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myOtaku.com: Dead To The World

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

adam... just signed... my guestbook... *hyperventilating* MY guestbook! MUWAHAHA!!! ok, enough of that. as you hav prolly all noticed, i am currently on a MAJOR gravitation high, seein as how i've mentioned it or shown a pic in EVERY freakin post so far, so i've decided 2 just ride this out and see where it leads me... oookay, sooo here for your enjoyment are some toootally kawaii gravi piccys! ^-^

there, now that i've gotten that outa my system... daBish: are u sure that it's outa ur system? *grabs nekked yuki and shuichi plushies* DES: you wouldn't dare... Bish: *evil smile* DES: oh gawd, not again...

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