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Saturday, September 11, 2004
Lest we forget...
We will never forget the tragedies that happened upon this day three entire years ago. We will always keep the memories of the one's we lost dear at heart and with that, they will live on within us all...
Yes, folks, for those of you who may not know or may have forgotten, today is the third year "anniversary" of what happened on September the 11th 2001.
It was a very somber day indeed that fateful day. I was in fifth grade and it was around 1 PM that my fifth grade teacher informed the class of what had happened. It was sad but I didn't feel as sad as I knew others of whom had lost loved one's were feeling.
My birthday wasn't as great as I wanted it to be because it was only three days after the tragedy. At school, we sung patriotic songs in rememberance of all those who were lost three days earlier on the 11th.
Ok, moving on...
I hate doing scans from my Manga's. It ruins the spines so much...but I need to do it for my website, so I guess I'm going to have to live with it.
But, I was doing a bunch of scans from .hack//Legend of the Twilight volume 1 last night, because I had kept forgetting about doing it until now. I actually didn't do all too many, its just so boring to scan things. I mean, after its scanned I have to crop it a bit, then I save it, open it in PhotoImpression, then resize it, put The Anime Datastream on it, then save it again. Repeat this a few times and you'll get extremely bored...
So I just settled with scanning the art in the front and back and the art on the 'Login_XX' pages. I did a lot more scans from the second volume, but that was only because there were a lot of interesting things I wanted to scan from that volume, there weren't as many in the first.
I did a few scans from Trigun Maximum earlier today, but I don't plan on doing anymore until later...
I really have nothing to talk about right now. Nothing interesting has happened today so, I'm just going to stop here and hope that something interesting happens so I'll have something to talk about tomorrow...
-DDG |
Comments (3) |
Friday, September 10, 2004
Ah, and laziness will get the best of me. ^_^
I'm at my dad's house for the weekend and I've already went shopping.
Shopping seems to be one of the things that I regularly do at my dad's.
Today, we went to Sam Goody to look for Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance/Sons of Liberty. They didn't have it, so I kind of scooted over to the Gameboy section and looked for Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen, which they also didn't have. T_T
The trip there wasn't a complete waste, though. I browsed around a bit and found some more Manga elsewhere in the store, other than those that were on the TokyoPop cart.
I looked through the Manga and began debating on what I was going to buy.
It was extremely hard to choose. I was trying to choose between Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin and Naruto.
I eventually settled on Trigun and bought the first two volumes of it.
I plan on buying Naruto next time. ^_^
So, after buying the Manga, we(my dad and I) went outside and patiently waited for Josie to get back from shopping at Kroger, before we headed over to KMart to have a quick look around for Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen.
After discovering that they were out of it as well, we asked when they expected another shipment.
The guy of whom we asked said that another shipment would probably be in on Monday.
All the way out of the store, I complained that I couldn't wait until Monday, because I wanted to buy one of them before my birthday, then get the other one, on my birthday.
So, Josie, my dad and I talked it over and we decided that: 1.) if Josie was going back into town tonight, that she would check some other stores for it, 2.) that we would check tomorrow if #1 did not happen.
;_; I want those games so bad...
If, after reading all of this, you've come to the conclusion that I'm *bit* spoiled, you, my friend, are absolutely correct.
That's what happens when you've grown up as an only child; you get what you want, when you want.
I got a birthday card from the bank in the mail, lol. I also got an invitation to my step-sister's birthday party *throws up*
Thank god I have an excuse to get out of it; her birthday party is on the same weekend that I'm having mine, which is next weekend, since its too late to have it this weekend and I can't have it on Tuesday...
I think its going to be at the Holiday Inn, not for sure, though. But, I'm going to invite Xio and Alexa to come. Then of course Lonnie, my mom, and Blaike will be there. ^_^
But, just because my birthday party isn't until the weekend after my birthday, doesn't mean I wont be doing anything special on the day of my birthday =P
Not much else to say really. Nothing too exciting happened at school today; except that I almost fell asleep during Math class because the teacher was reading us a book that pertained to some of the things we were going to be using to learn about like, similarity and stuff.
She didn't really mind, as long as we were listening to the story, she was fine with it.
We went for a walk during Jumpstart and Xio and I made some new "friends" as you could call them.
Their name's are Bob and his sister, Sally and they're these huge friggin' leaves we found. We introduced them to everyone. ^_^ I think they were a bit scared of us afterwards. o_O
Ah, well, its dinner and I don't have much else to say so, I guess that's it.
-DDG |
Comments (3) |
Thursday, September 9, 2004
'Alright! Lets rob this thing!'
Some interesting news today.
At around 1:00 PM today, the bank in my town, was robbed.
I don't know too many details, all that I know was that the man wore a teal shirt and had a goatee.
In response to this, we, the students, were escorted to our lockers after getting out of our 3rd block classes, then, those of who had to go across the street and over into the High School for whatever class we had over there, were escorted over and told to go directly to our next class.
Once inside the class and after the bell had rung and everyone was there, teacher's locked the doors and started their lessons.
Then, later, the Middle School Principal, Mrs. Shimunek, came into our classroom, explained a few things that were going on, before an announcement came over the loud speakers, saying that everything was fine and that the man who had robbed the bank had not headed towards the school, but had headed off into the woods in the direction of the neighboring town of Alma.
Exciting, right? It was definitely the highlight of the day for me.
After learning a lot about it, and after having about ten minutes or so to talk while people who walked home were making phone calls and the teacher was busy, I had quite an enlightening conversation with some people over the whole fiasco.
Levi, a boy in my class, his mother works at the same bank that was robbed, so, even though his mother was working there, he, another boy named Jon, and I, began joking about it a bit, saying that, it'd be hilarious if Levi called up the bank to speak to his mother and the FBI answered or something.
Then the entire conversation of bank robbers and whatnot spawned into some other interesting things that were equally funny.
Well, after that the day was pretty normal, and by this time it was about 2:30 so we kind of did a review on some things, discussed the video we had watched earlier during class and then got ready to leave.
Other matters...
I've had an outstanding turn out of sign-ups for Cliche. As of today, 11 people have signed-up and the recruitment has only been up in the Inn since Sunday or Monday! It makes me quite proud that my RPG has had so much support and has turned out so many people.
I figure I'll keep it open for a little while longer and close it sometime next week(probably on Monday or Tuesday) so I can go over sign-ups and choose who's going to get in.
Choosing people to get into in an RPG has always seemed like a hard thing to do in my opinion. This will be the first RPG I've done it for, so I'm going to try to make wise choices.
I've been going over what kinds of things I should be looking for in sign-ups and its proving difficult. The sign-ups I've gotten are just so good and I think that all of the people who have signed up would do a great job in the RPG, but, I know that with the number of sign-ups I've got now and the number I'll probably have by the time I close it, its going to be tough to choose.
^_^ My birthday is four days away! I'm so excited!
I wrote down the things I would like to get on my birthday, not neccessarily all of the things I would like but some of the things.
When I give it to my mom I'm going to have to tell her that she doesn't have to get me everything on it, but only a few things. I'm also going to have to tell her, that I want Pokemon FireRed or Pokemon LeafGreen the most, so to try to get me those over everything else.
Xio says she already got me my gift, and when I asked her what it was, she wouldn't tell me. >:O
Well, I guess she had good reason seeing as gifts are supposed to be surprises...
I hate the day my birthday's on this year, though. Its on a friggin' Tuesday which totally sucks.
But, I guess a Tuesday is probably a bit better than a Wednesday... but it still sucks. >=(
I plan on asking my mom what we're going to be doing for my birthday tonight. I have no idea what she has planned, so I'd like the know before the day of my birthday.
Frogs, everywhere, frogs!
Now, I know I never mentioned this here before, so I'm doing it now:
I have tree frogs. Lots of tree frogs. I just got them recently, and there are seven of the cute little things.
I got the first six a few days ago, on Monday I believe it was and I got the seventh one today.
Now, the original six I had are dwarfed in comparison to the one I got today.
But, the one I got today is much cuter than the other one's. ^_^ Its lime green and really cool.
I haven't thought of name's for all of them yet...but I plan on doing it soon.
Lets just say, though, that one name that's crossed through my mind for naming the big one, is...
*dramatic pause and then drum roll*
Yes, very unfitting for a frog, but very fitting for my obsession. *grins*
I also have a plastic fish that I painted when I was camping. Its a window decoration that I got out of this kit my mom bought for Xio and I.
I painted it green and black with red eyes and called it 'my little snake fish'. Now it is officially called: Snake Fish.
Xio painted a bee that looked like it was high on something if you wanted to know, lol.
I should never major in Rocket Science
Today, in Science class, to demonstrate Newton's Third Law of Motion, we built paper rockets.
Newtons Third Law of Motion, for those of you who didn't know, is that for every action there is an exact and opposite reaction.
But, to demonstrate this, we built paper rockets and then took them outside. We filled up small film canisters that we had put inside the rockets, tossed an Alcheselsor(or, however the hell that's spelled) tab in the canisters, shoved the cap on and put them on the ground.
We watched as the cap of the canister popped off and the rocket flew a few feet(or in my group's case, a few inches) off the ground.
We then, recorded our observation and explained how this experiment demonstrated Newton's Third Law of Motion.
That was pretty fun. We all really enjoyed the experiment.
The experiments we've been doing over the past few days have really convinced a lot of the people who were sort of wary of our new science teacher, wondering if he would be fun or if he would be a hardass.
Now we know that he's a really cool guy. He lets us do some really awesome things.
I think Science has become a class that a lot of people enjoy now.
Homework sucks!
Yeah, I have homework I need to finish. Math homework I think it was. I also need to ask my mom where she put that rules form that she was supposed to sign for Discovery Language Arts because that's due tomorrow, too...
Alright. I'm done now. ^_^
-DDG |
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, September 8, 2004
Ok, awesomest news first:
(and since I'm a lazy bum, I'm just going to copy and paste this from Haruko's myOtaku)
Yeah, I'm going to be more organinzed now...Anyways, something really awesome happened today at school. First of all, there's a boy called Emry at school. He hates Mia, from .hack, even though he is a fellow lover of the videos/series. Well, a couple days ago, I told him to go to Otakuboards and read .hack//TRUTH. He did. Four or five times. The last time he did it, his uncle (a anime producer or something like that) noticed he was reading it and started reading it himself. You know what he told Emry? He said he could make a comic out of it! When he told me, I was like "Dude! No friggen way!" And so, when we finish, we are going to try and do that. (Yes, we will try and get permission from the creators of .Hack.)(Hopefully, if this goes through, we'll be able to meet Daisuke Uchiyama...he's cool)
Cool, ne? I sure think so. It'd be so friggin' awesome.
Thank you Mimmi for changing my mood! I was a bit...down about nobody commenting on my last post, and then when I saw that you had, you brightened up the rest of my day. ^_^
School was, yet again, pretty hilarious. Not many funny things happened that are worth mentioning, but it was pretty good. I'd say the best class today was Discovery Language Arts, but only because we got to make these masks out of paper that had ten things on them that we liked or enjoyed doing.
It would have been a bit dull, had I not drawn an awesome miniature Solid Snake on my mask =D I mean, I do like him and I do enjoy obsessing over him. ^_______^
In CEWT, we had to do these name poems, and I was having a bit of trouble.
If you've ever done a name poem, you know how hard it is to come up with a word or a sentence for the letter y. Ugh.
Anyway, name poems are where you take your name and find words or sentences that describe you by using the letters of your name. For example, this is what mine was:
Knows a lot about web designing
Aspiring artist
Yet to take over the world
Likes to write
Always playing video games
We had to do our last name's, too, but I can't remember what I put for my last name.
But, it took me about half the class to come up with the sentence for Y. It was just so hard to come up with something.
I was also tempted to put kleptomaniac for K, but, then I decided against it on the grounds that people might think that I stole something from them, if they lost something or that I might get in trouble. =P
My clothes from JCPenney are supposed to come today, about a week after ordering them. I don't see why its taking them so long; there's a JCPenney right near here, and then the warehouse or whatever where they store clothes that aren't in the stores can't be that far away. But, I guess I'll just have to wait until they get here and then see where the hell they came from and find out why the hell they took so long.
Tonight's the school's Open House. I really want to go, but, Lonnie's working 'till 10, my mom has class 'till 9:30 and I forget to see if I could get my dad to go, so, I guess I'll just have to miss it.
People are really excited about Cliche, and quite a few people have contacted me through PM about when I'm going to start it. I'd like to wait awhile, for a few more people to sign-up, before I do start it.
The only reason I'll give for that is because I haven't gotten to writing the starting post yet, heh. I'll start it this weekend for sure, though.
I also have a few graphics I want to make for the RPG. Different post backgrounds, images, etc.
You know, I think that's all I'm going to say this post. I figure I should go check up on a few websites then go out and get the mail.
-DDG |
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, September 7, 2004
'What did you just call me?'
I'm barely even bothering to look in my notebooks for quotes now. Its just too far a walk to go into my room and randomly choose a notebook.
Well, I guess I'll admit its only about ten steps from the computer chair to my room, but, that's besides the point!
That RPG I was telling you all about, Cliche, is finally up so check it out if you'd like. ^_^ I've gotten quite a few replies since I put it up yesterday, so I'm really sure it should become a success.
School was, once again, quite enjoyable. Gym was the same-old, same-old. I'd say the best part was when I got one of the boys who's pretty good at basketball out in a game of lightning, then during the next game when it came down to me and the boy I'd gotten out earlier. I almost won, but, I didn't. I still felt quite proud of myself, seeing as none of the other girls in my class could make it that far and that I was still so good at lightning, having not have played it in more than a year.
Science was fun. We got to do an experiment for Newton's Second Law of Motion and it involved sling shots. We got to use a board with three nails and a rubber band stretched over the rubber bands to fling a container with pennies in it, as far as we could across the room. We had 20 pennies and each time we flung the container we had to add another penny, then record the distance it went. The most entertaining thing, was when people would get caught in the crossfire of one of the containers and someone would shout out: friendly fire! or, I'm hit! lol.
English was...funny, but, I can't quite remember why...
Spanish was awesome though! We watched this video and everyone kept cracking up. It was supposed to be educational, but with some corny humor thrown in here or there. Then, afterwards, we practiced some of the syllables and words we had learned how to say from the video.
I was quite surprised with how well I did. I won the game we were playing three times, which meant I got three Jolly Rancher suckers! It was so much fun though. I never knew I would remember all of that from the video, and the alphabet, because we went over that, too.
Oh yeah. I made this hilarious image that I thought of after I got home when I was downstairs feeding my cat and cleaning out her litter box...
I've been working on a lot of content for my website lately offline. I started last night, actually. Its going pretty well; I've started with the .hack section, unwillingly. There's a lot of content to cover there, but I was going in alphabetical order, so it kind of came first, heh.
I also seem to have caught the interest of everyone in my class and my English teacher with my website. When I was showing Mrs. Stratton my goals sheet during Jumpstart(she's my English teacher and my Jumpstart teacher) and she read the 'To finish my website in the next 4 months' goal, she asked me about it and I told her some things.
She was intrigued and told me that I should show it to her once I was finished. I said I would and then after Jumpstart, during English when we were sharing what we did over the holiday weekend, I said that I'd gotten a domain name for my website and everyone was pretty interested.
Aw, I feel so loved...
Guess there isn't much else to say, except that I hate this computer...I keep getting disconnected because someone is trying to call or for some reason that doesn't even make any f*cking sense.
Oh well.
-DDG |
Comments (1) |
Monday, September 6, 2004
'Shit! Why didn't you say that in the first place?!'
Why do there have to be Magikarp in every single Pokemon game? Is it really necessary to put them in all of the games? Is it? I know in Crystal, Gold, and Silver they're important, but what about the other games? What is their significance?
Well, anyone, thanks for all the comments yesterday. I don't think I've had that many in awhile.
My domain name was activated last night around midnight so now I've got full control over everything and if you go to www.animedatastream.net you wont get a Cannot Find Server page or something of the like. You'll just get my index page that says we're under construction.
Having a domain name is awesome though. I was surfing through all of the features and stuff and I found out I can have up to 100 subdomains(ie: http://info.animedatastream.net), 25 email addresses(I've used 3 so far), I have 2 GB in storage, 25 GB in bandwidth, man, and a bunch of other things. I've also improved the layout of my site considerably. I've redone the Anime pages with a new, different idea. This new idea has also made is so that I don't have to update as many pages manually when a link changes or something.
I did learn about SSI the other day. A code that updates all of your pages when you just update one, but I can't use it because Yahoo! currently doesn't allow the use of dynamic code pages(such as, .shtml or .php). Its ok, though. With the new way I've designed the Anime pages, I've only got about ten pages I'd have to go through and edit a link into, and that's not too bad, considering I would have had to update a lot more if I had kept my original layout idea.
A lot of people in my family are interested in my website now. Its odd, too. I've never really had anyone I know this interested in it. I guess they really just are because it seems so amazing that someone my age would learn so much HTML and build an entire website with it.
Seems like I said that before. If I did, just ignore it, heh.
I don't know if I'll ever give out a subdomain to anyone. I probably will, but only to people who I really know and trust. I'm really reluctant about it after reading LELOLA.net's history, and how Pan-Chan gave out a subdomain to someone and they hacked her site.
But, I figure, why let them go to waste? I might as well give them out to people, but only people who I know I can truly trust. People who I've known for a pretty decent amount of time to get to know them.
I wont open submissions for subdomains until after my site re-opens, though. Same for email's, too...
Well, we didn't go shopping yesterday. Instead, we're going today. Yesterday, we rented Kill Bill Volume's 1 and 2 and Starsky and Hutch as the first movies that my dad would watch since he got out of jail.
He really liked all of them, and I'm glad. ^_^
The next movies we plan on renting are the Whole Nine Yards and the Whole Ten Yards. We would have rented them yesterday, but, neither my dad nor I have seen all of the Whole Nine Yards and it wasn't in at the video store, but the Whole Ten Yards was...
But, we'll probably rent them next weekend or something.
There are just so many movies he's missed, its going to take months to catch him up with them. @_@
Alright. I think I'm going to go visit everyone's sites and then work on my website a bit.
-DDG |
Comments (2) |
Sunday, September 5, 2004
'Maybe God wants me to fulfill my life long goal: to kill you!'
Its like...a dream come true! This is so amazing!
You know what I did? That's right, you don't know what I did!
Alright, I'll tell you then!
I got a domain name for my website! Yep, a domain name! Isn't that so awesome? I think it is. I've been waiting for this for so long and my mom finally got it for me. ^_^ She gave me the information I needed to order it and I ordered it and played around with what I could do with it. I can't do much right now because the domain is still pending. Yahoo! says it'll take from 12-48 hours to propagate it across the internet, so now I'm just waiting until they're finished.
I told my mom I was going to choose the plan that was $9 a month, but then I looked closer at the stats for each of the plans and I decided that I should go with the one that was $12 a month. It had more email addresses(even though I really don't need them), more bandwidth and more storage space.
But, anyway, my new domain name is: www.animedatastream.net
Well, yesterday, I didn't get to see Yu-Gi-Oh: the Movie. They weren't playing it at any cinema's near me, so instead, we saw Without A Paddle.
It was absolutely hilarious. Definitely reccommended to anyone who hasn't seen it or didn't know if they wanted to watch it. *thumbs up*
I'm watching MythBusters right now. I haven't watched it in months and I was hoping that I would be able to see a new episode, but instead they're showing a rerun. Ah, oh well. I'm still going to watch it, its not like there's anything else on.
I'm going shopping today. ^_^ My mom gave me a list of things that I needed to buy last night through email, so I wrote those down. I think I'm definitely going to have some money left over to buy a few non school related things. =P What I'm going to buy, I don't know. I was thinking about buying Metal Gear Solid: Substance, though. If not that, then I don't know what I'll buy.
I really don't know what I'm going to talk about for the rest of this post. Maybe I'll just leave it at this. Yeah. Why keep talking when you have nothing to talk about?
-DDG |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, September 4, 2004
Screw the quote.
I haven't written anything new in my story for days and I only have one notebook with me so there are only so many memorable quotes that I can't put up, so, today I am going drop the quote from my subject.
I found better icons on Pokemon Elite 2000. ^_^ I like these one's a lot better, they're of much better quality and a bit smaller, too. I've also been surfing their website a lot lately, even though, I've already read through just about every single article and looked at every single picture on the entire site. But its a very good site and I enjoy surfing through it on occasion.
I also read through their Elite 4 guide for Pokemon Crystal/Gold/Silver, just for a fresh reminder of their Pokemon because I wasn't quite sure I had everything right, but now I do and I know exactly what level I need to train my Pokemon to before I should go in there.
My Pokemon are all at a decent level to go in and challenge them right now, but, I want to train my Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Flareon to level 52 so they learn their best attacks(Flamethrower, Thunder, Hydro Pump). Right now the only attacks they know that are the same type as them(excluding Vaporeon) is Ember and Thundershock.
Here's my current team and their attacks if you're interested...

Name: Dodrio
Nickname: Dante
Tri Attack
Drill Peck
Item: Sharp Beak
Level: 40

Name: Rhydon
Nickname: Claudia
Fire Punch
Horn Drill
Item: Smoke Ball
Level: 42

Name: Vaporeon
Nickname: Vinnie
Aurora Beam
Water Gun
Item: Mystic Water
Level: 44

Name: Jolteon
Double Kick
Pin Missle
Item: ---
Level: 43

Name: Flareon
Nickname: Cross
Quick Attack
Fire Spin
Item: Charcoal
Level: 42

Name: Espeon
Nickname: Domenico
Shadow Ball
Item: Spell Tag
Level: 42
I'm going to see the Yu-Gi-Oh movie today. My dad and I are going to see it sometime after he gets back from work, so that'll be after 4:00 PM. I'm not sure when we're going to go shopping, probably tomorrow or maybe after the movie is over, I really don't know though.
Man, I have a lot of money to go shopping with, though. Papa(he's my step-grandfather on my dad's side) gave my mom like, $200 yesterday while she was at work and she gave it to me when she stopped her at my dad's after she got out of work. So, I've been counting it almost non stop. Its just...so much money. *drools* Too bad I'm only allowed to spend a little of it on things other school clothes. T_T Oh well.
Hehe, I'm watching CatDog right now. I can't believe they still play this. CatDog used to be my favorite show when I was younger. I still enjoy it, too. You know, I think I saw every single episode they ever played and I think I saw the movie a few times, too. I don't like the show as much as I used to like it, but I still like it.
I applied for two fanlistings yesterday and I'm waiting for the confirmation email for them. I've already got one of the site's finished, heh. I absolutely enjoyed doing it, although, I'm still doubtful about the form I made...hmm. I think I should change the email I have it sent to. My Hotmail email might be spazzin' on me again... But, I'll work on that a little later.
Alright. I think I'm done now.
-DDG |
Comments (4) |
Friday, September 3, 2004
'Who, who are you? What do you want? Why can't you people just leave me alone?!'
I hate this computer. I absolutely loathe it. The only decent thing about it is the art program, PhotoImpression4. Without that, I don't know what I'd do. @_@
I'm only complaining about it right now because I'm trying to fucking download Spybot: Search & Destroy and its downloading the thing at around 1.20-1.35 kb/s!
You know how fucking annoying it is to wait an hour just to download something?
What I would do to have DSL...
I swear, I would do anything to have DSL. I would give up my arm or a leg just to have the damn thing! Just take it! Take my left arm! Its not like I really need it that much anyway. I learned to adapt without when I had a cast on it the summer of 2003.
Ok, so it might be a bit hard to type with only one arm but, whatever...
Oh the things I could do if I had DSL...*dreams*
Speaking of dreams, I had a really strange one last night. So strange that now I can't remember it. All that I remember was that I had ESP or something along that line.
I'm on my fourth video tape of Pokemon. I've been just watching the tapes all the time so I'm finishing them fairly quickly now.
I also redid my team a bit in Pokemon Crystal. I was getting a bit lazy, so I decided to drop my Eevee that I was going to evolve into an Umbreon(I'll still do it, some other time, though, maybe after I beat the Elite 4, Umbreon's just not needed to fight the Elite 4) and I dropped my Farfetch'd. In their places, I got a Rhydon and a Dodrio.
My changes are significant towards my plan of action to beat the Elite 4. I've beaten the Elite 4 in Pokemon Crystal so many times, the exact attacks to use on each of the Pokemon that each Elite 4 member has is like, engraved into my brain. @_@
Like, for example, its been a long frieking time since I last beat the Elite 4, yet, I still remember to use Earthquake as my primary attack against the dark type trainer of the Elite 4, primarily psychic attacks against Bruno, but water attacks against his Onix, strong fire type attacks such as Flamethrower against Koga's Pokemon, Electric and Fire type attacks against Will, Dark type attacks against the Ghost type Elite 4 trainer, and then ice type attacks on Lance's three Dragonites, Electric on his Gyarados, Water on his Charizard and Water on his Aerodactyl.
All this time and I still remember all of their Pokemon, their Pokemon's attacks, who to use against them, what attacks to use against them, etc.
Whee, the download rate bumped up to 1.56 kb/s...
My dad's supposed to be taking me school shopping sometime this weekend. I'm pretty sure my clothes from JCPenney are in, but my mom told me that he's taking me to buy clothes just in case the one's from JCPenney don't fit me.
I enjoy shopping with my dad. Its so much easier than with my mom because he'll actually enjoy a trip into the video game department or a sporting goods or video game store, heh.
My big fat cat Calico was down in the entry way wrestling with my shoe a little while ago. o_O I don't know why she was, but, she was just attacking the thing! Then she came upstairs and started playing with her mouse and now she's lazily lounging in the middle of the hallway.
Well, I do believe I've ran out of things to say. So I guess that's it. ^_^
19th day of TehSillyCircus 2.
11 more days 'till my birthday, yay!
-DDG |
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
(Edit in later)
Ah, school computers are my sanctuary.
Well, sort of. They're not all that good, but atleast I get somewhat fast internet connections with them.
I have homework over the weekend. Its pretty simple, though. Just vocabulary words for math, all we have to do is say what we think the defintion of the word is, draw an example of it and then in class next week on Wednesday, we'll go over the real definitions.
I almost had Social Studies homework but I finished it just before the timer ran out for the time we were alotted in class to do it.
I'm in CEWT right now. I've got quite a lot of free time because the teacher is helping people with their log in name's and passwords(some of them were changed, mine wasn't, thankfully).
This post probably wont be too long. I don't really have much to say. I guess I'll try and think of something, though. ^_^;
I plan on going to my dad's house this weekend. It'll be the first weekend I'll actually get to spend with him because he's finally out of jail now. I'm hoping that we can rent some movies and watch them together, I'd really like to get Kill Bill Volume's 1 and 2 and watch them with him. I'm not sure if he'll like them, but he can atleast watch them to have watched them, you know?
We also both want to see the Whole Ten Yards, so I plan on asking to get that, too.
Today is day 18 of TehSillyCircus 2 and I think my posts are just getting more and more random as the contest moves on. I'm sure they wont get any better, either.
EDIT: Alright. Computer problems solved.
I took a nap last night at around 5:30. I slept 'till 9 when my mom got home and told me to take a shower. I also handed her all of the papers she needed to sign from school and whatnot. She got that done fairly quickly while I was taking a shower so I had all of those ready and wouldn't get any of them in late.
Pictures are on Tuesday. I don't know what I'm going to wear. Probably one of my new outfits which should be arriving today. ^_^
Speaking of clothes...I need to do my laundry, hehe. I don't have many pairs of pants left and its been pretty cold lately so I don't really want to wear shorts to school.
After having my haircut for almost a week now, I must say I really do like it now that I've gotten used to it. I love how awesome I look when I have my bangs hang over my eyes, which is what I do every morning with them. My mom's usually still sleeping when I get up so she can't say anything about it. =P
Yeah, my bangs hanging over my eyes inhibits my vision a bit, but I'm ok. If I really can't see then I'll just brush them off to the sides.
I really can't wait until this weekend. Four whole days without school...^_^ I'll actually be able to sleep in and watch the shows that I like to watch that come on late at night. Yippee.
Oh. And spend time with my dad after only spending a few hours with him on atleast one day he was over to the house on work release when I was over there all summer. I don't know what we'll do together. We'll probably rent some movies or games or something. There have been a lot of movies that he's missed out on while being in jail, so I'm sure he'll want to see them.
Alright. I think I'm done now.
-DDG |
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