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a drain on society. oh and i also work at the daycare center from hell
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uhh, getting my g.e.d. i guess.
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about 3rd grade.
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Full Metal Alchemist, Inu Yasha, Gundam Wing, Wolfs Rain, Chobits, Samurai Champloo, Witch Hunter Robin, DNAngel, Trigun, Battle Angel, Hellsing, All Mayazaki movies. Millenium Actress, and more i cant think of
to learn to cook, i live off ramen noodles. YAY RAMEN NOODLES!!! if not for ramen id have starved to death by now
drawing, reading, internet, walking, soul stealing...oh wait, ignore that last one! ....playing video games........stop staring at me!!!
umm....i can draw..........yeh thats about it.....I SAID STOP STARING AT ME!!!!
| DeadlyNightShade
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
hi everyone
gah sry ive ben really busy the last couple days. we're in the process of re-decorating the kitchen and so ive ben doing lots of physical labor and ben very tired.
so tonite me and my bro and sis are going out with my dad cuz its my sis's 19th b-day! happy birhtday rosie! ^.^ its gonna be fun. and then friday iam going to see a musical my friend Jon is in at school. i think their doing West Side Story. and i would not miss Jon doing ballet for the world! lol. so iam planning on meeting Lauren and Scott there if Lauren isnt sick anymore. and if not then jst scott and me and him and jon will hang out after the show. and iam hoping to get to see Jarrad this weekend cuz i miss him alot!
ok well i need to go to bed, my shoudler is killing me. i think i pulled it lifting heavy stuff -_-;;;
ok well have a good day everyone! |
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
hi everyone
i really dont have much to say except...
iam excited!!!
lol, have a good day everyone |
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Monday, April 24, 2006
hi everyone
iam not sick anymore
yay! anyway
you remember my friend Jarrad? well ive kinda ben crushing on him the past couple weeks, wich is kinda random cuz ive known him since 6th grade and ive never liked him that way before, but yeh anyway last nite he told me he likes me too. so me and him are gonna...well i dunno if you could call it a date, we're gonna have pancakes lol. we both freaking luv pancakes. so itll be fun whatever ends up happening ^_^
well iam freaking exhausted from doing friggin yard work so hopefully everyone survives monday! later everyone! |
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
hi everyone!
i still feel like crap, iam still in a good mood. its odd.
anyway, i cant think of anything to say so i thought id put up some pics of me and my buddies. so here we go!

to start, theres one of me. i actually like this pic

theres Lexi at a concert with her band. yeh shes in a band! she rocks out. she plays bass guitar.

this is Jon in the infamous Mic.Hat! lol sry inside joke. but yeh hes my hero!

heres lil sis Lauren! i luv her to death! shes gorgeous and fabulous! lol

and other lil sis Kelley! shes too cool. i luv her. and shes so pretty!

Heres Scott! fancy pic huh? his mom took it, shes a photographer. looking good Scotty face!
(yes, hes the one thats my ex, turned one of my best friends lol)

yay its Jarrad! i love him so freaking much! isnt this pic cool? he did it with some photo editor thing. i luv this pic.

heres Jarrads [ferternal] twin Josh. not a very good pic of him but hes awsome anyway!

and heres another one of me, Jarrad made it cool with his photo editor thing. notice the Heartless symbol? bad ass! lol
well thats the end of my lil parade of alis friends, i hope you enjoyed it lol.
have a good day everyone! |
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
hi everyone
you remember how yesterday i said i was a little sick? well now iam sick as all hell. its miserable. it blows. you get the general idea. yet for some reason iam still in a good mood lol. iam just odd, what can you do?
so anyway, iam starting to get kind of annoyed with my mom. cuz i told her how i want a new job, and she instantly goes and tells my sister that i can work at the same place as her. and this pissed me off, cuz i love my sis dont get me wrong. but i do NOT want to work with her. i just dont. it would not work. end of story. and my mom keeps acting like iam lazy and dont want a job, but i want a job more then anything! i hate being broke all the time. i just dont wanna work with my sis. iam still aiming for hottopic tho! lol. iam gonna call them soon to see what age they hire at, cuz i cant remember. and for all the older and more expeirienced people reading this, yes i know its hard to get a job and i shouldnt be picky. but i wanna try other places before i work with my sis. that is my last resort.
well anyway, i need to go drink some tea or somthing, my throat is killing me. have a good day everyone ^^ |
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
hi everyone
well, iam a little sick. scott had a little cold and i caught it at laurens party. but the party was so effing fun!
well i came early like i had planned, and me and lauren had to clean -_-;;; but thats ok, but we also got to eat candy lol. so after cleaning me and her and scotty hung out for awhile til people started to get there. the first girl to get there was a chick named riley i havent met before, but she was nice. then KELLEY got there next! yay! kelley is so awsome. then laura, shes preppy but cool lol. all the other people besides me and kelley were really preppy and kind of annoying lol, so me and kelley mostly hung out with scotty and played KH2 for the first bit of the party. then we played cheesy party games and did shots of candy (if you dont understand that its basically we put small candy like nerds in shot glasses lol) so we all got really hyper and crazy lol. then Lauren and Scottys mom (who is a proffesional photographer) took a group pic of us in her studio. actually she took like 30 of us cuz no one could agree on one they liked lol. then after that is was cake and stuff. the cake was like super girly and pink as a joke. lauren almost fell out of her chair when she saw it lol. then the presents, and she got some cool stuff. she did mine last, and she loved the pic! ^.^ yay! lol. then everyone started bugging me to draw them pics. i should start charging money lol.
then they all watched movies but i wanted to hang out with scotty more, so i did lol. so then after a couple movies scott and other people started going to bed. but me and kelley both have trouble sleeping so we hung out. we went on the comp and looked for good KH2 pics, and didnt find any! but we found the funniest video ever on bsically some wierdo put together a bunch of random KH cutscenes to make the characters say funny things lol. we were laughing hysterically lol. so me and her ended up staying up till 7am O_O wich prolly wasnt a good idea since we were going to the mall that day. so me and her only got to sleep for like 3 hours before we went to the mall. so once we were at the mall we were all gonna do this scavenger hunt thing, but i was too tired and didnt want to hurt laurens feelings. so as they were picking teams and stuff scott came up and grabbed my arm and was like "iam stealing her k?" cuz he knew how tired i was and that i really didnt wanna do the hunt. my hero! lol. so me and him wandered around the mall a bit with kelley then he wanted to go buy some stuff so me and kelley went off on our own. so it was fun even tho i was dead tired.
well i need to get some sleep now so i hope everyone had a good easter and stuff! ^.^ |
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Friday, April 14, 2006
party today! >.<
yeh ok anyway. today is party day. iam excited. i finished lil sis's pic, and baught a frame for it. i think its pretty good ^^ i hope she likes it cuz i didnt do everything exactly how she asked. but i did it close so i hope she does.
well i must go to sleep.
have a good friday peopel! |
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
hi everyone
iam kinda sad rite now, cuz my lil sis's uncle died yesterday, and she was really upset. so ive ben talking to her the last couple hours to make her feel better. and in the end she did. iam glad i was able to help. she asked me to come to her house early on friday before the other people get there for her b-day party, so me and her can hang out just us for a bit. cuz from the sound of it she invited alot of people. so iam gonna go over there at about noon and everyone else isnt coming till 7-8. and iam almost done with her pic, if i ever get a scanner iam deffinatly gonna post it cuz it came out so cute!
well thats all for today people, cuz i wanna go work on her pic some more
luv you guys!
*oh and if you didnt understand the "lil sis" thing read my post from 2 days ago* |
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
hi everyoe
gah iam so sry i didnt visit many people yesterday. ive ben so busy lately and iam just so tired, i just dont have the patiance to sit at the comp -.-zZzZz iam really sry guys! |
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Monday, April 10, 2006
hi everyone
like i promised, its monday, so i post. lol
well dont haave alot to say. oh except that its my lil sis's b-day party this weekend! (she isnt really my lillte sister, but i call her that cuz shes younger then me and we act like sisters anyway lol) so yeh iam drawing her a pic for her present cuz iam broke and cant actually buy her anything, and she wanted me to draw her a pic anyway. so it all works out lol. and hopefully ill be able to find a frame for it to make it special ^.^ well her party sounds like its gonna be like alot of fun. on friday is like the presents and stuff, then saturday is gonna be a big scavenger hunt thing at the mall. its gonna be fun ^^
so yeh ive run out of things to say so iam hoping to visit people today if i have time.
have a good day everyone! |
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