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In the middle of town in a dark alley in a cardbox next to Wal-Mart
Member Since
work...FEH...isn't going to school torture enough?!
Real Name
WHat do ya think?! Its on top oof this site! Or do u need glasses? Its DDRAGONX! .......or...Andy..
besides forcing myself up at 7 just to go to school everyday... i dunno....
Anime Fan Since
since forever,or else i wouldn't even b here!
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha,Fruitbasket,Full-Metal Alchemist,Shinzo,One Piece,Wolf's Rain,Yuyu Hakishu,Pita ten,Spirited Away,.Hack//Sign,Hikaru No go,DNAngel,Kare Kano,and soooo much more!
Become a great drawer and acheologist
Doing gymnastics,tae-kwon-doe,reading anime,playing my instruments: clarinet,guitar,piano,and skateboarding,and listening to Linkin Park,My Chemical Romance,othe Rocken Roll songs.
sports,drawing,and a sharp sarcasim!So i guess that could be one too.
KOnnichiwa!My name is DDragonx or Andy,or um.. just another Otaku person. WELCOME TO MY SITE!! I hope that you appreciate it and look around! Im working on it as far as i can get.Just know if u sign my guestbook I PROMISE TO RETURN THE FAVOR!Im a huge rock music freak and i have some clubs im in. Just know i did not make them up im just a member. So look at the bottom of them to see who DID make them.Well thats all i hope i make some new friends! Breaking The Habit-Linkin Park
Music by "Everything..."
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
wELL hAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! To everyone out there! Usually Halloween is like my thing i do EVERY YEAR...but since im sick with chicken pox...which really sux. I cant be a hobo for im like decorating my house to make it scary for tricker treaters. Its been forever since i last posted. Well High School has been great actually.....i didnt get into any fights..a little drama here and their within my group of friends but what do u expect in High school,right? Well thats all for now.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
S8te! i woke up at 10 but stayed up last night since 1:30 so ya...i think u can tell i was pretty tired. Why didnt i stay in bed, you may ask? Well today i had to go to the skate park with my cuz and meet some friends. So i had to force myself up, but we had fun at the park. We didnt skate as much, but still had some fun. My cousin was like quiet which is VERY unreal. But when everyone left and it was me,my cousin, and one of my firnds (Calen). We just kinda talked about some important stuff. Calen updated me on some stuff thats been happening with my firnds since ive been working, and havent had to the chance to find out myself. My cousin went skating when we were talking since some of the stuff was just between our group of frinds so it was confidental. So now im updated so i know for sure...High School is going to be very interesting...or the worst years of my life. I cant wait...just bring it on. Well im at work right now and like taking my small lunch break...i know at 5:00 i take...whats up with that. Oh also yesturday i got like a tatto its awesome! It says "Native S8ter" first you had to write it ink and then get a pin and poke holes to spell whatever it is, and put like liquid eyeliner over it and leave it there over night and then take the ink off. and it might look a little bloody but when it heals ypu see the words perfectly. It stays for a month, i think. Well thats it for today. CYA!
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Hello,ppl! Well im kinda at work right now. So this is goin to be quick,lol. Hows everyone doin since last time i posted? Work is kinda borin and hard but it pays really good. So thats the up side! Well.....i got new shoes! Their awesome! I bought them with my last paycheck so its alll goood....have u guys ever heard of the store called " Hot Topic"? The amazin awesome store! Thats where i got my shoes for only $45! Well....i think thats it...oh! im goin skateboardin today which will be totally fun....and then again tomorrow. So thats it ill try postin tomorrow again! CYA!
~ Me....DDragonX
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
well, alot has happened...heh. Well first i went to Orgeon for a few was hecka fun!i met alot of new ppl! And yesturday i went to the movies with 3 of my friends (thats all that showed) and watched TOKYO DRIFT! the coolest movie ever!So ya...well thats all i can think of to say..oh! i got a job!! too bad its just filing papers and stuff...well thats all! CYA!
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
Whats up? Im bored....nothing to do today so i thought about posting something here. Im babysitting my younger brother and sisters tonight. Oh! At school my friends were all trying to open some ketchup package, and none of them could open it and then when everyone gave up on it, then Cee (one of my friends) took it when everyone was looking away except Elisa and opened easily. Then she was all "LOOK WHAT CEE DID!SHE OPENED IT!" and then everyone looked and she gave another ketchup package to Cee and they were all watching to see if she will open it. The she was all puching the ketchup and looked like she was finding a place and then Matt was all " she trying to find the secret place!" in this funny voice. and Cee was all looking bored and then opened it and im assuming they were all in Awe for a moment. this is what Elisa told me today cuz apparently i wasnt there. But it sounded funny. but i like that quote "she trying to find the secret place!" thats funny..Also were graduating this year or in 2 months...and...i....have to go shopping for a dress next week....T_T....THAT SUXS! I HATE DRESSES!! this is soooo like gonna cry as soon as we enter the probably seious about might just go..."it suxs, can we go?" or " what did i do to deserve this kind of cruel twisted punishment? i thought u loved me mom." or if they ask if i like this dress, ill stay quiet and then when they ask me whats wrong ill reply " I was struck speechless at the stupidity of what u said." ~sigh~ well thats it....cya!
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Featured Quiz Result:
Ive always been a HUGE fan og Egypt and Japan!So this is great!
 Your heart lies in the mysterious sand of Egypt. You long for adventure and something out of the ordinary. You are somewhat shy, but you have your friends that you deeply care for. You can be strong for the things you have a passion for and you follow your heart. For love, you await the day the destined someone discovers you in the lost pyramids of Egpyt.
In what land does your heart lie? ..:Anime Pics and Nine Results:.. brought to you by Quizilla
man...thats messed up...i have alot to say!...well sometimes.
That is soo true!
Your most prominent characteristic is courage! You face every challenge in life with a bold outlook. You are highly adventurous, and are never afraid to try something new. If anyone needs help with overcoming a fear, you're always there for them.
Characteristic Quiz (Awesome Anime Images) brought to you by Quizilla