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Thursday, December 22, 2005
yes i do cuss a bit more then i should scared me! and i dont get scared that easily from movies or other how is everyone? i know posting in the morning is bad but it is the time u usally get up. (duh) i mean like early in the mornng
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
hey faked sick today. and i sat at home (where i am now) and watched the exorcism of emily rose.
man it freaked me out. i sat there and i was like .... freak out!
so i paused it and i did something i havnt done in a while...i got out my dirty bible and i held it like a teddy bear during the rest of the movie. oh my fucking ducks. it freaked me out. and i dont get freaked out that much. it really made me think a bit. cuz well i havent been the faithful person i should be. but omfd!
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
its fucking 4:30 here and my mom stupid fucking alarm wouldnt shut up so i got up went and turned it off. and now i cant get back to bed. so right now i am listening to my avenged sevenfold cd. and i *yawn* really want to sleep. but i cant because i am so tired that if i go back to bed i will miss school. and i cant do that because my mom will wake me in the most chilling fasion. putting ice cubes down my shirt and pants. and oh my fucking god. i wanna die! *yawns two times* well i made a couple of new friends. and is anyone visiting yazooluver's site???
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Monday, December 19, 2005
please visit YazooLuver's otaku. she is a very good friend of mine! thank you!! haha! finally my mom caved! i get to put purple streaks in my hair for high skool! so XP
god i am so sleepy....its 5:42 here. _-_ zzzzz
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
please visit yazooluver otaku
she is a good friend of mine!
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
errrrg. my mom wants me to get my christmas tree when i sposed to go to my friend's place so... *blows hair out of face* stupid bangs. so how is ur day going?
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
hey whats up
i have a test this friday and it sucks but if i dont want homework over the weekends then i'm gonna suck it up. ....*sigh* well if u guys wanna talk to me with aim then u guys can reach me between 2:50 - 3:30 and then evenings at 6:00-7:00 my aim is
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
whats up. well today about 2 new peopl came to our school and one of them is kinda goth. and he comes up to me and says "will you go out with me" and i took one look at him and i said "hell no ur to ass ugly for my tastes" lol. so...i found out one of my friends on otaku was a man i'm stupid. well i know for sure i'm a girl. lol man i am soooo hyper
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Monday, December 12, 2005
hey guys well i'm okay how about u guys. and anyone willing to date me??? just wondering. ^^
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Monday, December 5, 2005
i took some quizzes
 You're a natural born trouble-maker. You hate authority and do everything you can to get around the law, or in some cases, break it. Naturally stubborn, you hardly ever sway once a decision is made. Your nature is fiery and courageous, and always out-going. You love attention and usually have kinky fetishes you're not afraid to explore. People either love you or hate you.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a dark goddess!
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You have wings of STEEL. No one's really sure why, but at this point in your life you've shut off emotion to the point of extreme apathy. You are cold and indifferent much of the time...or perhaps you're just a good pretender. Next to impossible to get close to, even those who do never see the real you. It's entirely possible that YOU don't even know the real you. You have a certain fascination or attraction to destruction on a massive scale - disasters, perhaps even death or the concept of the Apocalypse. Because you hold so much inside, one day you're simply going to snap. Then the mask will fall away, and your true wings will be revealed. Until then you will deal with whatever comes your way in icy bitter silence and acceptance. On the positive side, you are fearless and immeasurably strong - not much can crack through your defenses. You intrigue people, who can't help but wonder why you're the way you are. A loner and one who spends much of their time brooding and contemplating life and death - you are a time bomb waiting to explode and create some destruction of your own.
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Words added by myself
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Secretive Mermaid. Perpetual beauty that longs for legs to walk by the side of men. You spend your time gazing at the stars and whispering to the moon. You have little to no freinds that breathe. Your freinds all missing. You are sweet as syryp and kind as cake. There are a handful of people and mermaids like you. Would you rate my quiz I will keep it a secret?
What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
hold on....
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