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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
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I saw Sailor Moon.
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Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Yes I swear.
Comments on commentary-
Lea- It's.. it's.. it's.. you!!!
Roxie- It's one of the more pointless things I've written.
I have nothing philosophical or moral to lecture about, it's so depressing Roxie~
Anti- He isn't. He's probably already gone by this time, lol.
I feel sorry for Veronica but he made the right decision.
AaaaarrrrrRRRrRRRRrR- I think they did. ;)
Cops around here are like buzzards at 3 AM. They sniff something interesting and they just start circling, lol.
Ante up.
Theme song of this post: Non-Zero Possibility by At The Drive In.
I get a call at five-ish yesterday and let the machine get it- it's my general manager, pleading with me that he needs some help tonight. While I can't really say that I've ever been concerned with what kind of help he needs I might be concerned with my wallet. My monitor is an aged dinosaur of a beast that is yet lingering in this world by some unknown force of will. It's at least eight years old if my memory isn't completely eaten by the ravages of time which I doubt it is. So, seeking a new monitor (something smexy) I decide to go and make some money.
Worst. Idea. Ever.
By "I need help" my manager apparently meant "OH FUCK" since, after ten, there was only three people around to help run the store.. and someone had to close the dining room. That someone was.. me! Ta da, you win the prize. Hours of work later I emerge from the most pristine and complete dining room I had ever done. Why did I put so much effort into it you ask? The manager of the evening was Linda who is this older black lady that follows every-single-rule that exists in that little shitty employee's handbook they shove down your throat at training so I made it perfect.
Following rules doesn't really bother me- I mean, society is based on rules. Rules make sure you don't end up batty like Shinmaru or Roxie or.. or.. Aleia. Without those rules there would be dozens of Shinmarus and Roxies and Aleias all mucking up the world with their eccentricities. Can you imagine? That would be pandemonium, pure chaos. The world would destroy itself at their multiple hands. What horrors lurk just around the bend if they procreate!!
Anyway, rules are okay. But rules that inhibit efficiently instead of instill efficiency irritate me. What's the point? I mean, in theory the rules are there to keep you out of danger/trouble firstly and then secondly, you know, make sure you do things as efficiently as possible so the CEO can afford to go to the Alps this year. Why do X when Y will do the same thing easier/simpler and exactly the same amount of money is made? It's so draconian and worthless some of the things they make you do. I mean it's just like they say the rule that you're breaking and you're like whwhwhwhwWHAT THE HELL. That's not LOGICAL, man! Back yoself up and let me DO THIS EFFICIENTLY.
Blablabla, anyway I start to leave and voila it's Juan. Shipping out today he is but last night he was with his girl. From the way they were clinging to each other I can surmise that their worlds did indeed eventually meet. So the last image I will ever see of Juan now is of a romantic couple just outside of the door, standing there totally in love with each other as time continues to relentlessly tick off, counting down to their forced separation that will last at least half a year. I left and was rather melancholic- the day had been long, I just said goodbye to my friend and I wanted something good to drink. Not soda water or milk, but something more zesty.
To my distinct surprise there is nothing open in San Antonio at 1:30 in the morning. Not a single gas station convince store was conveniently open. HEB and Wal-Mart were open but, well, HEB didn't have what I wanted and WalMart is the spawn of Satan's asshole so screw that noise. I ended up just coming home. Coming home and thinking. I thought to myself about what I will do and what I could do and what I should do or what I should do and don't. The sound of silence, the noise of a room beset by thoughts is something you can differentiate from just normal 'silence' which is the sound of nothingness.
You could take two different views on things at the least. When you awoke this morning in some god forsaken corner of the world someone was being murdered or raped or robbed or beaten or weeping or dying slowly in a hospital. Plans to rape the environment were being made and political leaders were writing their speeches full of lies to give at some point during the day. Some animal-esque humans were having sex, some were being gluttons, some were being greedy. Somewhere there is a starving child weathered by time beyond it's years while, at that exact moment, some restaurant in America is serving someone more food than they could ever eat. Fires were raging, buildings were being destroyed and death was continuing it's quiet march across the earth, claiming those that belong to it now.
And when you woke up this morning the birds were singing, the sun was shining. Children were being born and crops were being raised. Paintings were being displayed, statues were being cleaned. Human society was still moving, civilization was still in order. Eclipsed by war, messages of perpetual peace were being planned by young, ambitious politicians as they sought to improve the livelihood of their citizens. Scientists were bringing about new developments in the fields of energy and health. Young couples were meeting and mingling, relishing the simple yet paradisaic nature of their relationships. People were attaining the happiness they had fought for, the joy they dreamed of. Life was continuing on as it always had and will always do.
Yes, as you got up perhaps it was going to be a pretty average day after all.
The fire yet burns.
Oh yeah, btw:

Dun dun dun.
P.S. Israel makes blowing up bridges look like so much fun.
P.P.S. DQ8 is being conquered slowly, brothers. I will bring it into the fold soon enough! Ahaha.
P.P.P.S. Be careful what you wish for, I guess. I work a ton of hours this week, lol.
Comments (8) |
Monday, July 17, 2006
Lights and Sounds.
Comments on commentary-
Faru- DMC had so many great moments.. then again it was two and a half bloody hours.
That show is so cool for some reason. I just don't understand it. Maybe Pee-wee transcended the common levels of coolness we have all grown used to in the post-Pee Wee years.
You just don't get it, do you?
Theme song of this post: Barracuda by People in Planes.
Romance can be a tempest as all of us well know, some of us better than others. Last night was such a strange series of events that it's hardly describable. I was at work and a couple that works there was having some issues.
Juan's carting off to the service, basically. He learned sometime in the last forty eight hours that he's going into basic on Thursday which was apparently not what he intended when he signed up. He fucked up and because of that fuck up he's going into basic sooner rather than later. His girlfriend, Veronica, didn't take the news well. Not very well at all. It's understandable but it left me in a hard position because, well..
When you close a store you usually have three or so people by about 1 AM. Several people simply didn't show up that day, so I ended up closing with Juan. Veronica was supposed to be out of there by 1 AM or so leaving a two-man crew to do what is usually a three man job. Unfortunately Juan was rather distracted with patching things up with Veronica leaving me to A.) try to avoid being drug into it and B.) caught without much support actually working, lol.
I mean, some younger people don't realize this yet but young adulthood has taught me that when a couple is arguing you need to not get into it. It's a storm that you're not supposed to weather and neither do you want to weather. Not out of apathy, you care, but simply because it is probably none of your business. You might fuck things up more if you're not articulate enough to actually 'help'. In general I follow the rule that, you know, if a hurricane is brewing you run from it instead of into it.
Well, off and on he was either chasing her around the store (after she had quit working at about 12:45) or outside talking/debating/arguing(?) with her. Even after she had physically left he was off and on the phone trying to contact her.
In the end we started doing the 'closing' part of work a bit later than usual. We finished up at about 2:40 and I offered to give him a ride home. He declined and said he wanted a ride to Veronica's house instead so I shrugged and said I'd take him there. Some conversation with the manager (Becky) follows and we're about to leave when.. ringringring, the phone at Wendy's rings. It's 2:50 in the morning so there's little doubt in anyone's mind who is calling. Becky answers and, of course, it's for Juan. A short conversation and a call later we're finally underway.
I'm carting down Guilbeau road at three in the morning. There's no one around, why would there be? Driving down the poorly lit street I catch a glimpse of a girl walking down the sidewalk to the side and notice it's Veronica.
"Dude, was that Veronica?"
Juan turns back and asks confusedly "Was it? I didn't even see her."
"I swear to you man, -that was Veronica-. Want me to turn around?"
"Yeah, yeah."
So I turn on a residential street, do a 360 and cart down Guilbeau.. the opposite way I was going. We get a good look at the girl on the other side of the road and it is indeed Veronica. So.. I turn into HEB and do another 360 back onto Guilbeau going the way I was -originally- going and catch up to her. I pull onto a residential street right on Guilbeau and let him off. He rushes out of my car and the last thing I will probably ever say to him is "Good luck", lol.
The last image I had of him was him earnestly chasing after his girl, trying desperately to make it all right in the middle of the blackest of nights this summer can provide you. Parting the curtain of darkness was the illumination of the streetlight above, basking the two of them in a pale white glow and a worn, weathered wooden fence behind them. It was a picturesque moment, something that could be considered artistic only by the most scattered and lost mortal minds. With the soft light shining down on them there was a separateness of worlds, a dissection between them- a girl determined that the guy is trying desperately to leave her life and a guy desperately trying to convince his girl that what he is doing is in pursuit of improving his life and nothing more. The two worlds might have met later that night or perhaps they will remain separate- I don't know. But, that was the last I saw of him last night and that might be the last I ever see of him, period. I've known him since I was in sixth grade so my parting wishes of luck were genuine and sincere, lol. Good luck, Juan.
The story ends with me being harassed by a cop car. My endless 360s apparently attracted the attention of the law- or, perhaps, they were really bored and had nothing better to do than follow me two miles to my home, lol. He lost interest as I pulled into my driveway and continued on, disappointed that he couldn't pull me over.
So in the end several paths met and divided. A young man trying to heal a woman, a woman who wanted nothing to do with it, myself and the bored police officer trying to get his mark.
It was a wonderful night.
Zilch to do for miles around, for miles around.
I swear to god I'm going to get back into Dragon Quest 8 and beat that fool. Time to pwn.
P.S. This is the most pointless post I've ever written, lol~
P.P.S. Check out Shinmaru's AX pictures. They are worth it for reals.
P.P.P.S. The founder of Hooters died!
Comments (4) |
Thursday, July 13, 2006
And one for all.
Comments on commentary-
Desbreakfast- Glad you enjoyed it, Des. *offers you many rupees*
AJ- I've been a member for eons. Or just long enough to develop an attitude and opinion about this things.
Either way, most of the people involved fail it.
Sunfall- That was my favorite too. A gold star to you~
Aarrrrrrrrr- Without color, the world is bleak and gray. Or maybe I'm just making excuses for my sarcasm and profanity, lol.
Calvin and Hobbes are named after two real-world philosophers- John Calvin and Thomas Hobbes. I'd describe them but, really, Hobbes the tiger is so much more interesting and cuddly.
Unresolved grievances OR: Must John Tucker Die? For reals?
Theme song of this post: Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold.
The benefits of working at Wendy's are many. I can't think of them at the moment but, rest assured, they do exist and no I'm not just shitting you. Primarily I get a nifty little Wendy's hat which, on my latest excursion to the foreign northerlands of Dallas (yes, that was where I was the past X number of days and yes it was a grand ol' time filled, the highlights of which include: A.) Fourth of July... on a lake! B.) .... with storms in the area! C.) .... Like, seriously. There was a super cell storm just in the background behind the fireworks that was letting off a much better lightshow. D.) Meeting cool new people! E.) Going to Fry's Electronics and listening to this boss little pianist playing the Mario Theme Song, Zelda Theme Song, Mario Boss Theme and others on a baby grand Steinway piano- I shit you not, friends! F.) Watching Kentucky Fried Movie, Superman Returns (2nd time), POTC: Dead Man's Chest , G.) Kicking ass and taking names in Super Smash Brothers. Marth eats you.) was discovered to be a rather trendy little piece for my best friend's ex-emo brother. He sported it, twisted to the side and somehow it was cool looking. I'm sure there were dire consequences to the event- Hell freezing over, pigs flying, evil reawakening in some dark, dank corner of the world and otherwise. But who cares! I have one new perk to add to the list of awesome pros to working at Wendy's. Glee reigns.
I liked POTC. Maybe I've been blinded by Jack Sparrow- his swagger, his speech, his one liners. Was it a worse film than the first? Why think of it like that? It was awesome. It had a Kraken, it had church organs. It had natives. It had, depending on your sexual preferences, either: hot women OR fly men OR sexy sea monsters(???). If you stayed after the credits you saw how boss it's humor was. It had Captain Jack Sparrow. That's all I can ask for. Granted, it was obviously the second part in a trilogy- it just had that 2 outta 3 stigma attached to it, like it was building for something better. But it is good. It's worth your money. And, judging by it's box office opening, money was indeed spent on it. Too much perhaps! Think about.. all the people that could have been fed with the millions spent.. at the box office. But, none of them are Jack Sparrow or even remotely act like Jack Sparrow so no soup for them. Muahahahahaha~
I saw her flames.
Whoa! Pee Wee Herman is on TV. I am totally there.
P.S. Rocky VI is looking pretty bad. Yessiree, pretty bad.
P.P.S. Gaza and Lebanon are looking pretty bad. Yessiree, pretty bad.
P.P.P.P.S. What a disgusting arrangement of actors exists in this play. An ill-spoken, guttersnipe of a child who cannot even contemplate romance. A lamentable oaf that cannot do much beyond take the loss and mourn it for the rest of his life like a pitiful, obsessive sniveling victimizing piece of shit.
I loathe him greatly.
Comments (1) |
Friday, June 23, 2006
Quite a racket.
Comments on commentary-
AJeh- Whoa! The fabled AJeh is not extinct as scientists have feared!
Thank bloody god.
Tor~pedo- HALLELEIGHAADUPOIUASDF is close enough. =o
Ramkat- Politics are very silly. Such silliness is only matched by the silly outfits they wear.
I mean, really. Quite silly.
Neil- Amen.
All for one.
Theme song of this post: Dream Island Obsessional Park from Paranoia Agent.
What happens when good intentions are marred by idiocy? OtakuBoard's latest blow up, that's what. First thing through my mind was "who the hell are all these kids", lol. If they are 'oldies' Dragon Warrior, James, Desbreko and a few other people in that thread should be in a Nursing Home for aged Forumgoers. DW sliding into dementia, James and Des playing chess and myself just waving my cane at people grumbling sentences that cannot be deciphered. Once I understood who they were more or less (AC!D!C! is Slipheed, for instance- someone should tell him that all of his usernames have been progressively worsening until it culminated into the rubbish heap he has now) I was tasked with something that no person should have to face- a wall of dumb. Not only dumbness or dumb people just pure stupidity, unfathomable (<-- PROPS TO DONNA FOR MAKING ME REALIZE I HAVE SPELT THIS WORD WRONG FOR YEARS) blindness and misfired arguements put into concise linguistic form. Yatta~
Firstly, there's nothing great about being an oldbie. That's not something to be debated. You've been on a this particular forum for a long time and.. what? That's it. That's all there is to it. Sure, you've contributed alot. DW, James, Des and numerous other longtime members have done tons to make a name for themselves. DW brings the funny, Des and James work their asses off just to deal with these little 'tards periodically. You can say what you want to but I will not automatically respect you more just because you signed up in 2003 instead of 2006. If you're a dumbfuck, you're a dumbfuck. Old, young, wizened or retarded you're still just a little dumbfuck. It should take alot more to be respected than just lingering on in a forum for a lengthy period of time.
Secondly age on OtakuBoards these days is irrelevant. I often find myself debating with fourteen year olds- I mean, what the hell? When did that happen? I don't mind particularly it's just surreal at times. But, that's just the type of crowd OB has been crafted into attracting. Little psuedo-Aristotles or psuedo-Hobbes, that's just what the Administration has crafted the board to get. Aaryana and whatever other younger folks who can outspeak the older crowd shouldn't get any hate for their age- they're mature, smart. They're on equal footing with the rest of us and I guess you just have to deal with it.
Neither does physical age or time on the board in any way mean that you should be a moderator. That should be obvious. Very obvious. Clearly obvious. Plainly and totally obvious. But, apparently, it wasn't. Choose who is best for the job. I hope they do that. I think they do. That's logical, isn't it? Simple and to the point. Just keep doing that. Duh. Knock knock, anybody home? Uh oh, this cranium appears vacant.
And you know, about MAMA. Why? I mean, seriously. Why? Just.. why. I mean, am I missing something? Is there some part of it's existence that I can't see? Is there some hidden gem of logic within it's formation that, once I find it, I'll go "Ahhh, it all makes sense now!! There's what I was missing. Thank god I figured it out! That solves this case. Time for a Dr. Pepper! Mmmmmm, that sure is tasty =D~" or is it as bloody stupid as I think it is? Sure, you had great intentions. You want to improve.. the forum apparently. To what? The days of yore? Your nostalgia is blinding your sense. Your goals, your actions won't improve it by regressing it to a state that has already come to pass. Progress is not a reversal, progress is summing up what you have found failed in your previous actions and taking action with these problems in mind. Secret clubs aren't a great first step to that. You can claim all you want that the above was what you were planning to do but I would bet you lacked the clarity and unblinded vision to do anything remotely positive to affect the community at large just from your refusal to give up your nostalgic daydreams of past glory.
And Delta, I mean.. I doubt you'll ever even see this! Someone should really show it to him/her/it but, yeah. MAMA is a pretty fucking bad acronym. I'm not sure how it can be defended- I mean just look at it. MAMA. You can feel it festering in your head- 'Who made this acronym? What do they stand for? Why MAMA? Is their mother involved? What the fuck is MAMA?!?!' and it festers and grows and infests until you finally have a fucking aneurism a week from now. Discussion over.
Anyway in theory all is well that ends well. At the end of the day there was one secret club left ruined, several friendships destroyed, James trampling on all with his debating forte and OB remaining mostly intact yet still on the fast track to the oft-prophesied Apocalypse that has been forthcoming for years.
It was a good day for all it seems.
Painted lips seduce me towards a fall.
P.S. Dear Delta,
Hi. I'm DeathKnight. Here, as you requested, is a list of several better acronyms that are totally boss:
Society for Progress And Maturity (SPAM); Doomsayers Against Further Terror (DAFT); Citizens for Rapid Action and Planning (CRAP) and People For Further Togetherness (PFFT).
Thank you for your time,
P.P.S. North Korea! Long time no see. I've missed you so.
P.P.P.S. Go Mav-.. FUCKED.
Comments (4) |
Thursday, June 15, 2006
St. Anthony.
Comments on commentary-
Tortor- Thank you, Tori. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment for me. You and I agree.. and there should be many more out there who have a dissenting opinion on how things currently are. Hopefully some kind of action will be taken, something positive will happen. That's what I hope in.
Oh, and, the prospect of a good discussion+coffee is tantalizing. ;) Much love.
All that we've won.
Theme song of this post: So Much For The Afterglow by Everclear.
There's some kind of collective air you can detect sometimes when a social group considers them to be a more elite version of what you can normally get. It tastes of egocentric zeal- a kind of over joyous, infectious zeitgeist. "We're the X of X and we know it to be true, so true, so very very true". Or, when you listen to individuals it's almost like a bad infomercial: "I had encountered other X's but X is the best X I've been to/partake of/brownnose to by far!" To be fair, in the case that spawned this miniature rant they have reason to say what they say about themselves: it is all, arguably, true. Even with truth behind it it seems a little personally overzealous, heh.
When you hear about the gay marriage debate or the on-going debate about violence/sexuality proliferation in the media and the actions being taken against them ask yourself this: how much do you want the government deciding what is best for you on the basis of morality? How much control do you want them to have when it is, really, your responsibility to guard your children from what you consider too profane for them to see? The sicknesses that turn a child into a cop killer are a bit deeper than a round of GTA or the rap music ranting about shooting up the cops. It's the rich-poor divide, the poor education system, the poor state of sections of our society that we're ignoring to tackle the "big" problems that are going to topple our society if they proliferate. That's bullshit. The politicians on television do not know what is in your best interests, they have a bevy of other people to play to first- the bible thumping voters, special interests and otherwise. Just ask yourself how much freedom you want to give up for your "morality" to be safe from near-constant harm it's apparently in because of everyday life. (Isn't media a foggy mirror of the society it's spawned from, anyway? What does that say about the underlying issues that we should be dealing with? The cause for the effect?)
How ya doin' young lady?
P.S. The PS3 continues to anger me. Rageeee powerrrr activate! *turns Sony corporate headquarters into rubble*
P.P.S. NBA Finals still ongoing. Go Spu-... avs! Mavs!
P.P.P.S. *... a glimpse into the surreal side of socialization...*
DeathKnight V4: That's you speaking
DeathKnight V4: Not me
DeathKnight V4: You don't even need to sign that
DeathKnight V4: Just show that to someone anonymously and they'd be like
DeathKnight V4: "Travis said this?"
Zacherai: >>;
Zacherai: I know
Zacherai: it bears all the mighty artist Travis sign
Zacherai: BOLD
Zacherai: yet deep
Zacherai: yet so very blatant
DeathKnight V4: What part of it was deep?
Zacherai: >>
DeathKnight V4: It ended with "food and fuck".
DeathKnight V4: With hidden levels?
Zacherai: don't let one aspect of it blind you to the mastery of the other aspects.
DeathKnight V4: Do I need to like
DeathKnight V4: Kill the Boss without taking damage?
Zacherai: no
Zacherai: but you must dodge every trap
Zacherai: in this bottomless pit
DeathKnight V4: I'd say something but I'd just encourage your unsedated behavior.
Comments (4) |
Thursday, June 8, 2006
In loving memory.
Comments on commentary-
Neil- Haha, thanks man. I hope all is cool with you.
Theme song of this post: There there by Radiohead.
On the day of June Sixth I sat at this computer and I came to a distinct conclusion about the state of things from my poor point of view. Of course, on that day, there were quiet murmurs that Satan would rend himself out of wherever Hell is (it is believed to be located somewhere near Hoboken) and stomp around, destroying the very fabric of our society since, you know, metaphysical creatures always seem intensely interested in the affairs of lesser, more mortal creatures and love to just muck around with them for a bit before returning to their astral realms. To me I would imagine that, really, I don't think Satan could quite outdo our efforts in chaos or evil. Not to say mankind is evil, we just have an option to act evil- that's part of free will. You could, for instance, take a knife from your kitchen and simply stab one of your fellow housemates to death, ending his life in a mere five minutes. Now I doubt you will for more reasons than 'choosing' not to, but the option is there and if you lose enough of your mind perhaps someday you will do just that.
So 'Progress', my poor attempt at being a poet (or my poor attempt at poorly attempting being a poet) was more of a comment on several facts. The first fact is that everything is cyclical. Dharmic as that concept is, everything revolves in a cycle. You live, you die and, in my opinion, you end up living again where after some time you will die again. In context it's like this: Someone kills a civilian, he kills your buddy, you lose it a bit, kill a civilian and someone else loses it a bit, etc.. I'm not sure where it started.. or where it will end, but most actions can be said to cause reactions which cause more reactions which just goes out of control and then you get a 'stable', 'free' country like Iraq or the hell-hole that Somali is.
It was also my condemnation of the mass media who I really hate. Not abhor or something as smart or verbose as that, it's just simple hatred (like: I want it to be burned into the ground, shit upon by a horde of monkeys and then burned again). They report the 'facts' and sensationalize them to the point that it's a pox on the idea of 'honest reporting'. If you want the facts, you can get them from any media station, that much is true. I can't deny them that. But, in the process, how many looped videos of horrible things will you see? Will you turn away, maybe turn it off? Probably not. It's oddly enticing to you, isn't it? All the violence, and bloodshed. It's interesting. You don't want to partake in it, but the simple imagery of it is quite interesting. In an era where the FCC is insisting that your morality (which, obviously, you can't handle without the Government intervening and protecting it) is being compromised by foul language and nudity you can, if you wish, view all the horrible violence that you want to view in a nice, concise one hour bloc of CNN. Demolished buildings, fires, dead people, crying families. You might even get to view ranting lunatics like Ann Coulter decrying whatever she feels is against her ideology. It's great TV.
In the end, it irritates me and it irritates me that it probably doesn't irritate you.
One, two, one-two-three-four..
P.S. All's well that ends well.
P.P.S. Zarqawi is was more than 'killed'.. if you saw the footage of the bomb hitting his 'safe house' he was utterly annihilated, lol.
Comments (1) |
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Progress [Mature material]
Two up ahead, left side
Armed and dangerous
You got it? Alright
I have your back
Kill those dirty pigs quickly
We have a schedule to keep
Don't stop moving
Duck your head down
Don't look back
I'm here for you
Don't cry
Don't think
Just run
Please.. just run.
Clear over here
Nothing left of them now
I made it, thank god
It's over and I'm alive
One more day conquered
Just a few more weeks to go
Gotta stay alive.. just a bit more
The operation was a success
The area is clear
Raise the flag.. that's beautiful
Give the kids some candy
Yeah that's how we do it
Taste the freedom, piggies
Oh god
Oh god
Please, I want to live
Don't kill me, please
I'm.. I'm innocent
I have a family my.. my kids, I
I can prove it, I can
Oh god
We are live from the front
Good news today
Another victory for our forces
Here are some images of it all
Note the flawless kill.. wow!
Some things on fire; a crying child
We know you love to see it so
A shattered building; a destroyed family
Stay tuned- we have so much more to show
Those filthy bastards
My son, my wife, my family
Those filthy bastards
I never did.. what did I..
Those.. those filthy bastards
They took it all
Imperialists, murderers, demons
I'm going to kill each and every one of them
I'll leave them bloodied and broken
Kill each and every one of them.
To my darling wife,
How are things
I'm doing well
The last battle was hard..
.. but I managed to get through it somehow
Maybe it was because I was thinking of you
I miss you so much
I can't wait to see you again
It's coming up soon, huh
I'll fight my best just for you
I'll see you soon
Stay okay
Kiss Sarah for me
Lots of love
It's an ambush
Damn these pigs
They just don't know when to quit
Outgunned, outmatched
We've won, swine
Stop your squealing
You won't shut up
I'll fix that.
Don't blink
You might miss the show
God give me strength
God give me strength
God give me strength
I'll have my revenge
I will make them pay
God as my witness
I will make them pay
I see you
Firing your gun
I see you
Fire the gun all you want
I will not be denied
No. I will not be denied.
I've lost my gunner
Things look bad
This can't be it
This can't be the end
Ugh I'm losing too much
All over my hands..
Stop! I must
I have to get home
I need to get home
Not here
Not in this forsaken place
We're live from the front
Bad news today
An ambush
From the images you can see it was terrible
These brave men gave their lives honorably
For our cause, they gave their all
Our hearts go out to their families
We hope you are well
We'll be back with your weather forecast
Right after these commercials
Umm hello God it's Sarah
Sorry to bother you again
I know I've asked this of you alot
But it really is important
Protect my dad for me
I really miss him so
I know he'll make it back okay
Just give him a little extra help
I want to see him so bad
I'll owe you
My fellow countrymen
We live in a terrible time of uncontrolled violence
Where the evils of the world are knocking on our doorstep
I ask you now, will we ever falter?
Will we let them win and destroy everything we stand for?
No, we will win this war
We will bring those people the freedom and stability they need
We will show them the way to a brighter future
Progress to a better, brighter and more secure future for all of mankind.
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Monday, May 22, 2006
Comments on commentary-
Shinfaru- Man, totally go 360. There's some pretty sexi stuff coming out on it that should be great fun. The PS3.. well. Right now it's software library will be the ultimate factor in if I get it or not. I'm privy to strategy and RPGs more than action or otherwise so I hope they still have a great offering of RPGs to satiate my hunger. Well, good RPGs. Ones that aren't melodramatic.. or full of voice actors who should be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.
Sorry man. Texas and California are too far apart for current gas prices. Unless like someone up there let me sleep in their house for a week or something, lol. The hotel costs are what are killing me more than the gasoline.. or the fact I'd have to drive across all of the United States' desert twice.
Lea- I will not take you anywhere. You are nuts! Evil! Satanic! Etc.!!!
Irish- I can tell you everything you need to know about console games for I am the Divine Being, the one sent forth from His throne to impart upon you all the knowledge of the Console Gaming God.
Woo! I won't be an idiot. Thank god! *votes for a Republican!* It's good to be smart.
Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once?
Theme song of this post: Testify by Rage Against The Machine.
Actually, I'm not going to AnimeExpo and the reasons for that are plentiful. Expense for one. For two I would have to be really fucking nuts to drive around SoCal on the July Fourth weekend- that's just asking for me to come back with some kind of a tumor in my head. It's cool though. Ask Aleia- I'm a handful IRL. Like "What the fuck is he doing?" kind of handful. To all who is going- have fun. I'll probably be working at my fucking job on that day making what limited amounts of denero I make. Awesome![?!?!] Actually, at this point it's kind of odd how easy I think it would be to make money. I mean, you all do still recall we live in a country where free enterprise is supposedly embraced right? I'm not the only person here who is thinking about becoming a entrepreneur in a society based on corporations, right? I mean.. I'm not the only nuts person here, right? =O
Surprisingly enough one of my greatest idols is Lewis Black. Yes, Lewis Black. For those of you who don't watch the Daily Show, Comedy Central or simply are retarded Lewis Black is one of the angriest people you'll ever meet. Angry in a funny way. is rampant with videos but the most worthwhile ones are the ones involving Mr. Lewis Black. I'm not sure if it's his political views that I can identify with or his general personality which mirrors my own but he is just an awesome guy. I mean, seriously awesome. Not sexy awesome though. That'd be a little.. weird
Serious topics of discussion:
Mayor Nagin wins- I'm not going to ask 'how the hell did he get re-elected' since that's pretty pointless by now but Mr. Nagin has a tall task in front of him. Luckily this hurricane season is forecast to be "busy" instead of "apocalyptic" so hopefully the bowl that they stupidly live in won't be flooded again. As for race issues.. well. That's dangerous territory I'm not wandering into.
Iraq- Woo! The government has formed! Welcome to hell you guys!
The Da Vinchi Code- Man.
I'm not sure what Christianity has against this.
Person in the audience: Whoa, Ken! There's plenty to be pissed against! For one thing I know for a fact Jesus wasn't getting a little sumthin' sumthin' on the side, you know what I'm saying?
Well, unfortunately, the Jesus that Christianity embraces is one they themselves have manufactured. Jesus Christ the Christian figure is almost certainly not the same as Jesus Christ the human, Jewish man. Jesus is the protagonist of that story and does many typical things a protagonist does. He even gets dramatically executed at the end. Who do I think Jesus was? A great thinker. A theologist. And, like any counterculture thinker the Authorities at the time took an unhealthy interest in him.
Second person: But, wait! Christianity has never directly changed any of it's history because of perceived inaccuracies or personal opinions!
Yes it has.
Third person: Tom Hanks acting sucked! He was totally wooden.
Yes. He was.
Permanent Revolution.
P.S. I've never seen an episode of Lost! Am I a bad person? >_<
P.P.S. Go Spurs. Period, end of discussion.
P.P.P.S. Dani California is an awesome song. RHCP wins.
Comments (3) |
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Comments on commentary-
Torzuki/Torsuki/Torisuki/Tortor- Yeah, man. Gas prices in Texas are always cheaper so I feel for you guys that are stuck with those bullshit prices.
BTW, beautiful hair my friend. :) Pink is a great color on you.
Roxrox- That's what you get for living in New England, chicka. Crappy locales, crappy gas prices and crappy.. uh.. weather?
Lea- Those were your giggles, you twitty little girl!
Yeah, how 'bout that hail. Owned your asses down there at OLLU didn't it?
You can become as the anointed.
I had the realization within the last few days that I could actually afford to go to AnimeExpo this year. Good or bad, I've become a pretty large nerd of anime since my discovery and prompt addiction to all things BitTorrent. Yes, BitTorrent- that evil program that is slowly destroying our capitalist society to shreds with it's ease of use and ability to share any media format, etc.; etc. Thankfully all of the stuff I watch is unlicensed [in theory] so there is no real chance of getting in trouble for it. Not that I'm concerned I just don't have any real method of waging a one-man war against any large corporations any time soon, although I am pretty sure I could take out all of Funimation's staff with one hand tied behind my back. Just a thought. So, I will probably murk out the figures over the next few days [ironically, anime might distract me from them]. I know of a few OBers going to it aside from me so, you know. Party on, motherfuckers.
One of the main points I've been making to my gamer friends recently is that I hold no interest whatsoever in my gaming console being able to do a plethora of things. Sure, it's great that my PS2 can play DVDs but the percentage of time I use it as a DVD player is very, very minute in comparison to all the gaming I do on my gaming console, lol. The projected price of the PS3 is ridiculous for what you are getting- the XBox 360's Core Package is logical both for the consumer AND the company- the consumer doesn't have to take a huge loan out to buy a next-gen console and Microsoft can still make money as the consumer, if he wants, upgrades it's functionality to add more features onto it. That's the obvious way to do it.
Things I am looking forward to that have been revealed at E3:
*Final Fantasy 13 [PS3] (Perhaps the XBox 360 as well?! Maybe?! Can I dream?!)- This is a no brainer. It's Final Fantasy. Granted, it's the thirteenth one and X/X-2 were pretty underwhelming. I still think Square-Enix can shit out some Final Fantasy gold just as long as they don't get too lost in making effeminate men who fall in love with submissive women their primary goal for every story following 10.
*Spore [PC]- This is a huge game. I mean, huge. The creativity involved, the things you can do, the graphics, the simple concept of it is -original- for once. It's unfortunate that originality is such a rare thing to find in games but, hey, that's how it goes.
Things I am not looking forward to that have been Revealed at E3:
*The Price of the PS3- *weeps softly*
*Halo 3- This is more of an indifference than a dislike. Yes, Halo is sexy. Sexy and over hyped beyond belief. Sexy still though.
By the way, since I can vote this November, I'm supporting Kinky Friedman for Governor. This is not a joke, by the way. Mr. Friedman is an Independent candidate who, today, submitted the necessary amount of signatures to be placed upon the ballot. His views on the issues is note worthy since they are actually reasonable for a Politician which is, increasingly, a rarity amongst rarities. I have to say though that, really, this is the type of candidate only Texas could create. I mean, I thought some of the candidates for the California Recall Election were unique but this guy is.. something else, lol.
'Fuck, I just got shot in the head.' 'Oh yeah?'
That's it. I have work at 5. Wish me luck for I bravely march forth waving the banner of nuggets high.
P.S. *stare*
Comments (3) |
Sunday, May 7, 2006
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight.
Comments on commentary-
Irish- Yeah but modern warfare is still not.. well tested yet, there hasn't been any real, large conventional war that didn't have one side obliterating the other. This is between major, established powers.. the US/NATO/Russia/China. Thusfar the tactics we have are simply evolutions of the tactics created in World War 2- even the ones involving nukes. There hasn't been a major attempt to revolutionize warfare into the 'future'- something beyond massive tank columns or close air support.
I'm not sure. Bowie/Crockett were from Kentucky I believe. I'd have to look it up, lol.
Kya- No Nukes for Kya? :o
Most modern wars come about when peace is exhausted.. or that's what they tell you. Or, that's what you should hope. Or, maybe I'm not doing much to keep you all optimistic. Uhh. My bad?
'It was then, for Felix, it began. The hatred for the briefing officer had expanded to include his superiors, the captain of the ship, the commanders of Fleet itself, and finally the thickheaded idiots who had undertaken something as asinine as interplanetary war in the first place.'
Theme song of this post: Squash That Fly by Fu Manchu.
I saw Mission Impossible 3 today at a jam-packed 5:25 showing. If you really want to see how much patience you have left in your person, just head to a movie on Saturday night in a major metropolitan area- that shit will drive you at least partially batty. I mean, there's nothing quite like a random congregation of dozens of strangers with bad habits to see just how much you can take in a hour to two hour period.
There's not much to say about the movie itself. Stuff blows up, guns are fired, Tom Cruise looks desperate in numerous scenes before promptly doing some heroics. Kisses are exchanged, sex is had, helicopters are abused and meet grisly, untimely demises at the hands of windmills [???]. The Vatican is involved, security cameras are easily bypassed [what a waste of money!] and, at the end of the day, you leave the movie wishing you fired more guns, blew up more things and kissed more than you currently do. Which, unless you guys are hiding something from me, is probably.. not so much.
I mean, going back to a crowded movie theater- what the hell, dude. The guy in front of my flipped out his PDA in the middle of an action scene. That wouldn't have normally bothered me but his PDA was bright enough to cause severe distraction- it was like the sun had risen in the middle of the movie theater just to piss everyone off [damn you, sun]. Then there was this incessant and almost random girlish giggle that accompanied the cacophony of laughter at all the wisecracks [some of them were actually pretty witty, to be honest]. I could not for the life of me find the source of this giggle- it was like the theater was haunted by a preteenage girl or something. Creeeeepy~
Manah Manah!
I'm tired.. and I have work in the morning, so this will have to do. Tata.
P.S. Welcome to the rainy season!
P.P.S. I bought twenty dollars of gas today and I'm pretty sure that's the last time I willfully allow myself to be robbed so blatantly.
P.P.P.S. I mean, seriously. What the fuck.
P.P.P.P.S. Seriously, dudes. Have you looked in your wallet recently after you filled up? Did the Moths inside say 'Hey, what's up' like mine did?
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