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Sunday, November 28, 2004

Ogg see deer. Ogg chase deer. Ogg hit deer over the head with XBOX!!!

The subject sort of comes from a letter that someone sent into GamePro magazine. It said something about "Ogg is jealous of friend because friend has Xbox." so GamePro responded saying something like, "Ogg should go over to friends house and hit friend over the head with Xbox. Then, while friend is sleeping, Ogg should "borrow Xbox."

But, the subject I have has to do with the fact that I'm going hunting in a bit! I just got out of the shower and then I had to call my mom. She said that Lonnie was getting ready to leave and I told her I was all ready. Whoo, I'm so excited! I really hope we get something this time. My mom wants us to, too.

I've watched all of the Strong Bad emails, all of the Big Toons, all of the Short Toons, and all of the Holiday toons at HomeStar Runner.com. I finished watching the Holiday toons late last night when I was talking to Xio. God, are they funny. Especially this one. Well, atleast I think its that one. Its one of the Decemberween toons anyway.

Well, I gotta go now.


Day: 105

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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Incredible I tells ya

I don't think I've ever had that many guestbook signature within three days. First I got one on Thursday that put me up to 100. Then, I got three yesterday and I got another one today! But I'm sure it'll all slow down pretty soon. Doesn't really matter to me, I'm just happy I got 100. I mean, after having 98 for two whole months I don't care how many I've got now. As long as I never have to go down past 100 again...@_@

Damnit. I hate this computer. I hate NetZero. I loathe NetZero. It fucking disconnecting me for some stupid reason as always. Or atleast its already disconnected me. If I waited for a little while a phone call would come through. But now I have to disconnect from the NetZero toolbar, EVEN THOUGH, I'm already pretty much fucking disconnected. And then I'm going to have to wait ten minutes before I can reconnect and that's just because I don't want to close this window and lose my post. Yeah, I could copy and paste it, but that still would make the NetZero "Online" status in the toolbar go away. It'd still stay there no matter how many times I right click it and choose "Disconnect".

Guess I'll just keep typing this as I'm "offline". Made three new wallpapers last night. Made another one while I was waiting for NetZero to disconnect(still says I'm online...) and I'm in the middle of making one right now. Just need a few more images and then I'll be done. It amazes me when I'm making wallpapers you know...just how many different ideas I can come up with with just one or two images.

But, anyway, I made a Boogiepop Phantom wallpaper, three Akira wallpapers(two are uploaded and the other I just made) and I'm in the middle of a Metal Gear Solid wallpaper. I'm just in a wallpaper making mood right now...Just need another good idea to keep going with this wallpaper making spree...

Well, guess I'm going to copy this and paste it into Notepad or something. Then close this window and wait a little bit longer. If it still doesn't disconnect I'll save my progress on my wallpaper and then restart the computer.*

Oh, yeah, and does anyone here go to GamePro.com? I do. One of the first websites I began spending a lot of time at. Well, they're having there Holiday Super Hunt right now. Last year I participated but didn't do very good. I couldn't find the answers to the questions. But anyway, I went there last night, signed up for the hunt and had all of the questions answered within three hours. Probably coulda went faster if I didn't have dial-up internet, but since I do, the pages took atleast a minute or more to load. And then I was only absentmindedly doing searches and hoping I figured out the answers by doing so. It worked, too. I searched for phrases from the questions and games that I thought they might be, then found what the "ProTip" suggested I should find. God, I was so happy to actually have answered all of the questions. The next round stars on the 8th of December, which is a Wednesday. I believe they give you a week to find the answers, so I'll probably start the second round that weekend.

Wish me luck with the rest of the hunt and I wish luck to everyone else who's participating!


Day: 104 [http://homestarrunner.com/sbemail104.html]

*twas forced to do all of that *sigh*

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Friday, November 26, 2004

Celebrate good times. . .come on!

*throws a handful of confetti on everyone*

Yay! 100 guestbook entries! Its a cause for celebration! After months of having 98 guestbook entries and having them deleted, resigned and deleted again I finally have 100!

101 to be exact. And only 79 more visits until I reach 2000. I can't believe how far I've come...in one year...

But, yeah, anyway, my OB anniversary is in like, a week in a half or something like that. I'll have to check my user profile again. But its coming soon anyway.

Oh man, I had so much fun last night at my Grandma and Grandpa's house. Tre was over and he showed me this awesome game and these hilarious flash movies. Yeah, some people might not like them because they're extremely violent, but we thought they were hilarious.

Madness Interactive
Madness Combat
Madness Combat 2
Madness Combat 3
Madness Combat 4

I'm going to watch the movies later today and play the game, too. I'm at my dad's house so I've pretty much got unlimited internet time. Woohoo. I'm finishing up watching Strong Bad email's right now. Oh, and its hilarious, they changed the email menu because of what happened in the last email. *still laughing about it* So..funny...

The snow has made driving conditions horrible. And made it cold. And horrible. But this is the first year in awhile where its snowed this much before December came. Now most of the snow's begun to melt. I do hope we have another snowstorm again. If not, then it's all going to melt and we probably wont have another storm until a few days before Christmas. It always seems to work out that way.

Oh yeah...and I don't know how many more times I'm going to complain about this but: I. Hate. My. School. I hate it. I hate it. They're starting our winter break on December 23rd. Then, they're making us go back to school January 2nd.

Count the days will you? Including weekends. How many days do we get off?

11. 11 fucking days. Including weekends. You can't even call that a vacation. That's barely a week. We're supposed to get atleast two weeks. Fucking school. Stupid fucking school.

God, I'm just so pissed off about that. My mom says its stupid, too, when I told her how many days we got off. But, I guess there's not much I can do about it. If we got more days off we'd be going farther into June before we got out. We're already supposed to get out on like, the 7th or the 3rd or something like that. We got out on May 31st or 26th or something like that last year...

Well, I best be off and doing something else before I start cussing out my school more.


Day: 103 [http://homestarrunner.com/sbemail103.html]

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Thursday, November 25, 2004

If I had a dollar for every time you said that. . .

What to say...what to say...well, its Thanksgiving for one, so, happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I've got my usual holiday cold. Pleghmy throat along with a stuffy nose. Ugh. Every single year I get some kind of cold on each and every single holiday where I have to go to a party. I even get colds on my damn birthday.

But other than that, my leg is killing me.

See, for some strange reason, when I wake up in the mornings sometimes, like, the muscles in my leg will like seize up and if I try to move my leg, an immense amount of pain sears through it. It then takes me the better part of ten minutes to either massage the muscles so I can move my leg again, OR, get up and hobble around on it until they'll move.

Now, both options come with a large consequence: it pulls the muscles in my leg. Now, yesterday, was the worst I've ever had and you know what? Today the muscles in my leg are pulled and it hurts like hell. My calf muscles are pulled and even my thigh muscles are pulled.

Adding to that, during Gym yesterday when I was chasing after two girls in my class(we were playing Capture the Football, kind of like Capture the Flag only different) and trying to tag them, the one girl, Darby, stopped right in front of me because the other girl, Flannery had tripped. I was unable to stop and ended up tripping over Flannery and falling extremely hard onto my right elbow and knees.

Now I have two huge bruises on both knees and burns on my right knee and elbow.

And then, this morning when I was shaving, I cut open the rub mark I had gotten from something in Lonnie's boots rubbing against my legs. *sigh* I'm just extremly accident prone this week it seems.

Alright then. I think I'll attempt to visit atleast a few people's sites today...


Day: 102 [Dalmatians]

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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

If I weren't just so damn sexy. . .



Road conditions: Bad.
Extreme cold: Extra bad.
Bus almost sliding into the ditch: Priceless.

Wait, I mean, Ultra Bad. Yeah...

Damnit. It just has to snow on the last day of school for this week. By Monday all of the roads will be clear and we'll have to go to school. *sigh*

It was so awesome to see it snow so much, though. At first, the snow wasn't sticking because the ground was too warm and it wasn't snowing heavy enough. But then, it got a bit colder and the snow started sticking! Within a few hours after it had started it was piled four inches high! Now its six inches!

It did cause some problems for my mom and Lonnie, though, when they were coming home from work, but, they're fine. ^_^ It also caused some problems for the bus. Just as we took the first turn down the corner from the school, the bus slid across the road and then Charlie(the bus driver) got it to swerve the other way and kept it under control. After that he was a bit more cautious in the turns, much to the displeasure of most of the Middle School-High School students. We were all laughing our asses off and screaming joyously, like it was all a ride of some sort.

The best thing was that we almost took out a mailbox! We came like, really close!

Anyway, I think I did pretty good on the Spanish test. We actually got to work on it in a group, but despite that, three words still stumped us: frambuesas, pepino(which I now know is cucumber, we put pumpkin >.>), and cereza.

There were 50 words so, 47/50 is pretty good.

I also think I did really good on my science test. And I know that I did good with my Accelerated Math test. I only got one question wrong out of 60!

Hum dum dum dum.


Day: 101. . .Dalmatians. . .

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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

This is the end of the end. Of the end. Of the end.

No, not really. Its not really the end of the end of the end of the end. I was just bored and decided to put that there...it was either that or I was going to put, "I swear, if I weren't so damn sexy..." but I'll save that for tomorrow's post.

Hehe, the pizza party with the soccer team was fun. It was a blast! Of course we think we sort of got jipped on the pizza, but, it was still fun. We talked and laughed and talked and laughed. And talked and laughed some more. Told stories and wished that we could all together on a team again next year. It could happen for six of the eight of us to be on the same team again...but two of us, myself and a girl named Rachel, are too old to play again. *sigh* I could always cheat the system and sign-up before my birthday, but once the season started I'd be 14...and I'd probably look like I was 14, too, so I doubt anybody would believe I was 13 if I told them that I was. Hell, barely anyone believes it now.

Unto irrelevent topics to that which was just said above.

Writing sex scenes can be...quite...interesting. If you've ever written a sex scene in a story, I'm not sure if you share the same...er, feelings about what happens during it. Since I myself have never had sex before, it can be interesting to see what I come up with when I'm writing. Of course, movies and TV have taught me all that I know when I'm writing those scenes, so if you were basing off them I'm sure they'd be quite accurate. =P

The latest scene I had to write(and stop reading if you don't want to know and skip to the next paragraph) involved a women who got information out of her "good-for-nothing" husband by *coughs* fondling him in quite an erotic way. Adding to that, he was drunk off his rocker and has bad judgement anyhow. So, if you can't guess...the beans were spilled on a certain plan that's going to take place in the last After Story Extra.

Oh, and Xio, if you say one word about what's going to happen, to ANYBODY or even in the comment box, I'll throttle you and then delete the comment. So don't even try it because I know you enjoy quoting things from my story...well, I guess quoting like a small phrase or something would be fine, but don't blab anything! And if you really can't help but do it, write it in white so nobody can see it from the background of the comments. Yeah, that'll work.

Whoo, I finished Rifles For Watie last night and finally figured out why it was called "Rifles For Watie", heh. Then I took the test today and got 90%, which was one problem wrong out of ten. Damn trick questions again. See, in the beginning of the book, it said that Jeff(the main character) had wanted to go to college, but it had also said that he wanted to be a soldier in the Union army.

So, lo-and-behold, answer A for the question: What did Jeff dream to do, was: Go to college and become a doctor. Now, I wasn't quite sure on the doctor part but I knew he wanted to go to college. Then, answer D was: become a soldier.

Man, by that time, I was swearing in my head. And right after I answered A, I knew I'd gotten it wrong. T_T I was so ticked off...Well, I guess 16.2/18 ain't so bad.

I've got well over 150 points by now I'd say. I took The King's Fifth home and I'm almost done with that. Thank god tomorrow's a library day. I'm going to see if I can check out the Lord of the Rings book or the Hobbit and start reading those. If they don't have like, the Hobbit or the first Lord of the Rings book in I'll just grab a Lois Duncan book or something. Oh, I've also got a book at home called, Alien Secrets that's an AR book. I saw it on the list. Its worth 8 points. I've actually had the book for a long time, but I just haven't gotten around to reading it.

I think I'm going to look to see if the Artemis Fowl books are AR. That'd be cool if they were because I can read atleast one of those a day(there are three out right now if I'm not mistaken; I don't think they've released anymore than that at the current moment. I've got the three that are out 'cause they're such awesome books...).

Whee, I've got 1902 visits. Only 98 more 'till I hit 2000! And I've got 99 guestbook entries! =D I think I'm definitely going to make it to 100 guestbook entries and 2000 visits before my myO 1st year anniversary on the 28th of December. My Otakuboards 1st year anniversary is on the 7th of December, so that's coming up within the next two weeks. ^_^ I'm so happy. Both of Xio's first year anniversaries at myO and OB have passed. Her myO was back in August and OB was in October...

To think, if I hadn't of met her and become such good friends I highly doubt I'd be here or so obsessed with anime. I'd also never have met Mimmi and been introduced to Naruto. And I'd never have met Shinmaru, and James, and Juu, and Sara, and Solo, and all of the other wonderful people from OB and myO!

*wipes away a tear* I just love you all so much!


Day: 100 Whoo! 100! Day 100! Day 100! Lets see if we can make it to 150! *sets that as a new goal*

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Monday, November 22, 2004

After her experiences in jail, Alexa had to see a psychiatrist.

Already I'm finding myself getting nearer and nearer to the dramatic and heart breaking complete end to my story. Ah, it's sad indeed. The sad ending rips your heart out then a certain After Story Extra puts it back in with a false hope that something miraculous has happened. And now, the end of the end will indeed, probably make you want to bawl your eyes out and once again, your heart will be ripped out and never returned. 'Tis how it should be with sad endings to stories full of hard decisions and dramatic consequences to every action.

Ok, maybe not that dramatic, but some instances are shocking.

Ah, the eternal memories of sixth grade...How I'll miss the hour long bus rides and the bumps and jolts that made me look like I had some kind of disorder after seeing how jittery my writing was in my notebooks...but those days can never come back. Because I live in hickville. And I'm in eighth grade. But its still fun to relive the old memories...how I miss sixth grade. Such a fun year it was. One of the best of my school years, I'd say.

But anyway...er, I don't know where I was intending on taking the above paragraphs. Nowhere I'm guessing.

Anyway...er, gotta go..


Day: 99

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Sunday, November 21, 2004

Early morning post it be...ith.

I have to post right now before I go to bed. If I don't, I probably wont really have time to do one later today, and that would be bad! Well, maybe not to Ben or Shinmaru. If I didn't post today then it'd just be less competition 'till the champion of TehSillyCircus 2 is finally announced. The contest is really winding down now. 98 days in with three contestans left. Whew, I betcha this is still going to last another month or two.

And who will be the champion? Myself? Ben? Shinmaru perhaps? We wont know 'till the time comes to, well, know! Maybe a few bribes will help shine a little light on who's going to win...I mean, maybe I should go give some friendly encouragement to my fellow contestants to do their best as we're the last three in the competition.

The final three. Doesn't that sound nice? Its amazing to see that a contest such as this has gone on for so long and probably wont end very soon. 98 days...three months...Geez, we all need to get a life don't we? I mean, if we've got enough time on our hands to be able to post EVERY SINGLE DAY then we definitely don't have much of a life.

Or maybe we do and we're just putting it off to post every single day and the effects of us doing so is going to catch up to us as we're knocked out of the competition.

Or maybe I'm just pulling stuff out of my ass so I can be talking just to be talking. Yeah, lets go with that.

I've almost watched all of the Strong Bad emails. I'm on #93. I don't know what its actually called because I've just been changing the number in the URL so I don't have to go back to the main page and scroll through all of them emails. But it was one that I've already watched. I think its called "Army" or something like that.

I've also been taking screenshots of things I find hilarious or just random pictures of the Cheat, lol. Well, I was earlier anyway. But now I'm not. Its a really big hassle to take them.

My mom says Lonnie is going to pick me up around 7-7:30 AM. I've got to ask my dad when he'll be up in the morning and if he's not going to be up in time to wake me up then I'm going to put my cell phone on the table near the couch and keep my watch on so I hear it better when it goes off. I'll also see if I can get one of the other phones and place one of them near me, too. Just in case.

I think before I go to bed I'll draw. Or maybe write...or something. I'll do something creative, though. Yeah, definitely something creative. Or I could do something intellectually enhancing. Like read. Oh, I'll just do whatever I feel like doing at that time I guess. For now I'm just going to watch more Strong Bad emails before I head off to bed, though.


Day: 98

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Saturday, November 20, 2004

A Well thought-out Englilsh Paper, By Kyle "The Yellow Dart" Smith

Its 6:06 PM and I'm eating Golden Grahams. There's absolutely nothing to eat here! God, I sure hope that when my dad and Josie get back they'll have brought some pizza back with them. I really have a craving for pizza right now...

My dad and Josie are out Christmas shopping right now. ^_^ She had me write her a list of the things I want, lol. It took up one and quarter sides of one sheet of paper. Since I wrote down so much I put little stars next to the items I wanted the most. The stars ended up being next to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Metal Gear Solid 3, Blood Will Tell and the Metal Gear Solid comic books. Along with a bunch of PS2 games on there I included an Xbox, Nintendo DS, Halo 2, Halo, and the original Metal Gear Solid game for the PS1. I also had to write down the stores at which they should probably look for the item, so that took up a lot of the page...

I posted on "The God-Game" at 2:30 AM earlier today...jee, another early in the morning post. But, it was still good. I think I get a lot more constructive thinking done really late at night and stuff...I always seem to be at my most creative at that time.

Yep, going huntin' tomorrow. My mom asked me if I wanted to go with Lonnie and I confirmed that I did. She said she'd call me today to remind me, of course, I remember anyway...

We're going early in the morning so I kind of need to head off to bed early. But if I don't go to bed early, my mom said she'd let me take a nice long nap when I got home. I should probably take a shower tonight, too, since I wont have time tomorrow. I really hope we get something tomorrow. I hate waking up early and not finding anything. I think the conditions should be a bit better tomorrow. Can't be too sure, though. It was raining last night when we went to the movies. Kind of a rain/snow actually.

Anyway, about the movie: It. Was. The. Best. Movie. EVER! I absolutely loved it! It was hilarious! And to be expected, it was Spongebob-ie hilarious! Man, Dennis is the coolest character EVER. (GO WATCH THE MOVIE! I DEMAND IT!)

I've been watching Strong Bad email's since I got up...a few hours ago...I was kind of feigning sleep so I wouldn't have to get up. I actually did try to fall back asleep but I couldn't because Brittanie was crying and being a little brat as usual. *sigh*

Well, I'm off to watch more emails...


Day: 97...er...yeah, I think so. Something like that.

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Friday, November 19, 2004

Savor the moment

Sweet, I get to go see the Spongebob Squarepants the Movie tonight. I don't know exactly what time we're going, but I'm glad to get to be going.

*pained look* God, this next chapter of Naruto is big. 6.31 MB! I need to figure out where I can zip folders so that I can zip all of the Naruto manga folders after I'm done reading them. That would save a lot of space. *plans to do that in a minute*

I wrote an awesome few paragraphs in my story last night. So awesome it scared me. The person I was talking about wasn't revealed until I was writing on the back side of the page! So awesome. I don't think I've ever written anything like it ever. Whee, I hope I can continue to do it and that it wasn't just something I did because I was freaking tired and my brain was sort of...er, at an odd point. I was quite inspired to write last night and would have written more but I was just way too tired...

I finished the fifth Harry Potter book and aced the test on it during Jumpstart. I brought Rifles For Watie home and have it with me right now. I was reading it in the car on the way here to my dad's. Its such an awesome book ^_^ I'm hooked on it now.

Hmmm...nothing in particular that I have to say really. I've got to read what's been posted in the God-Game. I'm going to watch some HomeStar Runner cartoons and Strong Bad emails in a bit. Then I don't know what I'm going to do....hmm....


Day: 96

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