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in my head
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a drain on society. oh and i also work at the daycare center from hell
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uhh, getting my g.e.d. i guess.
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about 3rd grade.
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Full Metal Alchemist, Inu Yasha, Gundam Wing, Wolfs Rain, Chobits, Samurai Champloo, Witch Hunter Robin, DNAngel, Trigun, Battle Angel, Hellsing, All Mayazaki movies. Millenium Actress, and more i cant think of
to learn to cook, i live off ramen noodles. YAY RAMEN NOODLES!!! if not for ramen id have starved to death by now
drawing, reading, internet, walking, soul stealing...oh wait, ignore that last one! ....playing video games........stop staring at me!!!
umm....i can draw..........yeh thats about it.....I SAID STOP STARING AT ME!!!!
| DeadlyNightShade
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
hi everyone.
yesterday was a little better. i think i forgot to mention that my moms boyfriend left on thursday. yay! i hate him alot. i really hope he doesnt come back, but i think he will. oh well.
i still dont have much else to post about rite now so have a good sunday everyone ^^ |
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
hi everyone
iam very sry i didnt update yesterday. the situation at my house has just gotten worse and i just didnt feel like being on the comp much.
well nothing else besides the fighting between mom and jackass has happend to me lately.
i hope everyone has a kick ass saturday ^^ |
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
hi everyone.
iam sooo sry i havnt ben able to visit hardely anyone lately. mom and her bf were still fighting yesterday, so i spent most of the day in my room drowning them out with loud music. ill definatly try to visit everyone at some point today.
well ive decided that colorado has the wierdest weather ever. the past week or so its ben around 70-80 degrees, but yesterday it snowed! alot! its so wierd.
well i finnally got around to making a myspace *even tho i still think its stupid!* and yes i have heard all that stuff on the news about how dangerous it is and stuff. but iam never on there anyway. so i guess if anyone else here has a myspace can you tell me so i wont seem completely friendless? lol
wooo its thursday! |
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
hi everyone.
yesterday was just kinda wierd. i think my mom and her bf worked out those "issues" i mentioned yesterday. good thing too cuz i was getting pissed.
well iam kind of mad at myself rite now, cuz no matter how hard i try i cant move on from scott *yes i know iam sry another post about the ex, iam sry!* hes not exactly making it easy either. whenever i tell him about how ive ben practicing driving lately he drops little hints about how we could maybe be together if i got my license. me and him havent talked since his birthday friday. i think its good to take a break from him since iam so confused and such. most girls would hate him by now, but i guess the best way to say how i feel is that i hate that i cant hate him *sigh*
well anyway. As you may have noticed that’s me down there *points at bottom of post* i think i look horrible but my sis said they were good pics. oh well whatever. she kept taking pics of me when i wasnt looking, it pissed me off. i hate having my pic taken. HATE. so these were the only 2 i found exceptable.
remember, ANY mean or rude comments about the pics and i will not hesitate to delete you from my friend list.

have a good wensday people |
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
not much to post
hi everyone.
i really didnt do anything yesterday. there are some "issues" going on at my house rite now between my mom and the jackass *aka her boyfriend* but thats the last thing i wanna talk about, it just depresses me.
well iam officialy in the Otaku top 500 list thingy. wooooo! >.< lol. so since i have nothing else to post ill just post my stats for the hell of it.
Total Guest Book Signings: 287
Total Visits: 1955
Popularity Rank: #492
well i beleive next week on the 13th is my 2 year Otaku Anniversary, yay! ^-^ *even tho i was without internet for about year or so during the 2 years lol*
well i hope everyone made it thru monday okay and have an ok tuesday everyone ^^ |
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Monday, March 6, 2006
............mmmm cookie............
...ive had a wierd obsession with cookies lately....
anywho, hi everyone, how are you? *silence* alright then.
well yesterday was ok. i hung out with my dad *i bet alot of people think iam wierd for hanging out with my dad so much lol* well we went to this place where they give art classes and show art exzibits. they were showing art from 4 different artists, but i only like 2 of them. te other 2 were just too abstract for me lol. well then after that we went to a mall and i baught: what else but posters. lol. i got 2. one was of johnny depp *not him as a charecter, just him* woo johnny! *drool bucket* lol. and the other one is a black and white of Marilyn Monroe. shes soo awsome. proof that you dont have to be a size 2 to be hot lol.
well i dont usually do the whole "quote of the day" thing. but i luv this one so ill post it lol.
"I dont mind living in a man's world, as long as i can be a woman in it" ~Marilyn Monroe
hope everyone survives today *evil monday* |
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
hi everyone
well yesterday was alot better then friday. tho i didnt do anything. at all. i spent most of the day lying on my bed, stairing at the ceiling, just thinking about stuff. it was good to just relax and have time to myself to just zone out from life, cuz i was in a bad mood when i woke up. not sure why. guess it was just one of those days. well when i finally did decide to face the world it was around 5:00. so i made ramen and sat around waiting for my mom to get the hell off the comp. shed ben on it all day.
i also picked up my paycheck yesterday. hooray money! >.< but i prolly wont get to spend it on anything fun T^T oh well.
i cant think of anything else to talk about so have a good sunday. |
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Saturday, March 4, 2006
busy/horrible day
hi everyone.
i had kind of a busy/horrible day yesterday sry i didnt visit everyone.
well i worked yesterday. and to be honest it was just terrible. i was so tired from moving my furniture around my legs could hardley support my own wieght, and he kids were all being such little brats, and i mean BRATS. they were all whiney and wouldnt stop attacking eachother, and they would start shrieking at the littlest things, they usually arent like that. i had to take them to a nearby playground. and i simply refused to my boss to bring the 3 year old boy because i just couldnt handle him, so i took the other kids without him. and then on the way back from the playground, this 2 year old girl that i usually like even tho shes very needy, she was crying the whole walk back because i wouldnt carry her. i would have carried her to shut her up but i CANT carry her anymore! shes too big. and when we were almost back to the house she just decides to lay on the sidewalk, throw a goddam fit and refuse to move. i just wanted to scream!!! so after awhile of trying to make her stop crying and even trying to bribe her, i ended up semi-dragging her to the house. the kids were late for lunch cuz of her and my boss was pissed at me. so then before i leave she was supposed to pay me. seriously the only reason i even went to work is cuz my boss wont give me my paycheck unless i come to work. and at the end of my fucking shift she tells me she doesnt even have my check ready and that i have to come get it today. all i could think was "are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!?! i come today for the soul reason of getting paid and you dont even pay me???" it pissed me off so bad.
but on the brite side one of the kids is no longer coming to this daycare. therefore my boss doesnt need any help till the beggining of april when she gets a new kid. so i get the next month or so off. THANK GOD. i need a break from these kids. iam thinking of applying at Costco. they pay good lol.
well after the work day from the seventh circle of hell i got my hair cut and colored. it looks awsome! and good thing too cuz if my hair had come out bad after that god-fosaken work shift, i would have gone completely postal and killed everyone *not really!* lol. iam hoping to post a pic of me in the next couple days since my hair looks so cool lol.
well iam sry this was a long and unhappy post. but its saturday so all is well ^-^ |
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Friday, March 3, 2006
oh and i forgot to say before that its my friend scotts birthday today so
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hi everyone
iam sry that all ive ben posting about lately is that iam tired. i know its boring.
well rite now iam physically exshausted! me and my moms boyfriend *who i dont hate at the moment lol* were re-arranging all my furniture in my room for a couple hour yesterday. it was so freaking hard. i swear my bed has to weigh a way about 500 freaking pounds. it took soo long to move it, and we only moved it about 3 feet! lol. my room is pretty small, so moving all the stuff at once was kinda hard. but now my room looks alot better and its much more functional so yay ^.^
well i have to work today, wich will suck. but i also get payed today, wich will rock my socks lol.
anywho, TGIF ^.~ |
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