Sunday, December 14, 2003
Well, it's been a couple a' days; I've been busy. Let's see...
My friend whom I realized I had a crush on informed me that we should "just be friends"...but then made me pay for the movie. What? Yeah, try that again, lady...
I have the absolute worst luck at Magician's Force pulls. I've got four Burning Beasts, two Apprentice Magicians, three Autonomous Action Units, two Aitsus, three Dimension Jars, no foils....ick...
I saw "Gothika". Please, in the name of all that is good and holy, do not see that piece of trash. I beg you.
I got the new issues of Spider-Girl and Spec. Spider-Man, but no one ever replies to my comic reviews. Ergo, I believe no one reads them. As a result, I won't be writing them any more. If I am alertered that this is not the case, I'll remedy the situation.
Saw the end of TF: Armada. Big letdown. And they killed off Screamer, who was easily my favorite character. In TF series, my favorite character(s) always dies. Dinobot, Inferno, Jetstorm, Thrust, Starscream...seriously, this is freaking me out!
So...Yu-Gi-Oh....Am I the only one disappointed that the last Big 5 member is a monster we're well-aquanited with? I liked that the Five were new monsters we had'nt seen before; couldn't he have been Ryu-Senshi, or something? Anyway, I'm liking this new guy, and it's nice that Nesbitt didn't get blown away...yet...
Oh, big surprise, Mokuba was kidnapped again....that's six times now...
Kaiba: "Mokie, for your own safety, I'm afraid Iv'e got to lock you in your room and never let you out ever again."
And, once again, I want Kaiba t get his arse handed to him, but I know that won't happen. Dagnabit...
Exams are this week....you might not hear much from me. ^__^
Thought of the moment: Maybe I should kidnap Mokuba...
Quote of the moment: "Sorry I'm late; work was murder." -Norman Osborn, "Spider-Man: The Movie"
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