IluvTrevor (12/11/05)
Hi ej!! i LUV ur site!!!!!! O that person below me is one of my best friend from school!!! i really hope we can b really good friends!!!!!!!!! \(*^0^*)/
xXBabyBunnyXx (11/24/05)
Hey!! Nice Site!! I noticed that flipGuRl signed your GB so I'm like signing your GB too!! Well I'm going to add you as a friend!!
-its ♥ S-T-E-P-H-AN-I-E ♥
flipGuRl (11/12/05)
HOY! nice site.......cum bai mine
TheWolfDemonMizu (11/05/05)
Eh, it's fine. Your cousin told you they drew it? Who's your cousin? Maybe it was the artist? I'm pretty familar with her work. So sorry if you thought I was mad, I just get really mad when I find stolen art. I'm not mad at you now, I'm mad at your cousin if they didn't really draw it.
Well, I really like your site, and I hope you keep up the great work, and if you need any help with anything, I'll be glad to help you!!!!!! Pm, for the help, because I usually don't give out my e-mail.
WitchHunterfan (11/04/05)
Hey there ^_^
Your site is awsome ^_^ I like your back ground... I saw your fan art and you can draw really good ^_^ I hope you keep up the good work on your drawing... And it's nice to met you ^_^
Please come by my site and please sign my gb... I'll add you as a friend if thats ok with you... And you may PM me any time you want ^_^
Well, I'll see you later ^_^
Sweet Momiji (11/04/05)
Hey! Whats up?
I saw youre picture and it cool, hope you will draw more. Cool site as well. Am adding you as a friend, hope you wont mind,well bye.
Bye take care.
-Momiji @.&
ajikan (11/03/05)
Ello! You've got great site so far^^
I love your bg! To put in more special effects on your site google "cool html codes" You'll find a lot of stuff and may end up playing around with your site for hours. Well, anyway, welcome to myO and hope you enjoy your stay!^^
P.S. AZN UNITE!^^ (i hope that wasn't very discriminating>_>)
EvilMonkey (09/30/05)
hm..nice site you got here...pretty cool...
peace and love to anime..
shiori hana (09/16/05)
YaY... i'm the first to sign ur GB...
if u ever wan some tips pls feel
free to PMS me and i'll help you...
i'll try my best...
great site... hope u keep it up... *put some posts up and a BGpic*
drop by mine sometime and sign my GB too...
~Ja Ne~
shiori hana... over and out...