Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Is he alive or is he dead?
Been a bit since I last posted, eh? Eh? That's mostly 'cuz I did nothing but work this past weekend, to the point where I couldn't stand up right.
At the secret Santa gift exchange, I got...a giftcard. To Barnes & Noble. If I'd known that was acceptible, I wouldn't have bothered to get a real gift, but what can you do?
I know what I can do: go to a college interview. And that's what I did this morning: drove up to New College in Sarsota. Looked pretty nifty, even though all the students were gone. And they had a freakin' huge Barnes & Noble in Sarasota....
My mother and sisters are sick, so I'm hoping that I don't become infected; that would suck.
Today's Christmas special is the Jim Carry version of "How The Grinch Stole Christmas", a movie possibly more devisive than the last presidential election. People either love it or decry it as a monstorsity.
I, for one, thought it was great. Unlike the crime against hummanity that was The Cat in the Hat, the Grinch retained the charm of the original story, and the added plot points made logical sense. Plus, Jim Carry.
The scene where the Grinch sleighs down the mountain is great. It just is.
You can tell I have nothing interesting to report, because I'm wrapping up now.
Thought of the moment: Three days until Christmas!
Quote of the moment: "I'm gonna' throw up, then I'm gonna' die!" -The Grinch
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