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in my head
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a drain on society. oh and i also work at the daycare center from hell
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uhh, getting my g.e.d. i guess.
Anime Fan Since
about 3rd grade.
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Full Metal Alchemist, Inu Yasha, Gundam Wing, Wolfs Rain, Chobits, Samurai Champloo, Witch Hunter Robin, DNAngel, Trigun, Battle Angel, Hellsing, All Mayazaki movies. Millenium Actress, and more i cant think of
to learn to cook, i live off ramen noodles. YAY RAMEN NOODLES!!! if not for ramen id have starved to death by now
drawing, reading, internet, walking, soul stealing...oh wait, ignore that last one! ....playing video games........stop staring at me!!!
umm....i can draw..........yeh thats about it.....I SAID STOP STARING AT ME!!!!
| DeadlyNightShade
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
holy fuck iam tired.
all i can say is iam happy its the weekend
work was not fun yesterday. first, i overslept by an hour and a half!!! so i basically had 20 mins to get ready and get to work. and if that wasnt bad enuf later in the day one of the kids got sick and threw up. but thank god when stuff like that happens my boss deals with it. i was in no mood for that shit. as soon as i got home from work and ate lunch i fell asleep for about 5 and a half hours *so sry that i didnt visit hardly anyone yesterday* then when i woke up i remembered a bunch of stuff i had to do. so i was stressed out.
well, nothing else to say, so heres the music video to one of my fav greenday songs *yay i finally found a good video code site*
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Friday, January 27, 2006
nothing ever happens to me...
hi everyone *i just put that titile cuz my life is boring me outta my head*
well, like the title says, i didnt really do anything yesterday. i got woken up early even tho i should have ben able to sleep in -_-;;;
well, yesterday my sister and her friend mary looked at apartments. this was a complete shock to me cuz i thought id move out before she did lol. shes kinda needy *sry rosie, but you are* well, anyway, they saw one they really like *2 bedroom, 2bathroom, fireplace, dining room and all new carpet and stuff* and its really cheap as far as apartments that nice sell for. so i hope they get to move in together. not that i want to get rid of my sister or anything, i just think it would be good for her cuz like i said she can be pretty needy.
as for me i cant wait to move out. less 1 1/2 years till that happy day comes>.<
and as far as our friend mary is concerned, she NEEDS to move out of her house. her mom is insane. seriously, she is not rite in the head. shes always threatening to commit suicide if mary doesnt come home early and stuff. its ridiculous!
so today i must work *NOO* iam not looking forward to it. on wed. my boss said i could work thursday if i wanted to *no, i did not want to* but i told her i would try, but since i didnt i hope shes not mad at me. also on wed. my boss was in such a bad mood she couldnt even talk to anyone most of the day cuz i seriously think she would have exploded *lol* so i really hope shes in a better mood today. cuz if shes not i just mite have to duck out of work early ^_~
well, later my beautiful people ^.~W |
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
no work for me
thank god i dont work today. i so tired -.-zZz
it was so hard to get out of bed yesterday. it was realy cold, and i somhow forgot to leave a hoodie next to my bed *so i dont freeze* so i just had to get outta my nice warm bed really fast and make a run for my clothes. not so fun, very cold.
well, anyway, work was hard, but i dont see why i even bother to say that anymore since work is never easy. anyway, as soon as it warmed up outside i had to take the kids out. and they started asking for piggyback rides again, but i said no, cuz i just didnt have the energy. so instead of "piggyback ride day" yesterday was "stand on a picnic table and jump on ali's back while she isnt looking day" god that 3 yr old boy is heavy>_<
well, once it was time for me to leave *halle-fucking-lujah!!!!* instead of sitting in front of the house in her car till i come out, my mom actually came inside to get me. she said she wanted to see the kids since i was talking about how some of them were cute. so she met my 2 favorite kids, and the demon brat. when i was actually walking out the door tho my favorite little girl started to cry and held out her arms for me to pick her up, so i caved and picked her up *damn her cuteness* lol. iam getting so fucking soft being around these little kids all the time.
well, that about sums up my day. so i wish everyone a good thursday
and a cute Ed chibi just for the hell of it
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
boring day
hi everyone.
yes, i must work today, but i dont even wanna think about that.
well, yesterday was really boring. i slept in till about 11:30. my mom hates it when i "waste my whole day sleeping" but suprisingly my mom wasnt mad at me for sleeping in that late. she said that she noticed how tired ive ben from work and must have really needed the rest. *wow, thats unnaturally understanding of her, haha* anyway, once i got up my mom and sis asked if i wanted to come with to some electronics store cuz my sis was gonna look at laptops, shes actually gonna get one too! *major jelousy* so i decided to tag along just to get out of the house. so they looked at laptops and i wandered the store and looked at ipod excessories. then when we got home my sis went to hang out with her boyfriend, and my mom went to do errands and visit her boyfriend at work. so i got the house to myself for a few precious hours. so after awhile i decided to make myself some ramen *serioiusly, if not for ramen i would have died of starvation by now* so while i was waiting for the water to boil i sock-skated on the kitchen floor for awhile *weeeee what fun* and then i slipped and fell flat on my ass *lol* an i just laid there on the floor for awhile laughing at myself. iam just so damn graceful -_-;;; lol.
well, that was pretty much my day. so i have a question for you guys: do you know the difference betweet jelousy and envy?
*i put the answer in the comments so think about it before you go to the comments and tell me what you think the answer is if you want |
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
no work
hi everyone.
i dont have to work today! YAAAY! i worked yesterday and it sucked as usual. but there were only 3 kids yesterday, yay, but it was still hard cuz arron was one of those 3 kids. and he was a royal beast. he has never missed a day as long as ive ben working there. hes there everyday. hes like a tumor or somthing *haha*
anyway, sry i didnt post yesterday. otaku was still taking really long to load at the time and i just didnt feel like waiting for it to load.
random sugject change...
my hands really hurt. i have all these tiny little cuts on my knuckles and a bruise on my left hand where i got stepped on -_-;;;. i dunno how i got the cuts tho. they really sting. and it doesnt help that i have to wash my hands constantly at work cuz of germs and what-not. owowowowowwowo it hurts ;.;
what other random things to talk about *thinks* nope, got nothing else to say today. oh well ^^
so now i go to bed. woooo i get to sleep in!>.< |
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
new phone
*sry i didnt visit people yesterday. sites were taking too long to load
hi everyone
well, i did get a new phone yesterday. i switched companies. so now iam at T-mobile instead if Cricket. got a samsung flip phone. no camera tho. the only relatively new model of camera phone they had i peronally thought was really ugly and it was 90$ more then the phone i got. so i didnt care. but i can use AIM and Yahoo messangers from the phone i got, so iam happy.
random subject change...
i swear to god there is some kind of cosmic force in the world that doesnt want me to sleep -_- friday nite i didnt get to sleep till late, then i had to get up at 8:30 if my mom was gonna take me phone shopping. so i had to get up, my mom hates taking me places, so i had to take the opportunity. and now today my sister wants to hang out and go do somthing, at like 9am, and i want to take the chance to hang with her cuz sunday is one of the only days she doesnt work. *sigh* i guess ill just try to go to bed early tonite so ill have energy to go to work monday -_- |
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
yay i can finnaly sleep ^.^
iam sooooooo glad its the weekend, iam seriously over-tired.
well, i did get paid yesterday. 195 bucks. but i had to give my mom $40 for my cell bill -_- speaking of cell phones, iam gonna look at some today. i need a new one really bad. a note for anyone that is getting a new cell phone or their first cell anytime soon, do not get a kyocera phone. they really suck. mine barely lasted a year. iam still hoping for a camera phone lol.
well, work yesterday was............really fucking hard -_- lol. all the kids were really cranky and kept attacking eachother, so i had to punish even the 2 that i like, and i hate doing that. and the 3 month old baby would shreik like a fucking banshee whenever i tried to put her down. and after 2 1/2 HOURS, she was finally going to sleep, and arron the little bastard, screamed. for absolutly no reason. just to piss me off. and man did i get pissed of. cuz that little fuck woke up the baby, and she never got back to sleep for the rest of the time i was there. honestly it took ALL of my will power i have not to beat the shit out of him. but i didnt, so i settled for yelling at him and punishing him severely.
well, that was my friday. so now iam gonna go sleep for a looooooooong time. later kiddys -.-zZz |
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Friday, January 20, 2006
yay its friday!
iam soooo happy its friday. i think im gonna sleep about %90 of this weekend.
iam still going to work today. but now that ive worked so much, iam not sure that i get paid tomorow. i hope i do, but iam not sure. cuz i sorta got paid last friday, but that was just the paycheck i missed before x-mas break and stuff. so iam not sure if they will count it or not. but if i dont get paid till next friday, thats still ok cuz by then my check will be around $284 *WOOOO MONEY* ^.^ well, in other job related news i have a new battle scar to add to the list. i got another cut on the face. why do these kids always go for the face?? lol. well, actually it was an accident this time. see, i was sitting on the floor, and this one year old named emma was standing next to me playing with my hair *lol*, and her brother arron *who is the demon child iam always talking about by the way* pushed her when she didnt want to play some game with him, and she grabbed me to keep from falling. and she accidently cut me below my eye in the process. its surprising what sharp nails little kids have, lol. so after i was done punishing arron, she felt bad she cut me and kissed it to make it feel better, she is soo cute!......O_O *DAMN iam getting soft lmao*
well, this was a pretty good sized post huh, havnt done one in awhile. *sigh* well must go rest up if iam gonna stay awake at work. later kiddys |
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
hi everyone.
iam tired. iam working tomorow and friday.
nothing else to say, so here are the lyrics to the song iam listening to.
The Bravery-Give In
All i want is everything
Everything that I'll ever be
Everyone that's coming for me
Nothing happens and everything is changed
All I want is everything to stay the same
Will you give in?
All I want is everything
All the words and the truths between
Everything you're keeping from me
I've ben staring back in my eyes for a while
I think they never stop moving
All i want is everything
All the things that you think of me
All you've tricked yourself to beleive.
yeh, kinda short and weird, but i like it.
i need to go sleep now. |
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
-_- hi everyone
today, i must return to hell. yup, today i gotta go to work. and iam not looking froward to it in anyway. my stomaches ben hurting, and my mom said i could call in sick. but friday is payday, so i need to work as much as possible ^.^ *WOOO MONEY* even tho iam gonna have to spend almost the whole paycheck on a new cell phone, cuz the one i have is a peice of shit -_-;;; but thats ok, maybe i can get a camera phone. yay another gadget for me to mess with constantly lol
well, in other news. i feel really bad for my big sissy, we think she got food poisoning. shes really sick *sad* i hope she gets better soon and doesnt miss too much school. she said her proffesor people said that if you missed too many days it was reaaallly hard to catch up. so i hope she gets better soon.
*sigh* i must be going to bed now *ha, yeh right, i wont be falling asleep for at least 3 more hours* *sigh again* wish me luck as i brave the deepest bowels of hell: a room full of screaming toddlers O_O AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOO *falls out of chair, lies twitching on the floor* |
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