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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
Anime Fan Since
I saw Sailor Moon.
Favorite Anime
Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Dynastic cycle.
All rise.
Thumbs down.

Welcome to life.
98 percent of people say they enjoy talking about percentages. If you are one of the 2 percent who doesn't, put this in your profile.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Comments on commentary-
Roxie- My stache is pretty awesome. I should show you guys my newest driver's license picture- it's hilarious.
Tortor- For serious, your dog and my dog are already penpals. Haven't you noticed?
Sunfall- Man, you can't tell me that at least some part of you yearns to see a little bit of fireworks when you go about your day. Fire and explosions are just fantastic. Well, just as long as nobody gets really hurt.
Neil- Things don't really happen to me anymore. I've decided to observe others drama while quietly dealing with my own since, really, things are pretty boring for me at the moment. No one dead or dying, no financial concerns, nothing else really. Other people, well- other people are still in the thick of it.
Hey, man. There is no #11 at Wendy's. You come up and order that and I'll know.. it's a trap!
Aleia- I'm not really batty. Just misunderstood.
Crystia- Oh yeah, did I tell you guys her name? Her name is Joyful Lee Howell, but you can call her Joy for short. She's a crazy little thing. Cute and crazy.
Irish- Heavy thinking is done best at late hours.
I go to work for the amusement of my coworkers. They are all a really rowdy bunch that I'll part with eventually and hate to part with. I'd call them friends. Pretty good friends.
I think I look like an eccentric artist which isn't necessarily good. I'm not an artist either, lol.
Aleia- Hey, thanks!
Where's my gift?
Above and beyond the Call of Duty.
Theme song of this post: Is It Any Wonder? by Keane.
The thing that gets me most when I wake up in the morning is the fact that all of these kids are going back to school and sometimes it makes me wonder if I'm just wasting the time given to me. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel the need to go to College. If it will be a decision I regret, that is fine. I think, for some reason, I can be content with regretting that- somehow that makes me feel more contented than considering going to College.
There will come a time when you or I are laying dying and broken pondering things that could have been- lost loves, different paths you could have taken. A real matter of debate is if there is or is not alternate, parallel realities where you did those things and how they turned out. The fourth dimension is, after all, time. If you could see time in all of it's infinite glory, and all the alternative existences where you did or didn't do the things you did you would probably go quite batty from the sheer depth of it all.
That's all off topic though. Really though it's depressing since I actually miss school. I love knowledge. Thoughts, ideas and otherwise exist to be consumed- what use are they if no one learns there? Knowledge is useless if no one knows it. It might not be the most efficient or lovely of environments (teachers are downright annoying) but it was all so fantastic to constantly be learning.
Somehow I might be missing out on something by not going, but perhaps I'll gain something as well- fuck, I might even go eventually. It's all up to me, which is the general point. It's in your hands. You have to depend on people alot but, ultimately, most of the major decisions in your life are in your hands and there might just be some other you, some other me doing the things that we didn't choose to do in this reality. What binds you to this is really your body, it is the anchor for your spirit- literally. Once the body breaks down and falls apart, dying, 'you' seemingly go with it.
Pretty lengthy. And, really, it has nothing to do with going to College.
The best tangents in life are the ones that have nothing with what you were talking about.
Then again, I guess we might have done all this before and we'll do it all again and, possibly, again.
Cyclical time is mirthful.
Under the iron sea.
P.S. Ever17 is one of the best visual novels I've played.
P.P.S. Yeah, I play visual novels. That's not too funky, is it?
P.P.P.S. I turned 18 on the tenth. So far I'm relatively unamused with the age. ;P
P.P.P.P.S. Customers are the most monstrous creatures on this planet.
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