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Savage Vampire
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Jarmon Fonville (french)
Reached a level of purness in the dark
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Dragonball series, hellsing, inuyasha, Tekken, Cowboy bebob, Zatch Bell, Vampie hunter d, Akira
To become immortal in heart
again, drawing
Sunday, November 14, 2004
FullMetal Alchemist
If you havent seen FullMetal Alchemist, i suggest you see it. Its all about the art of alchemy, which is actually real. I looked it up and its some type of art where they use time and equality to do something. I havent fully researched it but when i do, I'll tell you guys all about it. In the mean time, check out edwards arm(cool in so many ways).

People that like final fantasy has alot of time to spare. The games a long and hard and i dont how they take the time to play them. Its like 11 or 12 of them and some that dont even have numbers. Any way, heres a picture...

I looked for this particular picture and i found it. This is a picture that shows all the hero's from dragonball z. I am still looking for a picture that shows all the hero's from dragonball gt, but they keep missing people like uub, buu, and giru.

O.k. I found a picture of the hero's of dragonball gt, but it still dosent have buu. I guess they dont consider him to be a hero. I wish it wasent so blury.

This seems to always happen, but you never get interested into a anime till you actually sit down and watch it. This is the case for yu yu hakusho. I just started watching a month ago, and now, i watch it as much as dragonball gt(which is always). Here's a picture that i found which looks really cool.

Alrigt, time for a little mortal kombat. I just recently bought the movie on dvd, and i have sub zero mythologies. I'm like completly crazy bout mortal kombat. I found the best picture i could and here it is.....

ok, I found out what alchemy is. its a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times. They belived that using alchemy would eventually uncover the philosiphers stone, which could turn metal into gold. The only people who practiced alchemy was scientist and wizards. So the transmutation circle that was drawn on the anime FullMetal Alchemist was suppose to be like the charts the scientist used. Heres another great picture.

Here are the real comic book teen titans. This is what the cartoon is based off of.

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