Birthday 1988-03-23 Gender
Male Member Since 2006-05-11 Real Name David Dugal
Achievements I was Born Favorite Anime All Goals Live a long life (hahahaha) Hobbies Games Dead Leaves
Monday, October 30, 2006
Its that day of the week, were we all drag ourselfs out of bed to sit on a load bus or quite car and go to a learning envirment thats bar is less then Perfect, with people we dont like to talk to but we still smile at their very bad jokes, now if an outsider looked in they would say "why go?". Yes its Monday the day of all days after a two day bliss of freadom (well not that much freedom since homework was invented).
Im at school again, I usally get there around 7 cause I hate rideing the bus so my dad drives me.
I droped off some anime movies for the manga club sponser to check over them so we can watch them in club meetings.
They consisted of Steamboy,Memories,Escaphlone(I think I spelled that wrong), and Final Fantasy advent children (in japanese of course).
Anyway tommorrow is halloween and I am comeing to school as a pirate, I actually just bought a pirate earring to finish my costume So I am pretty happy about that.
Thats all for now I have to go to class.
here are some questions:
1) Mondays?
2) Do you smile at bad jokes (so you dont affend)
3) Peanuts or apple pie?