ˇ¦To TigerFantasy17 - Ee, sorry. xD I'd like to sell F.F. Dirge of Cerberus to you except it's for friends I know in real life... xD Since I don't have the money to ship the game to other places, heh. o_o;; Sorry, ne? >.>;
ˇ¦Anyway... I'm studying... right now... gross. Studying for Japanese class, HAHA. I haven't practiced during summer, yes, I'm actually studying, sad isn't it. >.<; ...
ˇ¦I think I've mentioned this before, has anyone preordered Asagi's (D's vocalist) solo project, Corvinus? o.o I finally got to preorder ittttt (now I have exactly $0.00 in my wallet). o.o; Can't wait to get it! >.< It gets released... September 20th? o.o I think... I don't remember.
ˇ¦So how was your day? >.>