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myOtaku.com: dbzaznboi

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

IluvTrevor (12/11/05)

Hi ej!! i LUV ur site!!!!!! O that person below me is one of my best friend from school!!! i really hope we can b really good friends!!!!!!!!! \(*^0^*)/

xXBabyBunnyXx (11/24/05)

Hey!! Nice Site!! I noticed that flipGuRl signed your GB so I'm like signing your GB too!! Well I'm going to add you as a friend!!

-its ♥ S-T-E-P-H-AN-I-E ♥

flipGuRl (11/12/05)

HOY! nice site.......cum bai mine

TheWolfDemonMizu (11/05/05)

Eh, it's fine. Your cousin told you they drew it? Who's your cousin? Maybe it was the artist? I'm pretty familar with her work. So sorry if you thought I was mad, I just get really mad when I find stolen art. I'm not mad at you now, I'm mad at your cousin if they didn't really draw it.

Well, I really like your site, and I hope you keep up the great work, and if you need any help with anything, I'll be glad to help you!!!!!! Pm, for the help, because I usually don't give out my e-mail.


WitchHunterfan (11/04/05)

Hey there ^_^
Your site is awsome ^_^ I like your back ground... I saw your fan art and you can draw really good ^_^ I hope you keep up the good work on your drawing... And it's nice to met you ^_^
Please come by my site and please sign my gb... I'll add you as a friend if thats ok with you... And you may PM me any time you want ^_^
Well, I'll see you later ^_^

Sweet Momiji (11/04/05)

Hey! Whats up?
I saw youre picture and it cool, hope you will draw more. Cool site as well. Am adding you as a friend, hope you wont mind,well bye.
Bye take care.
-Momiji @.&

ajikan (11/03/05)

Ello! You've got great site so far^^
I love your bg! To put in more special effects on your site google "cool html codes" You'll find a lot of stuff and may end up playing around with your site for hours. Well, anyway, welcome to myO and hope you enjoy your stay!^^


P.S. AZN UNITE!^^ (i hope that wasn't very discriminating>_>)

EvilMonkey (09/30/05)

hm..nice site you got here...pretty cool...

peace and love to anime..

shiori hana (09/16/05)

YaY... i'm the first to sign ur GB...
if u ever wan some tips pls feel
free to PMS me and i'll help you...
i'll try my best...
great site... hope u keep it up... *put some posts up and a BGpic*
drop by mine sometime and sign my GB too...
~Ja Ne~
shiori hana... over and out...