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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
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I saw Sailor Moon.
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Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
Cranking the Sirens.
I'm very pleased with myself.
Remember a couple of months ago when I was a generous young lad and give a dramatically poor black man five dollars in the Ingram Park Mall? If you don't, then well.. Basically a guy walked up, told me a sob story that was laced with glaring lies and I gave him money out of blind generosity. A few tips, people- If you are going to scam people, A.) Don't scam people who are study people's way of talking and acting. B.) Don't scam the same place for too long. C.) Have a good memory so you don't try to scam the same person twice.
So I'm standing by the entrance staring out into the light of day, whimsically daydreaming of things far grander than the normalcy around me. The guy approaches and gives me a hearty hello with a different, less dramatic sob story than before. He doesn't recognize me but I recognize him- "uh oh". When he is done, I give him a large smile. One of those surreal, awkward "I'm onto you" smiles. This really dismantled his facade, he got pretty jittery when I just out of the blue smiled at him like that. I gave him only two dollars, just to humor him- he seemed satisfied that he had gotten another random fool and began to walk off. I wished him good luck with his job- he didn't really catch what I meant, so I smiled a bit more. I was still smiling pretty big and I determined that I needed to mess with this guy a little more, just to satisfy myself.
So I shadowed him. I followed him through the mall quietly, from a safe distance. A few minuets later, he found another teenage guy and began to talk to him, so I slid behind a local support column, leaning against the rail. Staring down onto the first floor, I waited a few seconds before I leaned foreword over the rail [around the column] and saw he was still talking to him. I went around the column to the other side, where, if he turned around, he would see me right there- just staring at the first floor, with an amused look on my face. He got done taking the guys money and turned around- he had a very surprised look on his face and I just nodded to him, grinning a bit. He lost a lot of the hop in his step but he was pretty smooth after he gathered himself. He approached saying "You waitin' for your girl?"
"Something like that." I replied.
"Jus' chillin, huh?"
"To a degree, yes."
He seemed pretty worried for some reason, I can't imagine why, and left ASAP into a nearby store. I think if I see him again I might mess with him some more. I have no problem with people abusing my generosity, that will obviously come if I am so free with it. But, you need to be sure I don't find out about it. Hide it, be careful please. Otherwise I become quiet amused by toying with you as much as I can, tormenting you as much as possible.
Yes, generosity is a good trait to abuse I suppose. As long as you are good at abusing people's generosity, you can get a lot- I would know. But you need to be sure you understand your foe. I endorse any feat of cunning, underhandedness you wish to do, just do it well or else you will crash and burn.
Aside from my escapades with that panhandler, I got two new CD's. Soilwork's Figure Number Five and Mastodon's Leviathan. I'm quite happy about these two CDs and recommend them to any of you pseudo-metalheads.
Welp, that's about it. Hope all goes well for you.
Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.
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Monday, September 6, 2004
I beat Neverwinter Nights tonight. Standard gamer celebratory comment inserted here. It's a pretty good game- I'm going to grab the two expansion packs eventually, just to slaughter some more. You know, evil never rests and such. Can't say it was the best ending in the world- left you desiring a bit more on what happens afterwards than "this is only the first chapter in blablabla's adventure". Oh well. Next up is the humongous monster that is known as Morrowind. I'll handle it with gusto, I assure you. The PC Gaming King remains as such!
I finally played a full game of Literati against Lady Lea. I won 219 to 111. It is an amusing game but it really slows down fun-wise at the end- I mean, I had like 3 L's at the end. That's it. Three L's. What the hell am I supposed to do with three L's? Ah well. Good game I suppose. Rockin'? Mayhap. Cool? Sure, go for it. Rum-stealing good? Yeah.
Aside from that, I've been wondering how you people are holding up. Give me a holler, tell me how's it hanging, etc.
And... more than 350 died [half of them children] in Russia due to nationalism mixing with the most potent, volatile force on the planet- the human brain. I feel a deep sense of sadness for the loss of life- especially the children, the poor saps. It could have been worse, I suppose- good luck to them. Continue praying to your respective deities and otherwise for me. I'm sure it helps in some weird way.
Made it into an RPG, Dragon Warriors "Once Upon a Legend" as the head honcho of bad guys- fantastic. By the way, as is true for most of my RPG sign ups, his name has a meaning. His name is Arkadiy Kyran- he has the nickname "Ensis". Arkadiy means "bold" and is, obviously, Russian. Kyran means "lord" and is Persian. Ensis is latin, it means "sword". So, technically, he is the Bold Lord of the Sword. Nerdy, eh?
Guess that's it for now.
Don't forget- you owe me a holler and a pray/hope/wish/interpretive dance for those slavs.
Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't.
People seem to get stressed out around me.
I mean, yeah. They do. My mom, my dad- people start getting nervous around me, especially when I drive. I mean, I almost hit that truck, but I didn't did I? I'm laid back, everyone else is freaking out thinking that they are about to die. If you are really uptight and anxious, you need to chill. I mean, I am calm enough to keep the situation under control- if I was freaking out like half the caffeine addicts in my household we prolly would be in a car crash. I keep a handle on the situation and it's annoying when some idiot in the back lets out a "OMFG" type of remark. So remember folks- be nice and cool like Ken. Keep your calm, keep your cool. Just chill. The time to be eccentric and all hyperish comes alot, but not in the midst of a situation like that. Be really fucking crazy, just know when to take control of a situation you started and let it not end in some sort of horrible, bone shattering finale.
Played my first real game of Literati yesterday against Mitch before he had to go. You know it's going to be good when the first word I put down is "Penis". I attained a small lead until I got stuck with a ton of vowels and a Q. I wish I was joking. What I did was I started biding my time until the time was right- play the best crappy words you can until you can get a megascore with your Q. Finally I saw my opportunity and opened up with the word "quod" which gave me a pretty good lead going into Mitch's turn- but he had to go. It seemed pretty evenly matched between us IMO- I dunno, ask Shin. He was watching us the whole time [like the stalker he is]. It's a pretty fun game, yeah. Kinda mundane at times but still- it's alright.
Heh. Yesterday was an important anniversary in the history of the world, as is today. One of the largest events in the last century, one that set the stage for decades of events- the world was never the same after this event, yes? It was an event that left many dead, an event that brought forth great leaps in science, technology and doctrines of warfare. Yesterday, September 1st, in the year of 1939, German armies invaded Poland. Their casus belli was an attack they staged upon themselves that pointed to the Poles being the aggressors. Initially all Germany wanted was the Danzig strip- but Poland's refusal to give it up landed Poland in an interesting position- The position of disappearing from the map for a few years. And today? Well, today is when the unconditional surrender was signed by Japan, ending the war. So, you know. There's my random "I like history :B" moment, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I know you didn't.
.. Wait.
Er, nevermind. I'm still on the hunt for an RPG. The one I was looking to sign up in was already closed for joining up- what luck. *mauls someone* 'Damn hell it all.'
Yeah, ok. I think that's it.
Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
Follow the Hollow.
How to cross the line and piss me off: Part I.
That crosses the line- it's an invisible line, one that an intelligent commander or leader of any rebel operation would realize is there. Only a simpleton would fumble into a school and threaten to kill kids on the world stage- that's the worst tactic I've ever heard. Once again due to the idiotic concepts of nationalism and racism people are dying. For what? For some little republic that is going to feel special by being independent? What is that? I can't grasp that concept. It seems like human stupidity being spat in my face over and over again from Serbia to Iraq to North Korea- what the FUCK are you thinking? You are a little worthless, halfassed country. You are human, nothing more, nothing less- your borders mean nothing, your sovereignty means shit to me. That romantic, idealist little dream of being independent, how glorious- how great. How much BLOOD will be shed for that idealistic idea? Thousands, millions- billions? Hell, don't think I'm being an American elitist with all this- I wouldn't fight for this fucking country, are you joking? I have only one 'nation' I would fight for and by a long, narrow chance I just happenstance to be drafted into an organization that is that 'nation' I would fight for.
What luck.
If you believe in a deity, I request you pray to whomever and whatever you believe in. If you don't, then just hope for them. That's the least you can do. There is no excuse for killing children to further political, social- hell, any goals. That is.. something I don't think is acceptable. Maybe it's an opinion that isn't shared- it doesn't have to be.
These kids. They deserve to live. That should be a universal view. They aren't guilty of anything.
Now I'm off to be eaten by Mitch in Literati.
Pray for me too, ok? lol.
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Monday, August 30, 2004
Click here.
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
Tomorrow is just the beginning, we'll burn this motherfucker down.
I spent from 1 AM until around 4:30 reading one hundred and fifty something posts in an old RPG just to resurrect it. Was it worth my time? Fuck, I guess. It is a good RPG and it was a good read. My posts were better than I thought they were- I usually view myself as being a pretty shitty RPer. I need to sign up for a few more, but none have really caught my eye. Suggestions? Invitations? Etc.? Drop me a line. I have done and will continue to do any and all types of RPGs. Little known fact, I used to star in alot of the DBZ rpgs when they were all the craze. Hahaha. Those were the days.
Dunno. Been considering writing a new RPG. Been awhile, been a long while- it's an art, really. One that, even after a lot of practice, continues to be difficult to get down. What makes one good? What types of people make it good? After all this planning, why is it dying at post 26? Questions, answers, revelations and more questions. It's a cycle that never ends because of the dynamics of the situation- it makes it amusing, but it would be much better if the success rate of my RPGs were a little higher than 40 or so percent.
Heh. It's true that i'm no novelist, no grand writer- the only thing I pride myself on is the things I think up, not how I portray the things I think up. Eccentricity, insanity- simple imagination. The choices of what it is are many, but whatever it is I've got it- how useful is it? Hm. It's hit and miss. At least it is there. Useful, useless- either way the option is there. Creation is the greater aspect of writing for me- I might portray it in crude or mediocre ways, but at least it's fanciful. It is good to see other people's fanciful ideas- you aren't alone in your ways.
Fortes and strengths, it comes down to what you are good at. Me? I dunno. You? I do know. Observation is a length process but it is easy to determine what a person is good at within a few days of knowing them. There are alot of talented people squashed into this message board- people who have promise to be something special. Who are they? That's a good question. The answer would be even better, but I'm sure leaving you hanging on how I see it would be more amusing for me.
We'll leave a path of human flesh as a sign of a better way.
You know.. I know a guy who has dreams, aspirations. He has an idea and an ambition that will probably get everyone following him killed. I never really understood how people like that get followers- the people following must be crazy. No, that would be ignorant to say- they must be passionate. To be like them, is that a good thing? I'm not sure. To die for an ideal is romantic, but is it practical?
I'm not sure.
I'm not sure at all.
Does it matter? Yes. Following someone that you are willing to die for is easy to preach about, but when the time really comes and you die- what will it be for? Is your life that easy to give up. Passionately following someone- are you an extremist? A cultist? A fool? Some say it's like a cult, that angers me. It might be like that. But, it is their life to give- and they might not feel they have a reason to exist. Maybe some people are born to be martyred. Existing only to help others until whichtime they die because of their philosophy to "bleed" as much as they can, mentally and physically, for their friends. I wonder if that makes them sad people- incomplete or broken. Wounded to the point of no longer being able to bleed for themselves? Or, would that be selfish. Ah, so much to consider. The sleep of death will come. You might as well be in the middle of a firefight when it does. I trust that those followers put faith in their ability to dodge the bullet- but eventually, they won't. I guess.. everyone needs some people to die for them. For the greater good? For the whole. Self-sacrifice as a doctrine is surprisingly lacking in the payment department. Almost ironically so- no one bleeds for you back. That doesn't matter.. I'm sure those followers are resolute in their path until whichtime they are outclassed or deemed obsolete by their commander.
Such is the way of life it seems.
The Grenade in Mouth Tragedy
The other aspect I see in some of these people, these followers, is that they are deemed human weapons. They are designated by their leader to be killers. Generals, soldiers- it doesn't matter what rank you are. You are being made to kill. Your ideas are ones on how to kill people. Being a weapon like that, I can imagine that it feels quite strange. Being told that this murder, this taking of another life- this is what you have to do. Or, as a General, you have to devise a plan- a plan to kill as many people as efficiently as possible. Slaughtering each other mindlessly, opposing plans colliding- it is almost sad. Human weapons, huh? Does that make them less of a person if they are murderous? Blood on their hands. "I will kill people. How will people treat me?" Feared, loathed, hated. There is no way to justify murder- but there are plenty of ways to put it into a different light. Taking their soul, taking their life, ending their existance.
Really, what will it be like for them.
I hope that they can be forgiven for their murder. Their sanctioned murder. The blood on their hands, the lives they took. I hope they can be forgiven. They might be doing it in the name of someone, but the ramifications of doing any sort of killing probably is lost in their blinded following. Ahh.. what could it be like.
To pull the trigger, to watch their bodies limp. To see them die. Yet, it probably won't shock them- it can't shock them, they have to be killing machines. For governments, for officers, for men, for women- it's sad. All they are being trained to do is kill until your mission is over, you die or you are wounded- maybe not even when you are wounded.
The only Grim Reapers I see are around me, dressed in human clothes, talking like humans do and smiling the sweet smile of pseudo-normalcy. Will those followers too have the willpower to be that?
To think these things leads to loopholes and dead-ends. Answers always evade you when things are so speculative or personal. But.. really, it is the warriors way. If they are not blind murderers, if they are warriors. Is it different? What constitutes a warrior? That's a good question. The answer evades me at the moment, but I do know there is a different between a serial killer and a warrior- it might be honor, it might be a personal code, it might be the practice of being something different than a slayer of all in his path.
Truly, they must hope to be warriors. They shoot to be that- they fear they might delve into the realm of the mindless slaughterer, however. But what they, the followers, must be hoping to be is a warrior. Such lofty goals brewed in such young minds. Let's hope they reach their goal, for the blood they will stain their hands in will be great.
I'll be here to clean you up.
Off more serious and morbid topics, I think I'll run off and look for some sort of RPG to join. I hope you all are doing quite well in whatever life you are in the midst of living and that you continue to cruise along.
Drop me a line if you have any specific RPG you think I should decimate with my lacking skills.
Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.
Comments (3) |
Friday, August 27, 2004
Shade Fin.
Kinda quiet around these comment areas.
Quiz Day
| What is my spectrum? I am blue: My main color is blue. I am a little bitter when people choose a blissfully ignorant aproach to life. I try to see things for the way they really are. | . |
What is my spectrum? |

Which Final Fantasy Guy are you?
Auron rocks.

Which Final Fantasy Villain are you?
As does Sephiroth.

Which Final Fantasy Summon are you?

Which Final Fantasy Melody are you?
Err... rockin'.

Where in the Final Fantasy world?

| Hmhmhm. Where is my Queen?! | Queeeeeen? Queeeeeeeeeennn?! | =/ Hmm. |  |  |  |
| *elsewhere... bad grammar ninjas attack the queen* | Aieeeee!!! | Muahaha! Conquered are you?! Chance no! |  |  |  |
| Ken.. the Queen is in danger. | I am clearly angered! Rawr. I'll save her! | |  |  |  |
| I ATTACK YOUR FACE! | This is what?!?! Confused are I! Damn hell it all! | |  |  |  |
| Take this! | ... i r dizzy... | ahahahahaha?!?!?! |  |  |  |
| | *KEN WINS AGAIN!!!!* | | *woo, he dropped ph47 l3w7* |  |  |  |
| Create your own NES Comic |
 MIGHTY Take Are You Mighty? today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.Yeah, you're mighty. We see the way you express your might. We understand the power you command with your mighty little fingers.
We get it already.
You're mighty.
Put down the axe.
WOO. Mighty. Rockin'.
 Which character from The Last Unicorn are you?

I dunno if that is rockin' or not. o.o
Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.
Comments (3) |
Sunday, August 22, 2004
All of a sudden there shined a shiney demon in the middle of the road.
This might sound crazy but I'm starting to really support the libertarian candidate. o.O; Go figure someone like me would support a Libertarian, lol.
Mmm, so I the only job I could prolly get easily is one at an HEB. That wouldn't be so bad. The one closest to us is prolly just about a mile away.
Joy, rapture. Oh well. Gotta get money from somewhere. It won't be so bad, haha. Thinking back I suppose I never really have cared where I work, what I do as I work- just as long as you pay me for the bullshit I'm going through.
I've been reading Dante's Inferno and Shakespeare's Hamlet. I recommend either of those books to anyone- they are quite enjoyable. I am seeking a good version of a Midsummer Nights Dream just to go down memory lane as Oberon- King Ken lives again. A common grumbling of mine is that you waltz into a bookstore and you are assaulted by four million books you haven't even HEARD of- are they good? Maybe. Do you have all the money to spend in the world? Nein.
Where's a wi-fi hotspot and a laptop when you need it?
With all that, one of my more common doctrines come into play. Winging it. What is winging it? Well, when you wing it, you just do it. You stop pondering, going through thought cycles in your head- you act. You make a guess or you take a blind step- you just do something, instead of remaining stuck in your own thoughts.
It works out pretty well usually- either from luck or l337 skills. Haha, no- I'm just lucky.
I took a trip down memory lane in the form of my fifth grade yearbook. I was a safety patrol, lol. Seriously. I wasn't the greatest safety patrol, I was pretty laid back- I was usually leaning against the wall whistling during my "patrol".
It really blew hard when you had to go outside in winter/rainy times and hold out a freaking stop sign for other kids to cross a short expanse of driveway. It was an excuse to always be late to class, but it still was kinda sucky.
I was in a new elementary school, one that was freshly built in San Antonio's largest school district- it was top of the line. All of the rooms had televisions hanging from corners of the room and the TVs were all networked to the library where there was a central "studio". This allowed for a number of things- there could be schoolwide film days and all the announcements were done on video.
Of course, you know- I had to get a piece of the hot studio action. So, I was a cameraman/anchorman on the morning announcements. Best damn cameraman AND anchorman that has ever existed, if I do say so myself. It was an amusing distraction, but everyone there was pretty high key about something as simple as that. lol.
Aside from that I was, of course, in gifted and talented. This wouldn't be worth mentioning if it wasn't for the fact we ended up making a film in that class for our final project- a literal film.
You know who played the lead? I did! I was a cowboy named Lee. If I remember the plot right, a small entourage of friends was heading west along the trails and various shit happens to them. I had a love interest in the film and someone got their leg broken- fun shit like that.
Theatrical stuff was amusing as a younger kid but I yearn to do something in acting. I am a fine actor and comedian- if I had some formal, academic training in it I feel I could do pretty well. Maybe like Robin Williams- am I eccentric enough? Maybe. He is literally crazy though, lol. How can you beat true insanity? Ah, lesser insanity only goes so far.
But nah, I don't think that will happen. It would be amusing if one of you guys went on to become something great. I knew that guy, he was kinda dorky or I knew that girl, she was pretty cool. Who knows what will occur.
Philosophically, my latest mental tangents, rants and psuedo-essays have mainly dealt with the idea of psychic power. I believe in it, but the dynamics of how it occurs, why it occurs, who it occurs in and if there are different "kinds" of these psychics. One man's ambition treads on one woman's feeling of safety and conflicts arise.
It's sort of sad how young, unwise people can keep fumbling over and over- like you used to do, before you wised up. You can't teach them, because they are stubborn- like you were. All you can do is watch, and try to keep them from hurting themselves too seriously.
People who rebel just to rebel are dumbasses. I'm tired of dealing with them. If you are going to rebel, at least have some substance to it- or a reason. Otherwise, it feels like you are going to the other extreme- you still aren't yourself. You might as well still be following the crowd.
Eh. Academically I'm bored. I've been, in my free time, studying more on the wars between the French Revolution [brought Napoleon to power] to the Filipino War [The USA vs. Filipino Rebels war]. Nothing much interesting to you people, I suppose. Been reading up on different tanks and guns too.
Musically, it's the same old stuff. Metal, rock, alternative, classical music and trance. Weezer, Tenacious D, Dillenger Escape Plan, Deftones, Watch Them Die, Black Sabbath, Ozzy. I got some Chumbawamba in here too. I miss Kazaa Lite. WinMX is so clunky- they don't have some of the mp3's I want. I still need to find some stuff by Sixpence None the Richer and a good version of "Perry Mason" by Ozzy.
Oh well. I'll get it eventually.
I guess that is about it.
Sayonara dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Vitamin R.
Ahh, the job hunt continues! I seek cash for the planned trips, the planned misses, the planned disasters. You know the deal.
School started, not a big deal. You know, last year and all- this is it for ol' Ken. Looks like I'll be dabbling in Calculus this year, hm.
Well, I'm going to do my best to be online more often than not- just been doing my nerd thing. *does a nerd dance*
Ugh, pain and torment are two things I detest seeing in children. Nothing like that should occur for the poor saps.
Ah, alas. I need to go. I'll talk to you all later.
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Friday, August 13, 2004
Walk Idiot Walk.
I've been nerding it up lately with some sweet Neverwinter Nights loving. *huggles it* I wuffles my rpgs.
ALRIGHT! Thinking of getting a job. Stocking and restocking? Will you pay me? If so, as my friend says- "gotta use your muscle for something". As long as I get money for it I can tolerate doing any job, really.
My last year of school, THANK GOD. Graduating, being done with it all- phew. After this? Travel-city baby. Disappearing into the mist- those magical, mystical creatures.
Those Kenneths in the mist.
This job will help pay for the eventual journeys to western North America that should be taking place sometime next summer.
Well, I hope you all are holding up ok. Leave some comments as to how you are doing.
Sayonara chickas, dudes, dudettes, heads of state and otherwise.
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