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Sunday, July 8, 2007

   This Is So STUPID!
read what this lady sent to George bush about banning anime! its so stupid!!

heres the letter she wrote....

To: George Bush

Here in America, we live in a climate of moral decay. What is the cause of this? It is called "anime". Anime is a perverse, evil, insiduous form of animation from the dark land of Japan, and is corrupting America's youth at unprecedented rates. Here are a few examples of anime which are circulating on the Internet and may very well be in your home:

1) Ah My Goddess: A sick and disgusting show which causes children under the age of 18 to think they are capable of love. The main female character is clearly under 18, and is forced into a romantic relationship by an older man who "wishes" for her to be his girlfriend forever. He even KISSES her, and she appears NAKED. That poor girl must be so confused.

2) Love Hina: I'm not even going to mention the unspeakable, disgusting, pedophilic, pornograhpic events which transpire during this show, but suffice it to say, groups of young men on Love Hina-fueled rampages are raping children at a level unheard of since the 60s.

If you are a parent or a decent human being, I urge you to sign this petition to ban all forms of anime in the United States. Anyone who is found in possesion of anime should be arrested and jailed for an exhorbant period of time. Anime is a dark scourge upon our beautiful nation, and we don't need this Japanese filth corrupting the hearts of the children.

As a resonsible Christian, I demand to see this garbage removed from our nation. Please sign this petition and send it to George Bush, your Congressman, and the makers/distributors of anime filth and depravity.

Do the right thing.


The Undersigned

OMG!!! is that stupid or what?! please spread the news and there is a petition u can sign online to not make bush ban anime, on this site


i don't think he would because of some stupid ladies letter.

also, she sounds racist. i mean, she keeps saying dark land Japan? WTF?! not very chrisitan like
If They Go Through With This I`m Moveing To Japan! USA A Communist Contry! *cries* That Is All......*death from gaara*

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

   Happy 4Th Of July!
Happy 4Th! I Hope You All Have A Great Day! I Know I`m Going To Have Fun Since We`re Haveing A Party! So Have An Awesome Day Everyone! I Might Not Be Seeing Any Fireworks So Watch Them For Me! Thx! Bye! *death from gaara*
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

   Yes! Thank You All!
1000 People Have Come To My Site And My Gb Was Signed 173 Times! Thank You All Very, Very Much For Signing My Gb And Comeing To My Site! You`re All The Best! I Love You All!!!! Thx! *death from gaara*
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Thursday, June 14, 2007

   Please Sign
I Would Really Like For Some Of You To Visit One Of My Friends Site And Sign Her Gb She`s Trying To Get Some Gb Signings And I Would Like For Some Of You To Help Please! :D Her Name`s GaaraRulez41 If You Guys Would Be Kind Enough To Sign The Gb I Would Be So Happy! :D Thx For Reading! *death from gaara*
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   WooHoo! New Stuff Once Again! :D
Yays! I Got A New Bg And A New Avi And I Even Joined An Awesome Club! Tell Me What You Think Of The New Stuff! :D
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I`m Not Very Pritty........Plus I Was Tied At The Time......

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

   YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Well, I just got my scanner up and running! so I can do some pictures! I was supost to do a picture for Necury.....but i`ve been having a hard time with the pic since it`s in paint..........I`ll just do one on Paper that is......if you don`t mind Necury..... 0.o well that`s all I wanted to say and if anyone has a request just tell me, k? well I have to go byez *death from gaara*
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

I`m in so much pain! my legs and arms feel like they`re falling off!!!!!!!!!! I whent on a hike! it was fun! and I almost fell off of the rocks! I thought I was dead! -_-' I got alot of cuts.........and I made it to the top! and there where some really scary guys up there! one of them had a knife and was swinging it around! and then when my friends got up there with me he started talking to us and singing! he sang "my girlfriends a liar but I still love her" WTF was that about!?! so we where trying to slide of the rocks to get away 0.0 (if you go hikeing don`t whear shorts!) and we got away from them...........oh and then we had to run down the rocks cuz everyone saw the people down the mountan opening the snacks and they whent running so we had to run or they would like run us over!!!!!!! after we all ate we whent up again and again I think we climbed it like 3 times! and let me tell you it wasn`t small........then we climbed other ones that whern`t as big.......at the end all my friends got in a fight.......and then I tryed to help and now one of my friends is mad at me..........well that`s it sorry for talking you guys to death......... 0.0 *death from gaara*
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Thursday, April 19, 2007

   New stuff!!!!!!!!
Hey, guys! how are you all doing!?! I might be getting on alot more now! that means I can come to all your sites more! :D well I just wanted to let you all know that and now I have a new icon and bg XD so yeah short post....well I guess that`s it. you all rock! byez! *death from gaara*
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Sunday, April 8, 2007

   Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello guys! I wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter before I go up to my sister! and I hope you all have an awesome Easter! I know I will! XD well I have to go get everything done.....sorry this isn`t very long......oh well Happy Easter eceryone!!!!!!!!! *deth from gaara*
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