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myOtaku.com: death from gaara

Monday, October 9, 2006

   Naruto:20 The write exams!
:Kabuto:Well let`s see alot of villages seem to be here.......there is the mist the sand the rain the waterfall and the sound wich was just found........it seems very small.......:Zaku:Did you hear that? thay called us small :Kin:Yeah I think he made a big mistake calling us small :Kabuto:I should be able to tell you alot since this is my 7th year here *Big smill* :Karu:Your 7th year!?! :Kabuto:Yeah..........:Zaku:Should we teach him a lesson dosu? :Dosu:Yes I think we should........*Runs around the room than starts to come at kabuto* :Karuto:I don`t think so! *jumps out of the way* :Dosu:You`re pretty quick :Naruto:Wow he dodged it! :Sakura:Are you ok kabuto? :Kabuto:Yeah it was nothing.....Ah! *Falls to the ground and throws up blood* :Sakura:Oh no! Kabuto are you alright? :Dosu:What`s the matter? felling a bit dizzy? :Kabuto:But how? you didn`t even touch me! :Dosu:You can`t dodge sound can you? :Karu:Sound? :Dosu:Yes.....see this thing on my arm? I can control sound waves :Sakura:Relly? :Dosu:Yes...........*Boom!* :Ibiki:That`s enough!!! now take your seats! *Karu sits down not look where she`s siting* :Ibaki:Now I will put the papers down in front of you but don`t read theme util I say! *Karu looks over* :Karu:Not you again! :Gaara:What`s the matter? don`t like me? *Karu shakes* :Karu:N-no that`s not it it`s just every where I go it seems like you`re there! :Gaara:I was thinking the same thing......:Karu:Sorry I guess......:Ibiki:Now look at your papers! *That`s it for now hope you all enjoyed it! *death from gaara*
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