ShadowDarkness54 (06/04/05)
I would like to join...Because I love J-Rock. My favorite bands are Aliene Ma'riage and +DespairsRay+.
cosmo2389 (06/02/05)
Yah, I've put up the code and I'm adding you as a friend, kay? Well can I join? Thanks, bye!!
COLORme Amai (05/25/05)
Konnichi wa!
Is it OK if I join?
K1raranek0 (05/18/05)
*waves* Hello!! I _< But I was wondering if I could join *gives you a big smile* I'll go put a code after this!! Oh yeah...can I add you as a friend?? See ya!! ^__^
some dude (05/16/05)
awesome site the colors rock, do you like Gackt?
shade the great (05/15/05)
your site needs a bg
BlackMagicianGrl (05/11/05)
Nice site, sign my guestbook when you can. ^,~
x- BlackMagicianGrl -x
Animefreak1234567 (05/03/05)
hey^^ i see you really love J-Rock,i do too,i espesially like the band nightmare^^ what bands do you like?well anyways ill see you around,would it be ok if i added you as a friend?if not thats ok^^see ya.
SabakuNoGaara (04/29/05)
Ooh, of course I have to join~! I am a big jrock fan and I lurve Dir En Grey, L'ARC~En~Ciel, Malice Mizer, Psycho le Cemu, and Gackt!! How could I ever say no?! I already put the code in my journal.
iluvsasuk (04/23/05)
I would like to join ur J-rock club!!!!
I did all three of ur rules or wat ever they are...
and the code is up, i can help u make more of them..
I'll PM you...
how do we know if you have accepted ppl into the club?