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Tactical espionage agent
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I'm a SENIOR in high school.
Anime Fan Since
I was eight years old, when they first played Digimon on Fox.
Favorite Anime
Darker than BLACK, Naruto, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, Gravitation, Pokemon, Digimon, Trinity Blood, Black Cat, Fullmetal Alchemist
World domination and to die from laughter.
Writing. Doodling. Gaming. Daydreaming. Procrastinating.
Procrastinating and being lazy.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Oh, the times they are a changin'
Making some monumental decisions regarding my online life. Decisions that is something that I actually am not regretting going through with.
#1.) Cancelling my domain name.
I've thought about it and thought about it. I've still got one more year left for it but I've relized that probably after this last year that'll be it. Things have changed in the course of a few months. Money is tight now. Mom doesn't have a job anymore because the jackass who she went in with to buy Aairco in the first place has went behind her back and conspired with the man they bought the business from. Both sides are conversing with lawyers and both legal and illegal actions are being took.
If you asked me straight out in a public place or something of such whether or not I was scared about what's happening, I'd tell you flat out: a little.
I guess it'd really depend on who I was talking to and how believable I made the response sound, but I'm sure if anyone knew the true depths of what was happening they'd know I was lying.
I'm more than a little scared. I'm extremely scared. The man my mom went in with to buy Aairco and the man who they bought it from don't give a shit about what happens to my mom and family. They don't give a flying shit about what happens to us. All they want is money. Correction, the old owner wants money. The president(my mom was vice) wants to keep his ass out of trouble and blame it all on my mom, not to mention grab some cash in the process.
But I've gone off topic *feeble laugh* I'm cancelling my domain name for a few reasons: one is that it was paid for by Aairco's business card. Two is because I've really lost a lot of interest in it. Not completely lost interest just lost interest for the moment. I'd also like to shift the focus of the site from "anime" to "manga". I've read so much manga and could cover so much more about manga that I'd find it in my best interest to shift the focus of the site to more manga based stuff. Three is that I really don't need a domain name. What's the use? I'm going to talk to my buddy kamemaster next chance I get. Awhile ago he mentioned something about how he found a great free web hosting provider. And anyway, he's done a lot of searching for decent providers so he'd be a good person for me to talk to. And he's always willing to help out.
I'll come up with a new name for my website. Something creative . . . then I'll sit back for awhile and read up the latest point in a few mangas and begin writing up content for them, getting back into the flow of creating a website. I'll start designing the pages, put the site together and I'll be on my merry way.
At the moment I'm trying to put things out of my mind. One way of doing that is working on a new page for my story which has been renamed(again) to La Cosa Nostra. Much easier to say(and remember).
I might treat you all to it tonight. I've only put up to about page 10 of 48, though. Maybe I'll add 10 pages a week or something. I don't know. *shrugs* I'll keep the old page up though, for comparison.
Yeah, I'll do that. I'll add an edit to the bottom of this post with the link(unless I upload the page by the time I finish this post(you all didn't think I just sat here typing did you? Nah, I periodically stop and browse other sites . . . .))
My domain name will remain until I can talk with kamemaster and then it will continue to exist until I transfer all of my files *faints* Good god, I just realized how long that's going to take. Actually, I don't have to transfer that much now that I think about it. A lot of it is still saved to my dad's computer so all is well.
Here 'tis the link(for anyone who happens to want to read my masterpiece *nudges Mimsi*(*giggles* I've just always wanted to call you that *laughs*)):
Old version:
I haven't made the image for the top of the page. The code is just in there so I could figure out the layout of the page and how I wanted everything to look. The image'll come this weekend.
-DDG |
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