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Sunday, May 29, 2005

I like you Danny. I'll be in the back.
The days have just been flying by. Its hard to believe that after Memorial Day I'll only be an eighth grader for four more days . . . .

*sigh* I'll miss being an eighth grader. It was great while it lasted. I can't believe how fast this year has went, though. Last year felt like it was just dragging by but this year just seems like a blur.

So much has gone on in the past few weeks its hard to decide on what to say.

I guess I'll start out with, um, last week, Tuesday:

Tuesday: Tueserday, Tueserday, good 'ol Tueserday. We went to Kokomo's in Saginaw. The ride there was pretty boring. Only highlight really was when everyone on the bus sang, "Holla Back Girl". Well, everyone sang the bananas part anyway.

At Kokomo's I played laser tag(along with Xio, Alexa and a bunch of other people) a million times in a row. We all got soaked on the Bumper Boats, as well as shooting water balloons at each other. And we didn't get to ride the Go Karts because we had to leave to go back on the buses T_T Travis, Alexa and I played Putt Putt Golf for a little while, but we didn't finish because it was lunch time. I did get a hole in one on hole 3, though ^_^

Wednesday: Career Day. We went to Montcalm Community College to attend sessions that were assigned to us(we'd signed up for them earlier in the year, but not everyone got what they wanted). I attended Lawyer, Probation Officer and Police Officer. Lawyer was boring but Probation Officer and Police Officer were great. Probation Officer if only because he was hot *faints* Ahem. And maybe because he taught us how to properly handcuff someone(that was cool). Police Officer because he was cute ^_^ and because he was hilarious.

Hehe. I got his business card. Though everyone else could have gotten it if they wanted to...

Later that day, as in, after school, I went to Math Club.

Thursday: Appointment day. I got to leave school early. Fun.

You wanna know what the doctor asked me while at the appointment?

Doctor: Did I inject you yet?
Me: O_O No.

And can you guess what he did?

Yep. He injected stuff into my knee that's supposed to make it feel better.

And it doesn't. Not at all.

And if it doesn't feel any better soon, he's going to refer me to a surgeon ;_;

*cradles knee*

Friday: Friday was as Friday does. Because of the shot the doctor had given me, I'd ended up really tired. I don't know what the hell was in it, but it might me really drowsy. I fell asleep at about 10 PM(which is early for me) and woke up at 7 AM, but couldn't stay up. I was up for about a minute before I fell back asleep. My mom says she came into my room three times and tried to get me up, but I was too tired to stay up.

So I ended up not going to school that day, missing the Maxfield's trip(which I hear was boring, so thank God), and then attending the dance later on(which was fun ^_^).

I'm being really sparse on details. *shrugs* And now I'm going to be sparser *getting kind of bored...*

Went to the SAC(Studen Activity Center) on Tuesday. Went to Michigan's Adventure on Wednesday. Rode Shivering Timbers 7 times, but if anyone asks we rode it 12 and 1/2 times(it broke down half way through so we had to climb down the side hehe).

Thursday and Friday were normal days.

And today is Saturday. Yep. Isn't that wonderful? Of course it is.

I've got a three day weekend because of Memorial Day. Which means that next week there are only four days of school . . . the last four days until Summer Vacation.

The most awesome news I've heard in two weeks: I've been elected as class Vice President for our Freshmen year =D I ran and I won. I beat out all the competition(two other people).

And as a conversation I've had with Xio about class elections:

Xio: Elections are just popularity contests [I formerly agreed with her]
Me: If elections are just popularity contests, then I must be pretty popular.

She ran for President against two other people and lost. I'd say that the election of President was a popularity contest, seeing as she lost to one of the most popular girls in school.

Alexa got elected as Class Representative. Only because two people are to be elected as it and only two people ran for it lol.

Things at home have been so-so. They're not exactly the best, but they're getting better.

Money is really tight. I mean, extremely tight. I got two dollars to buy lunch the other day and pay off my charge and I still ended up 5 cents in the whole. Now I'm 2.90 in the whole.

Things weren't going so good between my mom and Lonnie for a little while(they argue about money A LOT and have a lot of disputes about it) but they've gotten better.

My mom and I cried together for a little while one night. I can't remember if it was this week or last week but all I know is that we spent about two hours crying together, trying to sleep(she'd asked me if I'd sleep with her that night(don't take that the wrong way, you sick minded people). It must've been on a night she and Lonnie weren't getting along because he was out sleeping on the couch) and she started crying which made me cry and then we couldn't stop crying. Then after we both finally did, I couldn't sleep. I ended up falling asleep at about 3 AM, then waking up about three times in between 3 AM and 7 AM.

Gah! And now I want to kill my computer. For some reason there was a "problem" and it couldn't move chapters 80 and 84 of Black Cat. And because of this "problem" the files inside of the folders were neither where they had started or where they were to end up. Gone. Completely erased. *growls* I spent all that time downloading volume 9, organizing the files into folders, changing the file names, only for two of the fucking folders' files to be DELETED!

God damn. Sometimes I just want to kill this computer. Physically strangle it to death. If its not doing stuff like the above, its telling me that my files are corrupted when I'm unzipping them(the only remedy I've found is either waiting a little bit and trying to unzip them again or do the demanding process of restarting my computer and then unzipping them).

Well, I'm sure I had more to say, but Samurai Champloo is on.

This post shall be posted at 12:05, since its pretty stupid to post it at 11:30.


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