks, Janemba, Baby Vegeta
Appears In: Dragonball/Z/GT
Mouth Blast - This is the ability to shoot a Ki blast from your mouth. It can be a very surprising attack, and one which is usually very powerful.
Mouth Fire Blast
Japanese Name: Kuchi Kara no Kaen
Other Names: N/A
Color: Flame
Type: Beam
First Used by: Hildegarn
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Mouth Fire Blast - This is a blast of fire shot from the mouth. It is used in Movie #13 by Hildegarn on Vegeta, after he gets knocked into an office block.
Multi Form
Japanese Name: Shi Shin no Ken
Other Names: 12 Eyes
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Tien
Also Used by: Krillin, Piccolo, and Cell
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Multi Form - This is a technique where the user splits into four separate entities. Hence 12 Eyes, as Tien has 3 eyes. The four entities can fight on their own and can be attacked separately. But the downside is that the user's PL is divided into four, with each copy receiving 1/4 of the original's power level.
Mystic Attack
Japanese Name: Nobiru Ude
Other Names: Arm Stretch
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Piccolo
Also Used by: Lord Slug
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Mystic Attack - This is a unique Namekian ability. With this a Namek can stretch out their arms and legs, and use them to attack opponents which are usually far away. Very good as a surprise attack.
Namekian Fusion
Japanese Name: Yuugou
Other Names: Fusion
Color: Blue
Type: Other
First Used by: Nail & Piccolo
Also Used by: Kami & Piccolo
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Namekian Fusion - This is Namekian Fusion. In this type of fusion, the two Namekians are perminatly joined together, but only the characteristics of one are kept, plus a massive increase in power. Whoever does the fusion will be absorbed into the other Namekian.
Ninja Skim
Japanese Name: Amenbono Jyutsu
Other Names: Water Walk
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Ninja Murasaki
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
Ninja Skim - This is one of Purple's unique Ninja abilities. He uses specially designed shoes which enable him to walk right across water. He uses this to escape Goku. But it doesn't work, as Goku just jumps over the huge lake!
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Magic
First Used by: Babidi
Also Used by: Possibly Babidi
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Papparaper - It's the magic spell that Babidi uses to transport people from a place to another he chooses. He can use this magic not only on people in his spaceship! In fact we see him saying "Papparapar" to transport Goku and Majin Vegeta from Budokai's site to a place with no people as Goku asked!
Parent & Child Kamehameha
Japanese Name: Oyako Kamehameha
Other Names: N/A
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Gohan and Goku
Also Used by: Goku, Gohan, and Goten
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Parent & Child Kamehameha - This is where a some one who is dead assists someone alive with a Kame Hame Ha. Goku helps out Gohan against Cell, and he also helps out Gohan and Goten against Brolly in DBZ Movie #10
Japanese Name: Yubitsuki
Other Names: Jabb
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Mercenary Tao
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
Poke - An attack where Mercenary Tao pokes someone much weaker than him in the head, and his finger drills into their forehead, killing them instantly. He does this to a tailor after his fight with Goku, when the Tailor asks to be paid and then turns down Tao's offer of a free assasination.
Power Ball
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: White
Type: Other
First Used by: Bardock
Also Used by: Vegeta, Turles
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Power Ball - This is the ability to create a fake moon by compressing the atmosphere with a ball of energy. Once the fake moon has been made a Saiyan can use this to turn Oozaru, just as Vegeta did against Goku. in the dub they say Bardock is the one who invented this attack, but as far as I know, that's wrong.
Power Lend
Japanese Name: Ki no Jyouto
Other Names: N/A
Color: Green
Type: Other
First Used by: Piccolo
Also Used by: Most People
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Power Lend - This technique is used to lend power to someone to make them temporarily stronger. It is used in Movie #8 when the Z Warriors lend their power to Goku, so he can defeat Broly.
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Blue/None
First Used by: General Blue
Also Used by: Frieza, Goku, Piccolo, Chiaotzu, Ginyu, Guldo, Cell, Buu
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Psychokenesis - This technique involves controlling and manipulating people or objects with the mind.
Renzoku Energy Dan
Japanese Name: Renzoku Energy Dan
Other Names: N/A
Color: Yellow
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Vegeta
Also Used by: Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Buu
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Renzoku Energy Dan - A machine gun KI attack, used by pretty much anyone who knows how to form balls or beams of energy. It is fairly powerful, especially if the defender is caught off guard, as many beams can be fired home, and the ones that hit have more power than the last. It is good as a distraction tactic too, firing a few of them before charging up a really big attack to finish it off. The disadvantage is that this attack can take its toll on the attacker, due to the large energy drain.
Recoome Boom
Japanese Name: Ireiza Gan
Other Names: Eraser Cannon/Gun
Color: Red
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Recoome
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Recoome Boom - This is basically a mouth beam, but Recoome shows off with it. First he does some Sailor Moon mikey-take poses ^_^, then he lets rip with this massive mouth beam! He uses this attack to finish Vegeta, but Kuririn steps in and knees him in the head, thus shutting his mouth and blowing his teeth out!
Japanese Name: Sai Sei
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Regeneration
First Used by: Piccolo
Also Used by: Any Namek, Buu, Cell
Appears In: Dragonball/Z/GT
Regeneration - This enables the user to regenerate any part of their body. Cell can use it if there is just one cell of his body alive and all Majin Buu needs is a single dust particle.
Japanese Name: Jan Ken
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
Rock Scissors Paper Attack - This is Goku's special attack in early Dragonball, but is soon replaced by the Kamehameha. The user shouts "Jan Ken", then a name corresponding to the attack. "Jan Ken Gu", equals rock and will be a strong punch. "Jan Ken Chyoki", equals scissors and will be a poke in the eyes. "Jan Ken Pa", equals paper and will be an open palm strike.
Rocket Punch
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Android #16
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Rocket Punch - An attack used by Android 16 against Cell. He aims his fist at his victim, then his hand rockets off his arm.
S.S. Deadly Bomb
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Red
Type: Energy Ball
First Used by: Super Android #13
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
S.S. Deadly Bomb - This is Super Android #13's ultimate attack. It is a largish, red energy ball, which has more than enough power to destroy the Earth.
Satan Miracle Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch
Japanese Name: Satan Ka Rei Naru Hitsu Satsu Waza
Other Names: A Punch
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Hercule Satan
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Satan Miracle Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch - This is my favourite attack in all of Dragonball! Mr. Satan uses it when Android 18 asks him to do his most powerful attack. He yells "Satan Miracle Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch" and punches her. She asks if that was it and he says yes, so she throws herself out of the ring. When asks by reporters a few minutes later the name of the attack, Mr. Satan can't even remember!!!
Self Destruction
Japanese Name: Jibaku
Other Names: N/A
Color: Differs
Type: Other
First Used by: Saibamen
Also Used by: Chiaotzu, Cell. Androids #8 and #16-20 Can but Never Do.
Self Destruction - This is a powerful self desdruction technique. A Saibaman first uses it to kill Yamcha. Chouzu later uses it with no effect on Nappa, and Cell tries to destroy the Earth with it. However Android #16, #17 and #18's techniques are slightly different, as it is caused by an internal bomb, and not Ki.
Self Repair
Japanese Name: Jidashyuu Fuku Noriyoku
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Regeneration
First Used by: Meta Cooler
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Self Repair - This is Metal Cooler's ability to repair any damage done to his body, by using a metal deposit inside his body.
Japanese Name: Shitatsuki
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Mercenary Tao
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball
Shitatsuki - This is one of the coolest attacks in Dragonball, in my opinion. With this move Tao Pie Pie kills General Blue in one "blow". I say "blow" because he uses his tongue to pierce Blue's skull, killing him instantly!
Japanese Name: Bakurikimaha
Other Names: Bakuhatsuha
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Nappa
Also Used by: Vegeta, Frieza
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Shockwave - The first move that Nappa uses on Earth is this technique. With it he decimates an entire city. The technique is performed by raising two fingers and an expolsion is created which covers a wide area.
Slice Attack
Japanese Name: Hitsu Satsu Ken
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Trunks
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Slice Attack - This attack is when you slice someone in half with a sword. Trunks used this attack on Freeza when he came to Earth and was met with the teenage Super Saiya-Jin.
Solar Flare
Japanese Name: Tayoken
Other Names: Solar Fist
Color: A Bliding White
Type: Other
First Used by: Tien
Also Used by: Goku, Krillin, Cell
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Solar Flare - This attack is one of the most useful in the series. The user puts the hands up to the face and shouts "TAYOKEN" or "SOLAR FLARE", this causes the sun's rays to be amplified and reflected into the opponent's eyes, thus blinding them. This has been used many times with success. E.G: Tenshinhan against Goku, Goku against Tenshinhan, Goku against Vegeta, Kuririn against Freeza and Cell against Piccolo.
Special Beam Cannon
Japanese Name: Makenkosappo
Other Names: Screw Beam of the Devil
Color: Yellow
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Piccolo
Also Used by: Super Buu, Cell
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Special Beam Cannon - This is an incredibly powerful beam that Piccolo first uses against Radditz and Goku. It is a straight Ki beam with another coiled around it. It is charged by putting two fingers against the forehead the fired by extending the arm and firing form the fingers. At first it takes Piccolo a few minutes, but eventually he can do it much quicker. It is Piccolo's trademark attack.
Special Human Genocide Attack
Japanese Name: Jin Rui Zetsu Mestu Kougeki
Other Names: Human Extinction Attack
Color: Pink
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Super Buu
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Special Human Genocide Attack - This attack is the most devastating in all Dragonball. It is Super Buu's ability to kill every human on earth. First he locks onto every human's Ki, then he releases a barrage of Ki bolts into the sky, these then rain down on every person on the planet, killing them all. The only survivors are those strong enough to defend the Ki blasts: Tenshinhan, Chouzu, Mr. Satan and the people on Kami's Lookout.
Spirit Ball
Japanese Name: Sokidan
Other Names: Power Shot Blast
Color: White
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Yamcha
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Spirit Ball - This attack was first used by Yamcha against Shen at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai. It resembles Goku's Spirit Bomb, but does not feed of the life of the planet. Yamcha gathers the energy for the attack in a ball, in one hand, and grips his wrist with the other. The attack is then hurled like a ball at the opponent, and can be made to home in on the opponent.
Spirit Bomb
Japanese Name: Genki Dama
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: Krillin & Gohan, but only after Goku had made it and handed it to them.
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Spirit Bomb - This attack was taught to Son Goku by Kaio-Sama, during his time in the afterlife. It allows the user to borrow energy from all the things around him. The energy is gathered by the user raising their arms upwards, this however does leave them open to attack as the strength of the attack is proportional to the time it takes to charge.
Stone Spit
Japanese Name: Sekikatsuba
Other Names: N/A
Color: Grey
Type: Other
First Used by: Dabura
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Stone Spit - This is Dabura's unique ability to turn anything to stone just by spitting on it. He uses this to turn bo Kuririn and Piccolo to stone. However, the process is reversed if Dabura dies.
Japanese Name: Iroke Kougeki
Other Names: Sexiness Attack
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Ran Fan
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Stripping - In this "attack" the user removes their clothing and then uses this to put off their oppenent. Ran Fan uses this on Namu, but he gets around it by closing his eyes and beating her.
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: White
Type: Other
First Used by: Gotenks
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack - One of Gotenks' unique abilites. This attack creates little ghost like clones of the user. These ghost clones have a mind of heir own, but will listen to their creator. The ghosts will explode on contact with anything.
Super Kaioken
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Red
Type: Power Up
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Super Kaioken - This is the ability to use the Kaioken attack whilst a Super Saiya-Jin. Goku uses this against Pikkon in the Otherworld Tournament as a surprise attack.
Thunder Flash
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: Flames
Type: Other
First Used by: Pikkon
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Thunder Flash - Pikkon's ultimate attack. This attack shoots a massive column of fire out from the user's fists. Pikkon uses this three time on Goku in the Annoyoichi Budokai, but on the third time Goku counters with an Instant Kame Hame Ha.
Time Freeze
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: Time Stop
Color: N/A
Type: Other
First Used by: Guldo
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Time Freeze - This attack is one of the most useful in all of Dragonball. By holding their breath the user can momentarily stop time. This lasts as long as the user can hold their breath. When time is stopped opponents can be attacked mercilessly, however Guldo does not possess enough power to freeze time and use Ki attacks at the same time.
Tri Beam Cannon
Japanese Name: Kikoho
Other Names: The Tri Beam
Color: Yellow
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Tien
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Tri Beam Cannon - This is Tenshinhan's most powerful attack. It is performed by placing the hands in a triangle shape and shooting out the blast from this. The attack is so powerful that it will drain the user's life force to use it. In the battle with Nappa, Tenshinhan uses this until he dies from exhaustion.
Japanese Name: Henshin Nouryoku
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Power-up
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: Many Characters
Appears In: Dragonball/Z/GT
Transform - This is the ability to transform into a diferent form in order to conserve energy. When transformed the user has a much higher power level than before.
Ultimate Final Skill
Japanese Name: Saishyuu Saigo no Waza
Other Names: Self Destruction
Color: Yellow
Type: Other
First Used by: Vegeta
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Ultimate Final Skill - This is Vegeta's ultimate attack. He uses all of the Ki in his body and feeds it into this massive explosion. The downside is that Vegeta uses ALL his energy, which ultimately kills him. All that is left of his body at the end is stone.
Ultimate Kamehameha
Japanese Name: Chou Kamehameha
Other Names: Super Kamehameha
Color: Blue
Type: Energy Beam
First Used by: Goku
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Ultimate Kamehameha - Basically the same as the regular Kamehameha but it is much more powerful and uses a lot more energy. It was used by Goku against Piccolo in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai.
Ultra Assualt Buu Buu Volley Ball
Japanese Name: Geki Totsu Arutora Buu Buu Bareboru
Other Names: N/A
Color: Yellow
Type: Projectile
First Used by: Gotenks
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Ultra Assualt Buu Buu Volley Ball - Yep, that's right, it's another of Gotenks' crazy attacks! This one is one of my favorites. He encloses Buu inside a ball and then plays Volleyball with it! Even Piccolo joins in!
Ultra Missile Punch
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Gotenks
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Ultra Missile Punch - This is another one of Gotenks' goofy one time attacks. Just like Mr. Satan's famous attack it is, in reality, a punch with a stupid name! ^_^
Wild Boar Attack
Japanese Name: N/A
Other Names: N/A
Color: N/A
Type: Melee
First Used by: Gotenks
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z
Wild Boar Attack - This is yet ANOTHER one of Gotenks' goofy one time attacks. As the name implies he charges around like a wild boar and headbuts his victim in the stomach.
Wolf Fang Fist
Japanese Name: Roga Fuu Fuu Ken
Other Names: Fist of the Wolf Fang Gale
Color: Red if Any
Type: Melee
First Used by: Yamcha
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball/Z
Wolf Fang Fist - This is Yamcha's signature attack in Dragonball. He charges at his opponent and unleashes a fury of kick and punches, which proves extremely effective against weaker opponents.
Japanese Name: Yokaieki
Other Names: Acid Burn
Color: White
Type: Other
First Used by: The Saibamen
Also Used by: N/A
Appears In: Dragonball Z/GT
Yokaieki - This attack is a powerful acid blast released from the head of a Saibaman. Gohan would have been killed by this attack if it wasn't for Piccolo pulling him out of the way.
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
I still havent forgot about my picture i'm suppose to put up. It just a little hard trying to get some money. My mother wont loan it to me and i dont work so. I will have it up soon hopefully.
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Monday, March 14, 2005
The Fight...
I asked myself
is this what i seek
the power of hell
in my hands at its peak
I had two options
but could only choose one
would i work for hell
or god and his son
Satan gave me a stare
and said one word
Thats all i heard
From the coal i was standing
i made my choice
to disregard both
and work for the voice
to raise the pain
that had no choice
I would calm the nerves
or hell itself
i would bring heaven to it kness
mos def would you hear the roar
of god himself to strike a blow
at me and my seth
but little had he know
he struck the devil himself
and cause the power of hell
to raise in my health
and then it begun
the struggle has started
heaven and hell
shall not be departed...
To be continued...

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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Raise Hell...
There is only one
who will survive
the end of the world,hell,and time
and who ever does
has a choice to make
do they stay in hell
or forget their hate
This is poem
brought down from time
i've made my desicion
i made up my mind
I will go on to live among you despite the fact
my heart is black
but that is that
their nothing i can do
the only way to have peace right now
is to do the thing i can think to have done
this might not be easy
it may be a little hard
but i must give in
and forget my god
he will not forget me
and who i really am
but for the time being
i must give the devil my hand
My days are over
i think i have failed so the only thing i can do
is go and Raise Hell!!!
To Be Continued...

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Friday, March 11, 2005
Hope you guys like the music i put up.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
New Look...
I changed the look of my site just a little. Nothing major.

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The Day of Reckning
I went and got my pictures developed today. So now all i have to do is get the CD for it. I don't know how long it will take me to get it but i promise you it won't be as long as it took to get the pictures.

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Sunday, March 6, 2005
Hello All...
I said i was going to have my pic up this week but do to certain situations i wont have it until about tuesday. Please be patient with me, i have alot of stuff to do and plus i went on a trip and that set me back. But I just wanted to show you guys this little profile thing from the tekken website. Enjoy.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Demon Slayer Dante...
First of all, all of you are going to love me for these pictures. Now, I'm going to go ahead and tell you right off the back the i don't know who the hell the girl is, but i will know tomorrow so i will post it then. I like the way they put here eyes though. The guy in the blue you can probaly tell is dante's brother. While dante continued his fathers legacy, his brother did not. Now sadly the only time you will probaly be able to devil trigger is twoards the end of the game (hint the name dante's awakening). This is not a sequal Devil May Cry 2, but it's a prequal. That is why dante looks like a 16 year old. In this game the cinematic and gameplay graphics will make you cry with joy. It looks kinda like soul calibur 2. In the beginning of the game you choose do you want to be a gun slinger or some other stuff i can't remember. I havent did that much research but i will today and so i will have more about it tommorow. In the meantime enjoy the pictures.

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Monday, February 28, 2005
I should have my picture up on my site sometime this week if i can ever get the fucking money to get the film developed. Its kinda annoying not having money. Anyway, when i post my picture i will post some other pictures of things like my dog, my room, my games, and some other little things. Now when i post my picture, i expect some good, healthy comments. If any of you, not saying you would, give me a bad comment, i will ritaliate greatly. I don't know how but i will find a way. Now here is picture of Shujinku off of Mortal Kombat Deception. If you go to their website, you can find a wallpaper for all the characters with the same background, but different colors. Enjoy.

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