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Tactical espionage agent
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I'm a SENIOR in high school.
Anime Fan Since
I was eight years old, when they first played Digimon on Fox.
Favorite Anime
Darker than BLACK, Naruto, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, Gravitation, Pokemon, Digimon, Trinity Blood, Black Cat, Fullmetal Alchemist
World domination and to die from laughter.
Writing. Doodling. Gaming. Daydreaming. Procrastinating.
Procrastinating and being lazy.
Friday, November 5, 2004
*humming current song on her site*
Its such an addicting song; whenever I listen to it, I can't get it out of my head for hours afterwards. I guess that's really a good thing since I like the song so much.
I'm really tired today. I always end up extremely tired on the weekends; all of the lack of sleep from earlier in the week sort of catches up to me. I was all curled up with my kitty at 2:00 PM(today was a half day at school) in my bed and almost asleep when the neighbor banged on the slider door and woke us both up. Then my cat got up and left me...I didn't really mind; she hogs the bed anyway. So I pulled up the covers around me and was just about asleep(I think it was around 3:00 PM at this time) when Josie pulled up in the driveway.
She came just in time, too. I was just closing my eyes about ready to drop-off when she honked the horn. Well, so much for taking a much needed nap...guess I'll just sleep in tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, I need to call my mom and ask her if we're going to the playoff game between Beal City and Vestaburg. She said she wanted to go and I did, too, but I have to call her to make sure that we're still going. I really want to go and see Vestaburg get stomped by Beal City. *obviously the only person, except Xio, who supports the opposing team in all of Vestaburg's games* <-- Well, not all the time. I do support them sometimes, but this game I'm supportin' the Aggies(Beal City's mascot).
I usually don't take much interest in football. It kind of bores me sometimes, but ever since listening to the heart-pounding, exhilirating win of CMU's over Western(they were down 14 points with 3 minutes to go in the last quarter and they ended up scoring 14 more points, going into overtime, and winning with a field kick into the wind.), I've been paying more attention to football.
Most notably, I've been paying attention to Vestaburg's games; this is their first ever year in the Playoffs, which I find terribly humorous. Xio and I snicker and joke about it every time we spot the article about it that hangs in the Middle School hallway.
Directing this post elsewhere, we have to write a pretest essay in English. At first, I was a bit skeptical, seeing as we just finished writing our American Hero essays and I wasn't really up to writing another one so soon. Plus, I couldn't think of a decent topic.
But after about a half hour of sitting at my desk in English, and thinking on it, I decided that I would write a paper about video games. A paper about video games that would be the best damned paper about video games ever. I made a huge web so I knew what sorts of topics I would cover and looking back over it, I know this paper's going to take me forever to write and its going to be extremely long...
Game systems, ratings, game companies, controversial subjects, the whole lot. I'm covering as much of it as I can. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to finish it by Monday. I'm going to be sitting around all Sunday afternoon, contemplating and writing because I didn't think to grab it and take it with me, here to my dad's, before I left. T_T Ah, well, I'll get it done somehow...
I've been doing A LOT of reading lately. This past week I read the first two Harry Potter books(for AR points only, although it was fun reading them over again) again. I started the first one on Tuesday, finished it Wednesday night, read and finished the second one yesterday and today I started the third one and stopped reading it somewhere around the 150th page.
I haven't been able to take tests on them yet because we've had half-days yesterday and today, so there was no Jumpstart, which is the only class I can take an AR test in. I plan on taking them on Monday, however.
Ah, I can't wait until Josie gets home. I'm craving pizza so bad...but she wont be home 'till 6:30 and its only 5:40 PM right now. ;_; I guess I'll live. She also promised me pickles though, and I've been craving those all week, too!
Ah, well, I'll...uh, be going now. Nothing much else to say.
Oh, one more thing actually: Xio, you better get on MSN this weekend. If you don't, I swear, I will personally beat you senseless on Monday!
Day: 82 |
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