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myOtaku.com: death from gaara

Friday, October 6, 2006

   Naruto:18 The exams!
*thay come up the stairs and see kakashi at the door* :Kakashi:Oh sakura you came :Sakura:Yeah why? :Kakashi:Well if you wouldn`t have come than naruto and sasuke wouldn`t be able to enter the exams..........:sasuke:But you said that she didn`t have to come and if she didn`t want to than that would be just fine :Kakashi:Well.......I wanted sakura to come because she wanted to not becaus she had to and she came just as I thought :Naruto:That`s great now we can go! :Karu:Yeah I can`t wait! :Kakashi:Now get in there and show them you can do this! :Naruto:Yeah! *walks in door to find very scary looking people in the room* :Karu:Well this is isn`t what I thought it would be *sakura looks at naruto and he`s shakeing* :Sakura:It`s ok naruto we`ll get through this......*naruto point at the scary people!* :Naruto:I`m going to kick all of your butts! :Karu:Well that was very unexpected :Sakura:Naruto! *grabs him around his neck* :Sakura:I`m sorry about my little friend here he`s kinda um......new to this! :Naruto:So are you! :Kiba:So you`re here to well we`re going to leave you in the dust! :Naruto:You wish! :Karu:Who`s he? :Naruto:That`s kiba he`s so cocky! :Kiba:Who you calling cocky!?! :Hinata:Um......I`m sorry n-naruto please excuse kiba..........:naruto:Oh hinata you`re here to? :Ino:Oh sasuke! *jumps on sasukes back* :Ino:You`re here sasuke! :Sakura:Hay get away from him! :Ino:Oh it`s billboard brow! :Sakura:INO! :Shikamaru:Woman are so trublesome......:Chouji:Yeah I agree *munch* :Karu:Um does this always happen? :Chouji:Yep all the time :kabuto:Hay! :Sasuke:Who are you? :Kabuto:I`m kabuto and you`re sasuke uchiha am I right? :Sasuke:Yeah........now whta do you wnat? :Kabuto:Well..........I have these cards and thay can tell you about some people here do you have anyone you want to know about? *Yays I love doing the storys there so much fun! well hope you liked it! *death from gaara*
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