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Saturday, October 14, 2006

   Naruto:21 Start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*karu looks at here paper* :Karu:I know some of these but not all of theme now what........no cheating right? hmm...........think karu think....*looks over at naruto and he`s shakeing* :karu:poor naruto......wait what`s lee doing? *Looks at lee and sees that he`s looking at some mirror that show someones paper* :Karu:Oh man *puts hand on head* :Gaara:What`s the matter haveing truble? :Karu:Well you`re not doing any better! *looks at kiba and sees akamaru helping kiba cheat* :Karu:Think think *gaara starts makeing an eye out of sand* :Ibaki:*thinking*Waht is that brat doing? *karu starts writeing the answars that she already knows* :Gaara:Opening of the third eye......*Gaara smashs the sand eye* :Karu:That`s weird.........*It floats to another person* :Ninja:aw I have sand in my eye! *The eye apperes in front of the paper and looks at all the answears* :Karu:Neat trick! :Gaara:Thaks...........:Karu:Think how can I do this without geting caught? *Over with naruto* :Naruto:What am I going to do!?! :Hinata:N-naruto? :Naruto:Did you say something hinata? :Hinata:Y-yes.........um are you haveing t-truble with the test naruto? :Naruto:Kinda....why? :Hinata:Well........d-do you want to look at my paper? :Naruto:Relly? :Hinata:Y-yes *that`s it for know sorry it took so long to post i`ve been busy well hope you guys liked it! *death from gaara*
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Monday, October 9, 2006

   Naruto:20 The write exams!
:Kabuto:Well let`s see alot of villages seem to be here.......there is the mist the sand the rain the waterfall and the sound wich was just found........it seems very small.......:Zaku:Did you hear that? thay called us small :Kin:Yeah I think he made a big mistake calling us small :Kabuto:I should be able to tell you alot since this is my 7th year here *Big smill* :Karu:Your 7th year!?! :Kabuto:Yeah..........:Zaku:Should we teach him a lesson dosu? :Dosu:Yes I think we should........*Runs around the room than starts to come at kabuto* :Karuto:I don`t think so! *jumps out of the way* :Dosu:You`re pretty quick :Naruto:Wow he dodged it! :Sakura:Are you ok kabuto? :Kabuto:Yeah it was nothing.....Ah! *Falls to the ground and throws up blood* :Sakura:Oh no! Kabuto are you alright? :Dosu:What`s the matter? felling a bit dizzy? :Kabuto:But how? you didn`t even touch me! :Dosu:You can`t dodge sound can you? :Karu:Sound? :Dosu:Yes.....see this thing on my arm? I can control sound waves :Sakura:Relly? :Dosu:Yes...........*Boom!* :Ibiki:That`s enough!!! now take your seats! *Karu sits down not look where she`s siting* :Ibaki:Now I will put the papers down in front of you but don`t read theme util I say! *Karu looks over* :Karu:Not you again! :Gaara:What`s the matter? don`t like me? *Karu shakes* :Karu:N-no that`s not it it`s just every where I go it seems like you`re there! :Gaara:I was thinking the same thing......:Karu:Sorry I guess......:Ibiki:Now look at your papers! *That`s it for now hope you all enjoyed it! *death from gaara*
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Sunday, October 8, 2006

   Naruto:19 Cards
:Sasuke:Well I do have a few people I want to know about.........:Kabuto:Alright than :Sasuke:There names are rock lee gaara and karu :kabuto:That`s to easy you know there names :Karu:Why do you want to know about me? i`ve been with you guys for a while :Sasuke:There`s something about you...........something I don`t trust :Sakura:I don`t think we have anything to worry about :Kabuto:Well i`ll make the cards than.....*Poof* :Kabuto:Well....It says that rock lee is in gais team wow he`s pretty strong hmmm that`s odd it doesn`t say anything about his jutsu...........well let`s read the next card......gaara........it says he lives in the sand village and hm that`s creepy every mission he`s gone on.....he`s come back without a single scratch on him and it doesn`t say anything ealse about him nothing about jutsu nothing...........than there`s karu it says she lives in the mist village and here sensai is quivaris man she`s even weird`re than gaara! her jutsu is very strong and her chakura level is amazing! it most be stronger than anyone on earth! everything just looks so strong! :Sasuke:I knew there was something weird about her but yet she acts like she doesn`t have anything special :Karu:It`s not my fult! I was born like this sorry........:Sakura:It`s ok.....*well that`s it for now! Hope you all liked it!!!! *death from gaara*
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Friday, October 6, 2006

   Naruto:18 The exams!
*thay come up the stairs and see kakashi at the door* :Kakashi:Oh sakura you came :Sakura:Yeah why? :Kakashi:Well if you wouldn`t have come than naruto and sasuke wouldn`t be able to enter the exams..........:sasuke:But you said that she didn`t have to come and if she didn`t want to than that would be just fine :Kakashi:Well.......I wanted sakura to come because she wanted to not becaus she had to and she came just as I thought :Naruto:That`s great now we can go! :Karu:Yeah I can`t wait! :Kakashi:Now get in there and show them you can do this! :Naruto:Yeah! *walks in door to find very scary looking people in the room* :Karu:Well this is isn`t what I thought it would be *sakura looks at naruto and he`s shakeing* :Sakura:It`s ok naruto we`ll get through this......*naruto point at the scary people!* :Naruto:I`m going to kick all of your butts! :Karu:Well that was very unexpected :Sakura:Naruto! *grabs him around his neck* :Sakura:I`m sorry about my little friend here he`s kinda um......new to this! :Naruto:So are you! :Kiba:So you`re here to well we`re going to leave you in the dust! :Naruto:You wish! :Karu:Who`s he? :Naruto:That`s kiba he`s so cocky! :Kiba:Who you calling cocky!?! :Hinata:Um......I`m sorry n-naruto please excuse kiba..........:naruto:Oh hinata you`re here to? :Ino:Oh sasuke! *jumps on sasukes back* :Ino:You`re here sasuke! :Sakura:Hay get away from him! :Ino:Oh it`s billboard brow! :Sakura:INO! :Shikamaru:Woman are so trublesome......:Chouji:Yeah I agree *munch* :Karu:Um does this always happen? :Chouji:Yep all the time :kabuto:Hay! :Sasuke:Who are you? :Kabuto:I`m kabuto and you`re sasuke uchiha am I right? :Sasuke:Yeah........now whta do you wnat? :Kabuto:Well..........I have these cards and thay can tell you about some people here do you have anyone you want to know about? *Yays I love doing the storys there so much fun! well hope you liked it! *death from gaara*
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Thursday, October 5, 2006

   Naruto:17 Girlfriend!?!
:Izumo:Hah! you`re the annoying one now get lost! :sasuke:Sure..........we know this is the 2nd floor! right sakura? :sakura:Um......I did? I mean I did yep I knew while we where comeing up the stairs :kotetsu:Yeah.....you`re right.....:sasuke:What a loser :kotetsu:What did you say!?! for that you must pay! *trys kicking sasuke* :rock lee:Stop! *grabs both legs* :karu:*thinking* How did he stop them both at the same time!?! :neji:So what`s your name? :sasuke:Arn`t you sapost to say your name before asking for anothers? :neji:Fine! i`m neji! :sasuke:well than......i`m sasuke! :naruto: *thinking* why doesn`t anyone want to know my name? :rock lee:Are you sakura haruno? :sakura:Yes why? :rock lee:Will you be my girlfriend!?! I promise to keep you safe and take care of you!!!!! :sakura:Uh....no! :rock lee:why not? :sakura:cuz you`re a wierdo :rock lee:How about you!?! *points at karu* :karu:who me...um......you don`t even know my name.......:rock lee:ok than what is your name? :karu:um.....karu :rock lee:than will you be my girlfriend? :karu:As nice as that sounds I um........think i`m to young..........:rock lee:Awwwww! :karu:don`t you think we should be going!?! :sasuke:Right let`s go walks up stairs *that`s it for now hope you all liked it! *death from gaara*
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006

   Naruto:16 Almost there!
:kakashi:Yes thay are..........and thay have to get ready so I must go...........*leaves* :iruka:I just don`t think there ready...........*next day the day of the exams!* :karu:I`m so ready for this! :naruto:Same here! :sakura:Hay that means you`ll see your friend than right? :karu:Friend? :sakura:Yeah that gaara guy :karu:I don`t relly think he`s a friend he`s kinda wierd.......:naruto:Yeah I think so to.....:ramu:sorry we`re late :karu:Where have you to been!?! :kaya:we`ve been training.......:karu:We where sapost to train togather! :ramu:Hay it wasn`t my idea :karu:Oh well who relly cares we have to go! *at the exams* :sasuke:ok where almost there *thay came to a room fool of unhappy people* :sasuke:what is this? :kotetsu:We can not let you pass! :sakura:why? :Izumo:we can`t tell you that! :naruto:These guys are relly annoying! *that`s it for now sorry if it`s a little short I don`t relly feel like typeing righ now but still hope you guys liked it! *death from gaara*
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Friday, September 29, 2006

   Naruto:15 The mistery man!
*thay finaly got to him* :naruto:Let her go! *raps girl araoun the tree* :karu:What is he doing? :naruto:I don`t know.........*naruto trys hiting him* :naruto:take this!!!!! *jumps out of the way and raps naruto around the tree* :karu:No way! :naruto:Hay! let me go!*puff* :karu:Where did he go? wait! *logs fall* :karu:He used jutsu! :naruto:That`s right! *kickes the guy and he fanishs* :karu:You did it. :naruto:Yep! *with saskura* :sakura:Why does sasuke hate me? :sasuke:Hay! sakura! wanna take a walk with me? :sakura:relly i`m comeing! *later on* :sasuke:you know sakura...........I relly do like you..........Sakura:Um........relly? :sasuke:yeah *the mistery man appears!* :sasuke:Who are you!?! *he comes closer to them* :sasuke:sakura stay here! *runs at the man* :sasuke:you`re mine! *the man jumps in the are and throws spikes and niddles and hits sasuke* :sakura:SASUKE!!!!!!! ow sasuke!..............oh please sasuke wouldn`t ever say he liked me that`s how I know this isn`t sasuke! *throws kunie and he leaves* :sakura:That`s it you better leave! *with sasuke* ha i`m bored! *man comes up behind him* :sasuke:sorry! *hits man* :sasuke:this will be fun! :jumps at him and the man moves* :sasuke:you`re not bad! *kicks him and the man vanishes* :sasuke:that was easy! *with kakashi* :kakashi:wonder how it`s going? *the man comes up behind kakashi* :kakashi:So you`re back? howed it go? *man takes of mask and it`s iruka* :iruka:good...........you`re right thay are your students........*that`s it! hope you liked it and i`ll see you guys in two days or more so byes! *death from gaara*
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Thursday, September 28, 2006

   Naruto:14 Before the exams!
:karu:No you didn`t do anything..........:gaara:good..........*walks away* :sasuke:wait! what is your name? :tamari:who me? :sasuke:no the one with the red hair :gaara:I`m gaara of the desert and you are? :sasuke:I`m sasuke uchiha :gaara:Nice to meat you.....*evil smerk* sasuke:Ha! *gaara walks away* :karu: well we`d better get ready for the exams :sakura:she`s right! *Day before the exams* :kakashi:you know that if any of you feel like you`re not up to this than you don`t have to go.........:sakura:relly? *sakura thinking* I relly don`t want to go.........:karu: i`m ready! :naruto:same here! :kakashi:well I have to go *vanishes is a puff of smoke* :sakura:Yeah i`m leaving to :sasuke:same here..........:little girl: hay naruto I got you a flower......:naruto:oh! thanks! :little girl:you`re welcome so are you ready for the exams? :naruto:you bet I am! *just than a misterys man grabs the little girl* :naruto:Oh no! :karu:Let`s go after her quick! *that`s it sorry it`s kinda short just thought that you guy would want to read it more if it was a little smaller.......well any ways i`ll post more tomorrow! *death from gaara*
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Monday, September 25, 2006

   Naruto:13 Gaara Kankuro and Tamari
*Bump* :konohamaru:Ow! :kankuro:You should watch where you`re going kid.........*picks konohamaru up* :konohamaru:Ow stop! that hurts! :karu: Hay let him go! :kankuro:why should I? :karu:you`ll have to deal with me! :kankuro:Yeah i`m so scared hahahaha! :tamari:kankuro put him down! :kankuro:Why? he`s not here so why don`t we have some fun with these losers? *naruto runs at him* :kankuro:no you don`t! *does some weird thing with his hand and naruto falls* :naruto:how.......how did you do that!?! :sakura:Um.......:karu: I`m telling you stop! :kankuro:sure as if i`m going to listen to you! :konohamaru:stop! I can`t breath! *smack* :kankuro:Grrrr......who did that! *looks up* :sasuke:you shouldn`t be doing that! :kankuro:great more losers to play with! *tamari drools over sasuke* :sakura:sasuke!!!! you`re here! *kankuro brings the pupet out* :karu:waht`s that? :tamari:No you`re not going to use crow are you!?! :kankuro:Sure............:gaara:Kankuro back of. :kankuro:oh hi gaara........:gaara:you`re a disgrace to our village......:kankuro:you don`t understand! :gaara:shut up or i`ll kill you.......:kankuro:um.......I mean i`m sorry......:karu:gaara!?! :gaara: oh it`s you.....:sasuke:*thinking*how did he get up here I didn`t even know he was here not even kakashi could so that! *gaara comes down* :tamari:You know her? :gaara:yeah........:karu:why are you guys here so early? :naruto:wait what`s going on? you know this guy? and what do you mean what are thay doing here so early? :tamari:you mean you didn`t know? the chunin exams are going to be in five day :naruto:um.........hay karu how did you know this guy? you`re form another village than him. :karu:well um......:gaara:she came to he sand village and she bump into me.....well we have to go sorry if we caused you any truble.......*wel that`s it for now hope you guys liked it! *death from gaara*
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Sunday, September 24, 2006

   Naruto:12 Evil sakura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Naruto turns around to see a box thing!?!* :naruto:what the heck!?! *runs back and forthe and the box runs after him* :naruto:Ok? you know rocks are not square? :konohamaru:Boss you fell for my disguise! :naruto:Yeah yeah! whatever! I knew it was you all along............anyways what are you guys doing here? :little girl:you said we would play ninja................:sakura:How sick is that a ninja playing ninja.......:karu:I think it`s cute! :konohamaru:Oh I see you`re smooth boss! :naruto:what are you talking about? :konohamaru: any one can tell there your girlfriends! :Karu:what!?! :sakura:NO!!!!!! :naruto:you can tell there relly crazy over me.......:sakura:NO WAY!!!!!!!! *punchs naruto* :konohamaru:BOSS!!!!!! are you ok? *sakura walks away* :karu:You ok naruto? :konohamaru:You`re mean and you`re ugly to!!!!! *sakura turns around with a evil look on her face* :konohamaru:AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *bang punch scrach!* :karu:that was scary! :konohamaru:ow! did you see her big forhead? *sakura turns her head with a creepy look* :Naruto: no not again!!!!!!! *takes of running* :karu:Wait for me!!!!!! *konohamaru runs in front of everyone* * that`s it for now till next time! *death from gaara*
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