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myOtaku.com: DDG

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Wahoo! Manga!
My mom is so wonderful ^_^ She owed me $15 because I gave her the $15 gift card for WalMart that I'd gotten for Christmas, so she took me to Sam Goody today and I got to buy .hack//Legend of the Twilight volume 3! Whee! Man, it was like almost twice as thick as the other two! And I got the last one on the shelf hehe! And they had plenty of Naruto in stock, too. Even though I've read a lot of it by downloading, I still want to collect all of the volumes as well. I thought about getting volume 2 of Naruto, but it was $8 and would put my total expenses up to $18. So I told my mom she has to take me to Galaxy Comics next time so I can spend that other $4. I'm going to buy the third volume of the Metal Gear Solid comic ^_^ The fourth one should be out by now and the fifth one should be out soon. They're supposed to come out monthly so *shrug*

(Do not read on if you wish not to hear spoilers!)

Whee, but the third volume was so awesome! They've got this awesome page in the back that shows all of the main character real life pictures and they have a picture of Mistral hugging Mireille (who's real name is Mirei) and its just so awesome! ^_^ I love it I love it I love it! *hugs it*

(Ok, you can come back now)

I wanted to get the next volume of GTO, too, but, oddly enough, they always only have volume's 1 and 18 o_O Where have all the other's gone? Why don't they have any of the others? Why is the world so screwed up? Can't they count? What's wrong with them? Why? Why!

But I figure I'll just download the next chapters and stuff from this awesome website I found ^_^ Whee! Props goes to Naruto Fan for having an ad for that site, on their site! Whee! Yay! Woohoo! Yahoo! Hooray! Hoorah! Huzzah!

I'm just too hyper right now ^_^ Too hyper and happy. All because of volume three of .hack//Legend. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^


Day: 153

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