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myOtaku.com: DeathBug

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

   Comics!!! *Drools*
Todays involves a frog and a five hundred dollar check.

Really, it does.

My Grandma sent me a graduation gift of $500. You should have seen my jaw drop when I opened the envelope. "Is there an extra zero on this ammount?"

Well, after a recovery, I already decided what I'm going to use the cash on: fixing up my car, and finally getting a CD player installed. Sweetness, no?

Anyway, I went to take a shower today, and, wonder of wonders, there was a frog in my bathroom. This was a good-sized amphibian, too; about three inches long.

Well, I gott he lil' critter out of the house, but my next question was: how in the hell did he get there in the first place? I mean, my room is on the second floor. Jeez...

Anyway, I got tons of comics today. ^__^ Most of them, you really wouldn't care about. However, I'm going to recommend two items in particular, today.

Marvel Knights: Spider-Man: First off, it's a brand-new series, which makes it easy to jump into. Second, the art is beautiful. It's also written by a popular scribe, Mark millar. I've been torn on his work so far, but the first issue is pretty swell.

Seems one of Spider-Man's enemies has found out his secret ID, and has started striking at Peter in nasty ways. (Smashing Uncle Ben's tombstone, for example.)

The only thing I didn't like about this issue was the fight with the Green Goblin. Im' sorry, but the Goblin is Spider-Man's greatest enemy. He should *not* be beaten in eight pages. And it *certainly* shouldn't have been done after the conclusion of the last Goblin arc, "A DEath in the Family". Sheesh.

But, hey, you guys don't really care. If anyone is interested in picking up a Spider-Man book, this might be good for you. ^__^

But wait, there's more!

Spider-Girl Digest vol. 1: Legacy: For the price of a mere Shonen Jump novel, you can read the (color) adventures of Spider-Man's daughter in the future. Cool, no? It's a great value, and worth picking up, even if you don't know anything about Spider-Man.

Well, I'm done for now. Smallville and Angel are on, and they're new. Yay!

Thought of the moment: I don't care what anyone says, Ishizu is the hottest girl on Yu-Gi-Oh.

Quote of the moment: "Your head smells like a puppy!" -Gir, "Invader Zim"

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