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myOtaku.com: deathbedxdreamer

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Hello there, my name is Shelley, but all my close friends call me Bunny. I'm not very well liked in my town due to my looks, religion (i'm atheist), and my outrageous love for anime. My close friends make up for the bad things, they are like my family. I spend most of my time doing three things: hanging out with friends acting stupid, reading, or watching anime.

I'm a Junior in high school and will soon be applying for college... very soon actualy, seeing to how this school year is almost over. One of the schools in consideration would be Tennessee Tech university, but I am looking for others in a similar location.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

People think I am crazy! Ok, so I stadbed my lunch (school lunch) sixteen times (I counted)to make sure that it wasn't still alive... I mean really that stuff is radio active. Well, anyway, now people want to know If I am crazy or homicidal! (I know that homicidal is most-likely spelled wrong) I am not compleatly crazy!
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Thursday, March 8, 2007

   Yep... Polls...

Do you like makeing polls?
What kind of question is this? Really!?
Um... Um...
What is this "poll" you speak of?
pollcode.com free polls

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

   Lazy and forgetful...
GAH! I really need to stop forgeting to get the paperwork I need to, have to, take the ACT this year! The deadline is March 9th!
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Well, I do have a piece of art ready, but... I'm grounded from my computer, and have yet to obtain my jump-drive so that I could upload it from my school computer.... I'm sorry....
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

   It's the happy day of hearts!
Yay, I got roses today!

Happy day of hearts and love everyone!

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