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Saturday, November 20, 2004

A Well thought-out Englilsh Paper, By Kyle "The Yellow Dart" Smith
Its 6:06 PM and I'm eating Golden Grahams. There's absolutely nothing to eat here! God, I sure hope that when my dad and Josie get back they'll have brought some pizza back with them. I really have a craving for pizza right now...

My dad and Josie are out Christmas shopping right now. ^_^ She had me write her a list of the things I want, lol. It took up one and quarter sides of one sheet of paper. Since I wrote down so much I put little stars next to the items I wanted the most. The stars ended up being next to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Metal Gear Solid 3, Blood Will Tell and the Metal Gear Solid comic books. Along with a bunch of PS2 games on there I included an Xbox, Nintendo DS, Halo 2, Halo, and the original Metal Gear Solid game for the PS1. I also had to write down the stores at which they should probably look for the item, so that took up a lot of the page...

I posted on "The God-Game" at 2:30 AM earlier today...jee, another early in the morning post. But, it was still good. I think I get a lot more constructive thinking done really late at night and stuff...I always seem to be at my most creative at that time.

Yep, going huntin' tomorrow. My mom asked me if I wanted to go with Lonnie and I confirmed that I did. She said she'd call me today to remind me, of course, I remember anyway...

We're going early in the morning so I kind of need to head off to bed early. But if I don't go to bed early, my mom said she'd let me take a nice long nap when I got home. I should probably take a shower tonight, too, since I wont have time tomorrow. I really hope we get something tomorrow. I hate waking up early and not finding anything. I think the conditions should be a bit better tomorrow. Can't be too sure, though. It was raining last night when we went to the movies. Kind of a rain/snow actually.

Anyway, about the movie: It. Was. The. Best. Movie. EVER! I absolutely loved it! It was hilarious! And to be expected, it was Spongebob-ie hilarious! Man, Dennis is the coolest character EVER. (GO WATCH THE MOVIE! I DEMAND IT!)

I've been watching Strong Bad email's since I got up...a few hours ago...I was kind of feigning sleep so I wouldn't have to get up. I actually did try to fall back asleep but I couldn't because Brittanie was crying and being a little brat as usual. *sigh*

Well, I'm off to watch more emails...


Day: 97...er...yeah, I think so. Something like that.

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