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Thursday, November 18, 2004

Bipolar complex can make you feel so good. . .
No, I don't have bipolar complex. That damned commercial about it is just sort of...stuck in my head so I figured, what the hell! and decided to use it as the title for this post.

Anyway, to make up for yesterday's insufficient post, I'll, um...talk about...er, hunting. Or something.

Yeah, I went hunting today. Lonnie had been planning to go so he asked me if I wanted to go; Blaike had already planned on going but I was still undecided. Immediately after opening the slider door and stepping inside, however, I was questioned about going and agreed because going hunting (despite how boring it can be and how damn cold it gets) is fun.

Now, mind you, I'm not old enough to hunt myself so I just go with Lonnie and sit in the blind with him; helping to spot deer and listen for sounds. May sound boring to any of you who have never hunted in your life, but its all fun to me. The first hour or so I spent just sitting back in a comfy rocking chair that was in there; kind of absentmindedly staring out at the sky as that was all I could see from my position in the chair. Lonnie was sitting on the stool next to the little table like thing inside the blind where he was holding his gun, periodically checking out the surrounding woods with the scope whenever he saw movement.

After the first hour (around 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM) or so, he asked me if I could see anything and I promptly told him that the chair did not permit to see anything but sky. He suggested that I grab the bag of corn, place it in the chair and sit on that. Wanting to be of better help, I did so and sat on that damn bag of corn for the next hour. That thing hurt like hell. My butt was so sore after I got off that thing...

But anyway, the night didn't turn out too successful. The conditions weren't too good; the weather was bad for hunting. And by around 5:30 it was too dark to even see whether or not there was a deer of any kind in the woods. So we headed off towards the blind set off farthest back in the woods where Blaike had been hunting.

The only thing Lonnie and I had ended up with at the end of the time we were hunting was that we knew there were some deer to the south of us; there was a window in the blind that faced that way, but the blind Blaike was in was also that way so it was better not to risk it. We'd heard the deer that were down there as they walked through the cluster of trees next to us. Other than that, Lonnie said he'd seen some legs behind one of the pine trees out in the field to the west of us(the other window in the blind was facing that way), but since the pine trees were in the way and were kind of far off, he probably never would have been able to get anything had they even shown themselves.

After meeting up with Blaike and beginning to head back, we learned that Blaike had not spotted anything either. All he had seen were some squirrels eating from the bait pile. A few minutes later we met up with Richard(my step-grandpa) who was in the blind nearest to the house, just outside of the first of three fields that were out in his woods. (The three blinds that are out there are situated perfectly throughout these three fields; the first one just to the north of field numero uno, the second(the one Lonnie and I were in) situated just east of field numero tres(field #2 is too close to field #1 and blind #1 for a blind to be set up there) and the third blind is situated a little southeast of field #3, facing a trail that eventually leads into someone else's property.)

Blind #1 belongs to Richard, Blind #2 was built by Lonnie, Blaike and Lonnie's brothers, and #3 was built by someone else in the family. All of the three blinds are shared by everyone in the family who hunts(and most of them do) and usually some pretty good kills end up coming off the property from one of the three blinds.

So far, since the season started, I believe only one doe has been killed and that was on Monday night by Richard off of his blind. Other than that, I believe a few others have been out there during the course of the week but have not had any luck.

Ok, unto other things besides hunting, which isn't much...

Xio considers me her "sensei" because of my obsessiveness over Naruto...and now we've began discussing Naruto so much at lunch and whatnot that she's really interested in reading it! *coughs* Xio, the link to where I download Naruto can be found in my intro. I believe the words "the" is linked to it. But, just in case, here's the link anyhow: NarutoFan.

Yay! Whoo! Yay! I'm so happy! I made it into The God-Game! Whoohoo! Yippee!

Other than that, I got to cry three straight consecutive times over a certain part in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. *sighs* So sad...but, atleast I get to take a test on it tomorrow. Then I'm going to bring Rifles For Watie home and read that. Then I'll finish The King's Fifth and begin reading the Lord of the Rings books(for two reasons: #1.) I've been wanting to read them and #2.) they're worth quite a lot of points!).

Ah, anyway, I'm planning on going hunting again with Lonnie on Sunday(not sure whether it'll be in the morning or afternoon, he asked me and I said I didn't care) and other than that I'm going to my dad's for the weekend like always. He's said that he'll have finished the item list in QUARANTINE when I come back tomorrow. Last time we talked(which was last weekend) he was at 72 items to go...I really hope he's finished it! He's been working on it for more than a month now! Then he can start working on mine for me, lol! But he just likes that game so much he doesn't mind doing mine, too...(I've got a little less than half to go...)


Day: 95

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