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Friday, November 10, 2006

Been a busy little animator I have, lol. I'm beginning to sound like one of the droogs from Clockwork Orange, lol.Well been listening to a lot of J-Rock, with Anime being the cataylst it is. Just some stuff like High and Mighty Color (hence the bg), Orange Range and L'Arc~en~Ciel.What about you guys? What've you been diggin nowadays?

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Bad news guys. I'm not really going to be commenting as much as I'd like to. Basically it's the 2nd year of Univeresity, and the work load is like way up since the last year. But it will be fun work so it's like torture, thank God.

But when I mean I don't have to time, it does'nt mean that I'll be posting everyday, but not commenting on everyone's site (I hate people like that, not mentioning any names!).

My first priority will commenting on you guys posts, because posting can get boring.

Well, take care for now.

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Friday, October 6, 2006

It's been a great first week back at University. Meet up with some old gaming friends, and even made a new friend or two which is rare for me. Although I don't make a lot of new friends because of my alternative nature, but I don't like being scene dude. I just am I guess.

The first lesson I had was Interplay, which involves sound and applying to a movie/animation scene, like atmospherical sound, scenary sounds and music. I'm going to have to borrow a microphone and start recording some sounds, but first I have to find a movie scene, that's does'nt have action, chasing or dialogue in it, lol.

I was thinking of using Cowboy Bebop Knocking On Heavens Door, since it has really great scenes, unlike the rest of the shonen anime I own, lol.

3D Character Animation is about creating a model called Jimmy (who look like a alien only with a more worse big head)and build him from the waist up, it a very scrutinsing job, but that's modeling for ya! Then I have to model another character interacting with Jimmy. Since they said don't get to ambitious I'm just going to do a chibi Iori, no suprises there.

But the module I really love is 2D Animation, since it's all mostly drawing, no actionscript lol. Just using a wacom tablet & pen (which I plan to buy once I get my grubby mittens on my Uni loan)to create my own character (I have to wait till next year to do all of that in 3D.)

So now all I have to do is to wait until my friends gets back. I'm waiting in his room because he Mum let me. And it's to get revenge for the 11-2 thrashing he gave in King Of Fighters 2000, altough I did get him back 9-2 in Capcom VS SNK 2. And when the heck is my SNK VS Capcom Chaos going to arrive in the post, dangnammit!

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Sunday, October 1, 2006

It's a little weird to type, since my right bicep is shaking a bit from martial arts training, lol. I think it's the first time in the in a while that I've been really up for it, and surprisingly, I feel good throughout.

I mean I wasn�t even scared to prior or was I feeling lazy, thank God it wasn�t tiring. I keep thinking to myself did I do something wrong, lol.

Been a weird week, had enrolment a University, and met up with a close mate, catched up and stuff. I kinda confessed about lying to him that I did martial arts, lol. I felt bad so I told him and he was cool with it. I explained that I did this because if I said it out loud in class, everyone would be like show us your moves and maybe pick a fight, so I wanted to avoid that. Moreover I've only been doing martial arts for 2 years, he been doing it or 10 years!!! He's even an instructor, lol. As I was going home with him on the bus, some people were giving us some bad looks, when we were talking about martial arts, especially me, lol. I was in a kinda of secretive defensive, after all I can't afford to be caught off-guard.

Finally managed to finish off Koinu for Anime Girl, it was good test for me, because when I get a job (God willing), they'll ask me to create such an such a character, so yeah hopefully that lived up to your expectations, Anime Girl.

Unfortunately Photoshop won't work on my PC, because I don't enough disk space, lol, to much game trailers, and anime soundtracks wasting space. I think I need to buy an external hard drive, and a scanner, perhaps.

Oh and Full Metal Alchemist is almost finished over here. I'm on episode 44 and the twists and turns do not stop. And I think it was the last episode of Mezzo DSA (kinda a Cowboy Bebop rip-off, except the main characters a heroine Jeet Kune Doo fighter), it's pretty short only 13 episodes. The channel (Rapture TV) promised a big anime is being planned to be shown, I wonder what it could be.

P.S - At last some did a Ouran High Host Club quiz, and I got my fav character too!!

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hey guys just thought I'd let you guys know how lucky your are to be back in school, weird as it may sound, lol.I wish I could be back in University, but then again I've had time to practise my drawing skills and do some animation tutorials.
Hey there anime_girl I've actually finshed drawing one of your characters (Koinu). The drawing itself I'm pleased with, but I can't actually scan it until Wedensday, since that's when I'm starting University.
I'm really looking fowrard to meeting an good friend of mine, who's a big KOF fan also, his favourate charcter is Kyo, but he actually acknowledged Iori is stronger, lol, but Kyo's cool too.

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Aw, you guys are so sweet and awesome thanks for all of your suggestions & thoughts. Don't worry everything fine with my Pops now and are bond as become even stronger through this little trial thinga-ma-jig.

Saw a fight on the bus on my way to martial arts, was kinda freaky, I felt as if it was me, I felt sorry for the guy, who had to put with that lippy youth, the man actually came next to me on the bus, it's almost as if I was under his protection, weird?

Had martial arts early today, suprised we actually have a new student, considering how my school is, lol. Had an instructor I have'nt seen in a while, it was always kinda of a little akward, since he's racist, but it was just for one lesson. I probably won't see him for a while.

When to see my best friend today, he's actually ill so we hanged out for less, but we got to talk so it was cool. He's already on Bleach Ep.82, and I was playing King Of Fighters 2003, finally got the 3 Sacred Treasures Team ending that I wanted, yay! Finshed off the day with a best out of 5 match up in Capcom Vs SNK 2, bearly one 3/2, lol. My greatest ally Iori was to thank for my victory.

Click to see what me and my friend have to put with on a regluar basis.

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

   Hey there long time no post.

Been having some trouble with my Dad visiting the hosptial. The were checking for gastrites (don't know if I spelled it right, lol) by sticking some tube thingy down his throat. Thank God he came out ok, life would be tough without him, we kinda have a Rock-Lee Gai-Sensei teacher student relationship, lol. My Mum asked what when we came back, but my Dad told me not to say anything because she did'nt come to show her support. So everytime my Mum asks me what happened I play dumb or retreat to my room. I can understand where my Dad's coming from but what can you do?

I've been having some trouble with a very dear person, and I'm worried that I may have infilcted a inferiority complex. It's kinda when you have more experience or are popular or smarter or richer than a paricular person, and the may envy you or hate you for it, maybe even try and kill you, which is what my Dad was telling me.

He was a lot richer, smarter & successful than his friend, and sometimes made the odd joke out of him, which led his friend to trying to randomly trying to stab him (back when he was a wee lad), but luckly my Dad was very tall, so he only caught by the ear. So watch out for the inferiority complex and whether your inflicting it on someone or are having it infilcted upon you.

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Friday, September 8, 2006

   Sorry Anime_Girl_67 but I can't hack any more of Elifen Lied, it's just too much. Yesterday evening after I watched Ep.5, I actually had a nightmare. Where I felt like someone was watching me from outside, running up and down the place (3 floor house), scared where they were gonna attack from.

Not only that it's first time I actually felt sick, my chest hurt, running nose, finding it hard to breath, not to mention it was stuffy.

I actually had to skip morning training, but started to feel better, around 4PM, which is around time I had to go meet my best friend, so like forget the training, for today anyways, lol.

Anyways I got a martial arts lesson at 9:30AM tommorow so it's fine anyways....

Ah had fun at my mates house, he's really started to enjoy Bleach, he said you have to be patient until Ep.11, that's when more charcters come and the ball really gets rolling.

Their's apparently a guy who does Sasuke's voice for another Bleach, and he actually acts dumb, lol, imagine dumbness with Sasuke's voice, lol.

I started working on a character who is influenced by Tommy (Green Power Ranger), lol, but some people might think he looks a lot like Dan from Street Fighter, lol.

My mate said jokingly to kill anyone who said that, lol.

I showed him the first 5 mins of Elifen Lied Ep.1, cracked us both the heck up. Then we repeated to curse the bland English soaps, heh.

And finshed the night with Capcom Vs Snk 2, as you may already know I love to kick ass with Iori, I also like Ryo, Chun-Li, Kyosuke, Kim, Mai, and Terry, but I can play with most characters.

I actually tried to humilate my friend my beating him Dan against his fav Capcom character Ken, he won, lol.

Well gotta catch some ZZZZZZ!!!!! Later friends.

By the way has heard any of the new HEAVENS album, check out their myspace page or www.epitaph.com

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Monday, September 4, 2006

Been having kinda of a weird day today, well I guess when you find out you can't find your mobile in your own home. Only to find out your sister's taken it, leaves one to wonder how someone can do that.

I mean she did'nt even say sorry or anything, lol, only nagging at me to wait to get my VERY own phone back, saying " You would have said no if I asked!" So I guess that gives her the right to steal stuff from my room, I mean what's next, my PC, video games, my glasses, lol.

Oh on a more postive note seeing my little brother at his first day in high school uniform was really something, he looked so mature and adorable, XD!!!!

Currently been watching Elifen Lied on the recommadation of Anime_Girl_67. I must warn you though to brace yourself. I was actually so scared that I thought I was going to have nightmares, and I've just finished Ep.2. lol.

Well I should really get to sleep now, my stomach is starting to hurt a little, must been that glass of milk I drank, later!

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Sunday, September 3, 2006

   Been kinda busy with my sisters University application, sister you say? Well she needed the help so that took up a lot of my time and my Dad's.

I still can't get that image out of my head, when she was listen to her headphone's and spontaneously started shaking her ass (that's RnB music for you ,lol).

I was actually trying to call her but she did'nt realise until it was too late, lol. Then she quickly denied what she was doing, procceding to exit stage left into the kitchen, slamming the door behind.

I need to put up some fan art, just need to get round to actually colouring the darn things in.

University still seems far away, can you believe I start in October, well better get some tutorials done in the mean time.

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