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myOtaku.com: DeadxOnxArrival

Thursday, February 15, 2007

   Still off skewwl!
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Listening to: "The Calm Before The Storm" -FOB

We had another snow day.
So I've just been lazy...
How'd you like my pic? P!ATD...down with Jesus.
Makes me laugh....
lol It has to go on the book of smex.
I've been relieved to be home too...
mainly because of these girls who go to my school who bug me everyday about my clothes.
They are always asking me what I'm wearing and always giving me retarded compliments.
like: "I LOVE your shirt!"
or "OMG! I love Fall Out Boy! They're my favorite band!"
Or "William Beckett is sexy"
or "I want to do Pete Wentz"
It's weird.
They're just...strange...
I am also happy to be away from my CP english teacher...she's a bitch.
She thinks I have 'the most ignorant attitude'
and 'I think I know everything'
AUGGHHH! I hate school.
And don't get me started on Algebra.
My teacher's name is Kim.
and its a dude.
and he's NOT asian...
I'm done ranting!

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