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in the magical land of yaoi and pocky
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shiroikarasu's yami. my dear little hikari toasty...
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DES will do

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watch me balance this pocky on the end of my nose!
| Dead To The World
Sunday, November 16, 2003
i noticed something...
has anyone else noticed that once an anime gets popular and such it is automatically labeled "dork?" example: if you mention yu-gi-oh! or DBZ at my school you get strange looks and berating comments, whereas if you mention something less known like gravitation or naruto you just get a blank stare or an "oh." i think that part of this has to do with the fact that really popular animes like yu-gi-oh are aimed at children here, and thus are ripped apart until there is nothing left. then non-anime people go to watch the butchered shows and, well, non-anime people are non-anime and are unaware that what they are seeing is merely a dub. heck, i doubt many of 'em would even know what the word 'dub' means... so they see it thinking that this is how the episodes really are. they don't know that the shows are butchered and not meant to be seen the way they are in dubs. they don't know that there's so much more to the show then the crap that gets puts on t.v. so they walk away thinking that the shows really are simple and childish. and i have to deal with a LOT of people like this. i think i mentioned before that thier are only a handful of anime fans in my entire school, and most of them aren't even that anime-ish to begin with. for example, all of them but one say "maynga" instead of "monga" and some don't even know the difference between subs and dubs. i even have one anime-ish friend that won't watch popular animes because they're so "childish". she judges the anime before she even sees it. uugh... im probably the smartest person in my school anime-wise.
another random rant... has anyone ever noticed that when they advertise yu-gi-oh, they always, always, ALWAYS call yami yugi? jeez, if you're going to advertise something try doing a little research on it! or at least find out the characters names...
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