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AnimeADDict2589, MSN messanger at
in my head
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a drain on society. oh and i also work at the daycare center from hell
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uhh, getting my g.e.d. i guess.
Anime Fan Since
about 3rd grade.
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist, Inu Yasha, Gundam Wing, Wolfs Rain, Chobits, Samurai Champloo, Witch Hunter Robin, DNAngel, Trigun, Battle Angel, Hellsing, All Mayazaki movies. Millenium Actress, and more i cant think of
to learn to cook, i live off ramen noodles. YAY RAMEN NOODLES!!! if not for ramen id have starved to death by now
drawing, reading, internet, walking, soul stealing...oh wait, ignore that last one! ....playing video games........stop staring at me!!!
umm....i can draw..........yeh thats about it.....I SAID STOP STARING AT ME!!!!
| DeadlyNightShade
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
hi everyone
yay i got to visit almost everyone yesterday ^^ well other then that i didnt really do anything. well i did talk to jarrad, and his twin brother josh. and i also talked to scottys lil sister. shes 14, i luv her shes awsome! lol. she and scott want to hang out on spring break *wish is next week* along with Jon and some other people. it should be fun ^^
well thats all i have to talk about for now so have a good tuesday everyone |
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Monday, March 20, 2006
hi everyone
ughh iam sry AGAIN for not visiting yesterday. my mom is still being a computer-hogging %*#&@!, lol
well i didnt really do anything yesterday, and i really cant think of anything to talk about. well since my sis and me were just screwing around with her phone heres another pic of me. i actually like this one. i know its small but oh well

hope everyone has a decent monday |
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
hi everyone.
its about 1:00 am here. i just woke up. i dont remember falling asleep. i think i nodded off watching TV. iam going back to bed now. lol.
have a good sunday everyone -.-zZzZzZzZz |
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
hi everyone
this will be kinda short cuz i have a raging headache and looking at the screen isnt helping.
i may yet be able to make enuf money for KH2 yay! well so far joining myspace has proved usful for at least one thing. ive gotten back in touch with some of my old friends i havnt talked to in awhile. today i found my friend jarrads site, hes awsome! lol. i think he still likes anime so maybe ill tell him to join theO ^^ that would be cool.
well my head is killing me now so thats all for today. have a great weekend everyone! |
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Friday, March 17, 2006
TGIF!!!!!! and happy st.particks day
hi everyone
iam so sorry i havnt visited sites lately. my mom is seriously being a bitch to me for no reason. shes being perfectly nice to my brother and sister but for some reason shes pissed at me. so she hasnt let me on the comp.
well anyway iam kinda pissed cuz yesterday i had to pay my cellphone bill and buy my allergy medicine (wich is like 40 frickin bucks), so i dont know if ill have money to buy Kingdom Hearts 2 when it comes out. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* ARGH!!!! ive ben waiting FOREVER for it and now when its finally here i have no money! i swear someone up there hates me *shakes fist at sky* damn you! why must you do this to me?????
i need to figure out a way to make $50 bucks soon. dammit why do i have to wait till april to go back to work!
grrrrr well thats enuf of my bitching for now, have a fun st.patricks day *be sure to wear green!* and have a fabulous friday everyone ^________^ |
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
hi everyone.
iam in a better mood now. iam still not exactly happy but still its an improvment lol. thanks for everyone being nice yesterday ^^
well anyway, i really have nothing to post about otherwise so have a good thursday everyone ^.~W |
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
hi everyone
iam extremely tired.
iam in a bad mood for no reason.
iam sry this is a dumb post but i still felt like updating anyway.
hope everyone is in a better mood then me. |
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
sry, about scott again
i was just sitting here visiting some people when i finally realized what i miss so much about scott and why all other guys fail in comparison to him. its the way he makes me feel. i miss the way he makes me feel. no other guy has ever made me feel that way. i know it seems so corny and cliche but it was like everything else in the world melted away when i was with him.
well that could possibly be the mushiest, sappiest, corniest thing ive ever written lol.
but i wanted to write it while i had the thought in my head so i did lol. |
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hi everyone
my tummy hurts real bad! T^T i need some Pepto Bismal! (sp?)lol
well anyway. yesterday wasnt complete hell considering it was a monday. my mom was even wierder then normal yesterday. i know this isnt a very nice thing to say but somtimes i seriously think my mom has Bipolar disorder. i mean she has the most INSANE moodswings! like yesterday when i woke up she was really pissed at me for sleeping an extra hour, then she went to the store, and when she came back she was all in a good mood. then when she went out again she came back pissed. shes so wierd. but theres no way i could tell her i think she has a mental disorder, that would not go well lol. i really dont think she has it i just think she has a really short fuse lol.
well i hope everyone has a decent tuesday ^^ |
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Monday, March 13, 2006
i hate mondays.
hi everyone
sry again for not visiting. even tho moms bf left ive still ben pretty depressed. and i think he mite be coming back today. if he does be prepared for me to be seriously pissed off tomorow lol.
well the last few days me and scott have had some really deep conversations. i dont even know how we started talking like that it just sorta happend. well i think how it started was i asked him how his lil sis is doing cuz she really liked me when me and him were togher, and he said that she had ben bugging him about me constantly, saying things like "Ali was so cool! why did you break up with her stupid??!!" and i said as a joke "well that is true iam awsome lol" and then he said completely serious "yes you are" then after awhile he admitted he still wants to be with me, then the rest just kinda spilled out. and saturday night when we were talking i finally got up the guts to tell him that i would still wanna be with him too if i didnt think he'd back out again. long story short we still decided not to be together for now just cuz hes being a spazz still and he wouldnt want to hurt me again, but at least we know we still love eachother. iam just happy now i know how he feels, cuz it was driving me nuts! lol
well iam sry for having another post full of my emotional problems lol
i hope everyones mondays dont suck too bad |
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