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myOtaku.com: DeadlyNightShade

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

   complaining about work again lol.
Time:12:05 am.
Feeling: tired.
Listening to: Longview-Green Day.

hey everyone hows life? iam still a little sick, but im going to work today. my mom said i could still stay home, but i need the money lol.

iam just happy knowing my boss wont make me take the kids outside cuz its literally freezing here lol. its supposed to be like 2 degrees (farenheit) around the time i leave for work. i hate taking the kids outside. they are so much harder to keep track of lol. especially when they want to play out in the front yard. that devil boy is always throwing toys in the street cuz he knows the younger kids will want to go get them, and he thinks its funny for me to have to run and catch them before they get hit by a car. i dont know what is wrong with that child -_-;;; i seriously think there is somthing wrong mentaly with him.

well, maybe ill post again when i get home from work. ^_~W

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