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myOtaku.com: death from gaara

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Monday, November 20, 2006

   Oops! I didn`t tell you guys where I whent saterday
Well I got to go to jarome! and in case you don`t know where that is it`s a place in the mountens and it`s so beautiful! I loved it even know it was a 3 hour trip but sadly my bestfriend had o come.......the truth is I don`t like him to much.....the hole way up he cept telling me he liked me and wouldent leave me alone and when we got there it felt like baby siting! there`s a age diffents to he`s 10 i`m 13 and he just won`t leave me alone I mean I tell him I think of him as abrother! anyways back to jarome..........I got to go shoping and I got a ocarena and I got some worry dolls it was relly cool I loved it! *death from gaara*
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Sunday, November 19, 2006

I`m soooooooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!! XD I got 155 people who has come to my site and 100 gb sighings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i`m so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once again that all of you for comeing to my site sighing my gb and just being my friends you`re all awsome i`m glad to be your friend! and I mean it I don`t relly seem like much of a friend to you all cuz I don`t go to sites all the time..........wich i`ll fix that soon but you guys mean so much to me! so thank you all very much ^-^ *death from gaara*
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Friday, November 17, 2006

   Oh man!
I don`t do the story any more! i`m so sorry! I thought it would better since we wern`t cleaning all the time but I don`t get any time on it any more!!!!! fist of all my comeputer isn`t hooked up to the internet and my mom my dad sometimes my sister and my nephew want to get on! so I don`t relly get to much time so like tomorrow or so i`m going to try and do the storys and maybe i`ll try and get the internet up tonoght well hope you guys arn`t made at me................*death from gaara*
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Thursday, November 16, 2006

   It`s gaara!!!!!!!!!!!!!
elouai's doll maker 3

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Yas! 99 people have sighed my gb and 440 people have come to my site well I just want to than you all for sighing my gb and comeing to my site you`re all awsome! again thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!*death from gaara*
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Sunday, November 12, 2006

I`m sooooooo happy! I got to go with my best friend sarah to a sleep over but not the sleeping part we whent to here church and stayed there XD it was so fun but sarah was geting mean cuz she didn`t get any sleep and she said relly hurtful things to me like I shouldn`t have let you come and I hate you it was so sad and it was all cuz my other friends didn`t want to do what she wanted to do! plus she got mad at me cuz I was singing better it`s not my fult! but than linda the one who was watching us to me to this room and we talk and I was drawing and doing sand art it was fun than sarah said she was sorry and my other freind sarah yeah thay have the same name was talking about how she was glad that she came and we had an awsome time after that and than at 8:00am I got home and whent to bed! XD and the storys should be up tonight no more cleaning so much! *death from gaara*
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Friday, November 10, 2006

   Hehehe! new site!!!!!!!!!!! XD
I finaly changed my site I hope you all like it........oh and the storys will be every night starting tomorow or sunday I have no more cleaning left so I won`t be as busy! XD well if anyone doesn`t like what I did with my site just tell me what you don`t like about it well enjoy guys! X3 *death from gaara*
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Monday, November 6, 2006

   Naruto23: The 10th question.........
:ino:ok......it`s time to get the answers! :Sakura:Ok i`ve already got that and that an-oh-uh :ino:you`re such a dear leting me me take control of your body i`m so sorry not! now than........yeah got it! I have to mimoriz these fast before someone catchs me.........than after this i`ll take control of shiksmaru and choji and rite the answers down.........hehe clever little me :Tamari:*thiking* come on kankuro the time`s almost up!.........:Naruto:*thinking* Ow man what do I do!!!!! I don`t have much time left!ok fine i`m going to try and cheat again!*that`s it for now sorry it took me so long -_-' i`m just so busy i`ll try and do another tomorow *death from gaara*
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

   Naruto:23 Got it!
*karu uses crystal ice mirrors* :Karu:Cool.....know let`s see *Starts riteing down the awswors* :Karu:Got it! *gaara glares at kakuro* :Kankuro:*thinking*Stop glareing at me i`m going........ *Kankuro raises his hand* :Kankuro:I have to use the can.....:Ibaki:We have to send a procter with you so you don`t try and get away :Kankuro:I under stand.....*big smerk* *procter handcuffs kankuro* :Karu:*thinking*He`s up to something.........*over with naruto* :Naruto:Aw man! *Bangs head on the desk* :Hinata:N-naruto are you ok? :Naruto:Yeah.....*Thinking* aw man sakura and sasuke probably think i`m a loser and will hate me if I don`t get this right! :Hinata:*Thinking* naruto.....I hope he gets the answors right........*Over with kankuro* :Kankuro:Ha! thay didn`t even know thay had an extra procter! bunch of losers! I think we`ve done pritty good......don`t you think crow? *crumble cruble* :kankuro:Heh! *well that`s it for now hope you liked it! and i`ll do more tomorrow *death from gaara*
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Monday, October 16, 2006

   Naruto:22 Cheating!
:Naruto:But why do you want to help me? :Hinata:B-because we need to stick togather.....:Naruto:Ok? *trys to look at hinatas paper* :Naruto:Thanks hinata *Woosh! and a sherikan flys right by narutos face* :Naruto:W-what? :Some guy:But I didn`t cheat! :Procter:We saw you cheat three times so you`re out! *Drags him away* :Naruto:*thinking*That was close! :Hinata:Do you still whant to look at my paper? :Naruto:Ok........ *Scrible scrible* :Naruto:*thinking* Oh now thay know i`m cheating! :Hinata:S-somthing rong naruto? :Naruto:Um......I don`t think I want to cheat you know I might get us both in truble.....:Hinata:Oh! right that was stupid i`m sorry.......*Back with karu* :Karu:Now what? I only have hour........*Gaara looks at karus paper* :Karu:What are you doing? :Gaara:You don`t have to many awswors......:Karu:Yeah I don`t know how to cheat that well.....hm........although I kow how to use crystal ice mirrors so i`ll just use that to cheat*that`s it and sorry I didn`t do the story last night I was busy again *death from gaara*
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