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in my head
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a drain on society. oh and i also work at the daycare center from hell
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uhh, getting my g.e.d. i guess.
Anime Fan Since
about 3rd grade.
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Full Metal Alchemist, Inu Yasha, Gundam Wing, Wolfs Rain, Chobits, Samurai Champloo, Witch Hunter Robin, DNAngel, Trigun, Battle Angel, Hellsing, All Mayazaki movies. Millenium Actress, and more i cant think of
to learn to cook, i live off ramen noodles. YAY RAMEN NOODLES!!! if not for ramen id have starved to death by now
drawing, reading, internet, walking, soul stealing...oh wait, ignore that last one! ....playing video games........stop staring at me!!!
umm....i can draw..........yeh thats about it.....I SAID STOP STARING AT ME!!!!
| DeadlyNightShade
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Monday, February 20, 2006
nothing much to say
hi everyone.
otaku is being stupid again. it wouldnt let me update last nite, it was pissing me off.
well anyway, i didnt have to work today cuz there werent any kids there today. wooohoooo! >.<
well thats pretty much all i have to say, so later ^^ |
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Sunday, February 19, 2006
still cold
hi everyone
its still snowy and cold here. wooohooo! i luv cold weahter. well actually i luv rainy weather but snowy is the next best thing lol. i dont like summer much anymore. i used to love it cuz it rained here ALOT in summer, but since we've ben in this drout its just ridiculously hot in summer lol.
*random thought* its still so wierd to me how nothing changed between me and scott even tho we broke up. we still treat eachother exactly the same. its so wierd....
well anyway, scott was being a man-bitch to me lately, but it turns out its cuz hes sick. so he appolagized for being bitchy. well hes kinda sick but kinda not. he has a really bad cough, but its just cuz hes quitting smoking. BAD SCOTTY! BAD! SMOKING IS NOT GOOD!!! sry about that, ive ben nagging him about quitting for awhile. so now that he is quitting his body is having withdrawl. the main reason i was nagging him about quitting *besides the fact that it kills you* is cuz i HATE the smell of cigarettes.
anyways, its scottys birthday next month. hes turning 16 *HAPPY BIRHTDAY SCOTTY* so me and him get to be the same age for about 4 months before i turn 17. i dunno if ill get to see him on his b-day tho, but i hope i do.
well anyway, iam bored out of my natural mind rite now @_< i hate being bored. but i cant find anything to do! iam going insane!!! >_< AHHHH.
ok enuf of that. but i seriously need to find somthing to do before i really do go insane and start twitching uncontrolably. |
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Friday, February 17, 2006
ugh another long day
hi everyone
first off id like to say iam sry i havnt ben able to visit lately. my mom has ben on the comp alot lately doing her taxes. its annoying. but ill try to get to peoples sites more.
well anyway. just as predicted, now that ive worked one 8 hour day, my boss has asked me to do it again. so today iam working from 8:30 till about 5:30. UGH. thats gonna suck. but hey its an extra $60 or $70 bucks on my check. wich i desperatly need. at least i get paid today ^.^ but i think im gonna end up spending most of my paycheck on getting my hair cut -_-;; wich is annoying but i have to get it done eventually.
well, wish me luck on my loooooooooooong ass day ahead of me. lol.
WOOO ITS FRIDAY! have a happy one. |
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
let it snow...
hi everyone
its snowing again, yay! its really cold outside, and down here in the basement too. i have like 4 feather comforters on my bed. wooo its so fluffy and soft! *jumps on bed* ok thats enuf of that lol. but seriously if i didnt have all those blankets down here id freeze to death O_o lol. but thats the price you pay for living in the basement. its worth it for the privacy tho.
well anyway, i think i mite be getting a bit sick. but not really sick so no worries i just have a stuffy nose and my throat feels kinda wierd. my voice sounds wierd when i talk. its kind of deep and raspy sounding *darth vader impression* LUKE! IAM YOUR FATHER! lol, not a bad impression if i do say so myself ^.^
well work yesterday was ok. no horrible injuries to report lol. i have to admit iam getting very attatched to one of the kids. shes just too damn cute! lol. she calls me mommy, its so cute ^^ yesterday when she and the other kids were playing outside she tripped and scraped the palm of her hand. i was sitting on a bench thingy at the time. so she came running over to me saying "meemee!" *thats how she says mommy* and started crying in my lap. ive heard that picking up lil kids and holding them too much spoils them. but i dont care, so i picked her up and held her anyway lol. then later she cried when it was time for me to leave. shes too cute for her own good i tell you! lol.
well, thats enuf of my mushy daycare stories for now, thank you for reading it and i hope no one died of boredom *sees people lying motionless in front of comps*..........oops.....*backs away slowly* |
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
i hate v-day
hi everyone.
i did not have a good day yesterday.
it was just cuz valentines day depresses me and makes it even more obvious to me how alone iam *sigh*
iam sry to be so depressing, but i dont have much else to talk about besides work. and i dont want to talk about work lol.
*again i dont mean to offend any guys in this next part so please dont think iam*
well i was talking to my friend earlier and now i finally understand why she doesnt want to date guys her age. because all of the 15-16 yr old guys around here are immature and selfish. that just gives me more reasons why i shouldnt date younger guys. even guys only a year younger like scott. everything always gets fucked up and doesnt work because of their selfishness.
thats the only real reason things didnt work out with me and scott. cuz apparently living 15 mins away from me is no different then living 3000 miles away from me to him.
i was talking to him earlier on AIM and i told him how me and lexi were talking about how guys are immature and selfish *but i said it in a joking way and he knew i was joking* but then he says to me that girls are immature and stupid. wich i thought was very rude. so i said to him "well iam not stupid", and so he says "well iam not selfish" and i wanted to tell him "YOU ARE SO FUCKING SELFISH! ITS YOUR OWN FAULT YOU CANT HAVE A MEANINGFULL RELATIONSHIP! but i didnt, because i dont like starting arguments. but hes constantly talking about wanting a meaningfull relationship, but he didnt see one starting him in the face when we were togeher. *sigh* it just makes me sad. cuz if he ever does grow up and figure out that me being 15 minutes away isnt that much, i dont know if ill want to try with him again. but i think i love him and i feel so stupid for admiting it, cuz i dont know how he feels. *sniff* oh god now iam starting to cry, lol, get a grip ali.
iam sry this has ben such a depressing post, i just need to talk about these things or i just get more sad |
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
happy valentines day
hi everyone.
happy valentines day ^^
i really dont like this holiday weather i have a bf or not, but i hope all you couples out there have a nice day together ^.^

these are some of my fav couple pics. and the cute animations^^
well now on to my life lol
iam so freaking tired rite now. work was so hard yesterday. although i didnt actually have to go with my boss to her appointment, i stayed with the kids at the house instead. which is deffinatly better cuz the kids are just horrible in public. but it was still really hard -_- and i can safely say i never want to work 8 hours in a row again *not at this job anyway* but my boss will prolly start asking me to work longer days now that ive done it once lol.
well anyway, the coolest freaking thing happend yesterday. i found a REAL DIAMOND on the sidewalk! it was nuts! iam almost positive its real cuz i tried scratching it against a peice of glass *cuz real diamonds can cut glass* and it made a long deep scratch in the glass, but it didnt do anything to the stone. its so cool. iam gonna take it to a jewelry store and see if it really is real. it would be really cool if it is real lol
thats all for now, have a good tuesday kiddys ^.^ |
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Monday, February 13, 2006
ugh its monday
hi everyone
just so you guys know, iam grounded from the comp today and tomorow. that obviously didnt stop me from posting, but it will prolly stop me from visiting people. so iam very sry about that *bows*
anyway, watching my friends kids for her was ok. it was quite a workout i must say. i was chasing and wrestling with her son for about 2 hours cuz he kept stealing my stuff *wallet, cell phone ect.* so im pretty bruised up at the moment cus he kept kicking me, and at one point i was hit with a shoe lol. but it was fun anyway.
then after i was there for about 2 1/2 hrs. this guy came to my friends house, hes apparently also a friend of the person i was babysitting for. and he was pretty cute too ^_~ lol. but i think hes 14 or maybe 15, and i need to stop going for younger guys, lol, cuz iam sry if this offends any guys that read this but i beleive that theory that girls mature faster then boys *i know thats not true for every guy, but it seems like it lol*
well, on to todays events, iam working about 9 hours today. and its gonna SUCK. my boss lady has a doctors appointment and she wants me to come with since she has to take the kids. and its in the middle of Denver. i dont live really far away from denver, but its about a half hour drive both ways. *sigh* well if i dont go to bed rite now today is just gonna suck worse.
have a good monday everyone |
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
hi everyone.
iam babysitting for a friend today. i have no idea why the hell i offerd to do that for her -_-
but her kids arent really little so its ok. i think her daughter is 11 and her son is 8 or 9. those are good ages to babysit. cuz even tho they arent old enuf to stay by themselves, you dont have to watch them every minute.
well, the situation with me and scott is a bit odd at the moment. and thats cuz we decided not to really be together rite now since neither of us have a car yet and its hard to see eachother every day like we both want. but we still treat eachother exactly the same, just without the label of boyfriend-girlfriend on it. it doesnt even seem like we're not together. its wierd. we agreed things would just work out alot better once one of us gets a car. cuz my mom already has a car i can have once i actually get my license, and scott gets to use his stepdads car while hes in iraq once scott gets his license. yeh so its really strange, its so strange neither of us can even be sad about it lol.
*iam really not sad so no pitty comments please*
so thats my freaky ass life at the moment *lol*
so have a good sunday everyone ^.^ |
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
fuck its cold!
hi everyone
iam really freaking cold rite now. not fun *shivers*
anyway, hows everyone doing? iam bored and cold.
i didnt do anything yesterday. and i prolly wont do anything today. man my life is boring -_-
well, have a good saturday people. |
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Friday, February 10, 2006
its snowing!
yay its snowing! this is only about the 3rd time its snowed here this year. we're in a drout.
*cough hack cough* anyway, hi everyone, sry i didnt post yesterday, my mom was really cracking down on me about not being on the comp.
anyway, yay its friday! iam very happy its friday. im really tired cuz of this damn cough. iam sick of it. its quite painful. but still other then the cough i feel fine, wich is very odd.
i feel bad for my mom tho, shes really sick. her friend is taking her to the doctor today. i hope she gets better.
well i didnt do much yesterday except go to the mall with my sis. she bought birthday presents for her boyfriend. his birthday is this sunday i think. happy birthday rico! ^.^ anyway, she bought him the new mortal combat showlin monks game, and a cool belt buckle. i bought myself a cool little cell phone charm. its a little pair of handcuffs that actually work, very cool. and an awsome belt buckle, its a pirate ship with the skull and cross-bones and everything. its so cool >.< lol
well ive run out of things to talk about for now, so happy friday and have a good weekend everyone ^.^ |
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