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Friday, February 25, 2005
Here is another picture of possibly my next favorite anime besides dragonball gt, Hellsing.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Devil May Cry 2
And now for your viewing pleasures, i have a picture from the first book of devil may cry: Evil Women. And i also have a picture of the second book: Super Beast. Now i don't know what beast they are talking about but i do know that this will be the first boss fight in the book series. Look at the picture and see if you know who they are talking about.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
My Poem: Transformation
I stood up straight
blood rushing up my veins
the force of pure evil
would not let me be tamed
The race of fast dreams
lay hidden in my mind
until my eyes turned red
with the power i have inside
my nails grew long
my hair grew longer
i can't believe
i'm living my own horror
my fangs grew out
driving me into insanity
and i became a man
of dark power and fatality
abyss grew in my heart
my mind
my soul
and with every breath
my body grew cold
i took out my dark gun
and aimed it to my hand
shot a single shot
my hand began to mend
i looked at you
put my gun up to my fang
i aimed at your head
remember my name, bang

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Monday, February 21, 2005
Happy Day of Birth Night

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Devil May Cry
I'm sure all of you are familiar with the game devil may cry. But what most of you don't know is that the game has spawned a book by mick lee. You can look it up on the internet if you want. He wrote about 10 books on the series and some describing the whole concept of devil may cry. Now, the picture that you see at the bottom is a picture of the book cover of book number one: evil women. Now if you have played the game and got through the hard level, you can see that the evil women he is refering to is Trish, which is also the women that you see in the background. Most of you might think that it was lucia, but she was just in the game. She wasent in any of the books (at least not yet). Now trish in the game is the most powerful person you can unlock in the game. She also has two handguns name Lucie and Hombre. Along with her handguns, she has the sparda sword, which is of course dante's fathers sword. I like the sword because it turns into an ax underwater. Anyway, the reason i mentioned this was because i found an alternate book cover, which i am really proud of myself for finding. It took a long time because i kept finding alternate book covers of other devil may cry books. Now both books are at the bottom, and please, comment on this. This is a real accomplishment for me. Oh yeah, Trish is on the front of the alternate book cover. If you guys want me to, i can post some pictures from the book and you can see how the art work looks. I think they used paint instead of pencils.
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
Vampire Alucard

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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Dragonball z movie
Sad news everyone, I cant find the right html code to put up video and movie clips. So it looks like there wont be a dragonball z movie. This sucks. Hey, if i get a camera i might post some pictures of me. Maybe that will make it up.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Agent X
I just saw the second episode of DragonBall GT "Lost Episodes". This paticular episode was a little boring but the whole saga has a interesting storyline. The lost episodes is nothing more than a alternate storyline for gt. It has the same amount of action, But it's shorter and I don't think goku goes level 4. I know this picture has nothing to do with Dragonball gt but it's still a nice picture.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Here is a picture for Night (Rayea Kagome Chan). She is sick and ill.

I found this picture of Vegeta and goku. Its a render image someone made so that mean it's not real but it still looks good.

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I am seriously running out of ideas to post. My life is boring as the continuing day. For that reason i'll post the poem in which i quoted for my avatar:
When all is asleep
the demon will be said
to walk the proud
chin up and well fed
We shall not move
we shall not tell
for if we do
our place is in hell
If Lord Facktos can save us
then we have a choice
for within Facktos hands
is our weak and fatal voice
In the name of god
Impure souls of the living dead
shall be banished into enternal

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