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• AnimeADDict2589, MSN messanger at
• 1989-06-25
• in my head
Member Since
• 2004-03-13
• a drain on society. oh and i also work at the daycare center from hell
Real Name
• Ali
• uhh, getting my g.e.d. i guess.
Anime Fan Since
• about 3rd grade.
Favorite Anime
• Full Metal Alchemist, Inu Yasha, Gundam Wing, Wolfs Rain, Chobits, Samurai Champloo, Witch Hunter Robin, DNAngel, Trigun, Battle Angel, Hellsing, All Mayazaki movies. Millenium Actress, and more i cant think of
• to learn to cook, i live off ramen noodles. YAY RAMEN NOODLES!!! if not for ramen id have starved to death by now
• drawing, reading, internet, walking, soul stealing...oh wait, ignore that last one! ....playing video games........stop staring at me!!!
• umm....i can draw..........yeh thats about it.....I SAID STOP STARING AT ME!!!!
| DeadlyNightShade
Friday, January 27, 2006
nothing ever happens to me...
hi everyone *i just put that titile cuz my life is boring me outta my head*
well, like the title says, i didnt really do anything yesterday. i got woken up early even tho i should have ben able to sleep in -_-;;;
well, yesterday my sister and her friend mary looked at apartments. this was a complete shock to me cuz i thought id move out before she did lol. shes kinda needy *sry rosie, but you are* well, anyway, they saw one they really like *2 bedroom, 2bathroom, fireplace, dining room and all new carpet and stuff* and its really cheap as far as apartments that nice sell for. so i hope they get to move in together. not that i want to get rid of my sister or anything, i just think it would be good for her cuz like i said she can be pretty needy.
as for me i cant wait to move out. less 1 1/2 years till that happy day comes>.<
and as far as our friend mary is concerned, she NEEDS to move out of her house. her mom is insane. seriously, she is not rite in the head. shes always threatening to commit suicide if mary doesnt come home early and stuff. its ridiculous!
so today i must work *NOO* iam not looking forward to it. on wed. my boss said i could work thursday if i wanted to *no, i did not want to* but i told her i would try, but since i didnt i hope shes not mad at me. also on wed. my boss was in such a bad mood she couldnt even talk to anyone most of the day cuz i seriously think she would have exploded *lol* so i really hope shes in a better mood today. cuz if shes not i just mite have to duck out of work early ^_~
well, later my beautiful people ^.~W |
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