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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
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I saw Sailor Moon.
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Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
For a few seconds, this place was armageddon.
It bugs the shit out of me. I want to download [um, legally.. of course] one song. And it takes nearly an hour to download from the person and they go offline, so I'm left with 70 percent of the song I want. -.-;
Yeah, let's say you care about getting metal mp3's or have nothing better to do or are humoring me for my misguided tastes in music.
Go on over to here and humor yourself with semi-fast downloads of a some good bands, might find something you like or a ton of shit you hate. Either way.. yeah.
Recommendations? Antihero by Godforbid. *snorts* No Onw Wins by The Berzerker. Like Light to the Flies by Trivium. As Above, So Below by Behemoth. Not much else caught my interest, but that's me.
So uh. Carry on.
PS. *
*Listen or I consume your children!
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Thursday, June 3, 2004
A Hymn for the Rived.
It's tiring, really.
Funeral after funeral.
Since I'm adopted by grandparents, alot of their older relatives die.
And, as their 'son', I'm required to go.
You walk up to the casket, and like everyone else, you just stare. It's a different person, a different life, a different personality.
What's the point? I don't want to go anymore. I don't want to show respect to anyone anymore. You just go and hear what they did, how much people enjoyed being around them as they did it and how much they are going to miss them doing things.
Of course, you know, they are in heaven now or going to be resurrected someday or something else like that.
Well, if that's the case, just toss them in the ground. They have moved on faster than you have. Get a move on, let's go.
I dunno. Alone, in a church, when everyone has already left. Your parents talking to some last people nearby, it's depressing. The light from outside always is filtered or curtailed by something, making it dreary.
They are alot heavier than you think, you know? Caskets. Being a pallbearer those couple of times was tough, specially since I was a kid. I barely made it to the hearse/burial site.
You wander away from the burial site and it is dead quiet. Amongst the graves, in your Sunday best. Just still. Dead. Muted.
Then you always go and.. celebrate or something. You go have some food at someone's house. Yay, someone died, let's eat. It feels fake.
My great-grandma is senile in a nursing home. I know she's dying, everyone does. That's going to be like the tenth funeral in 15 years, literally.
Man, it was harsh, I'll tell you. Seeing people your age in a casket because of their own depression.
She looked beautiful, even then, I'll tell you. I know I was taken at the time, but I couldn't help but be smitten with her up until that time.
That was the last time I felt any need to pay respect to anyone who died. Since then, I'm apathetic about it. They died. The people attending will die. It's a waste of my time, most of those relatives don't even care about me. I'm just some adopted kid from a fuckup my parents adopted.
Why do I have to bleed for their wasted souls? Let their loved ones drown themselves in sorrow when they do what every other human being eventually does.
It was beautiful. At my other Grandma's funeral there was a massive thunderstorm that arrived in the middle of the burial site service. The sky was black and there was rotation in the clouds. Tornadic, yes? I'll never forget the poetic way they were moving, as it began to pour down rain at the cemetery.
I do not want to participate in them anymore. It's grown tiresome, left a bad taste in my mouth. This is all just so cumbersome, life. Tiring. Sometimes you just do not want to go on.
Not out of depression or angst or rage. Just because you are tired. So very tired of carrying on. You sleep, not wanting to awake the next morning.. and yet, you always do. It's always bright, sunny and you get up and go out to another day of trudging through the repeating stories, the looping news, the same old friends, the mundane problems. Same dialogue as yesterday.. same expectations of you. Same disappointments.
What's the point? It's your choice to be living in that, so why can't you choose not to? People expect you to be so strong and then ask you to be strong for them. Advice, always. They need advice. For themselves, their loves, their love life, what they should do/did do/have had done to them.
Maybe I've given up hope. I'll read this later and be disgusted at my weaknesses, but for now, I am back to feeling tired in my soul.
Ah, to be as free as they were in their choices. Easily dead, but not easily forgotten, leaving me here. They had no right to, no. But still, it's just one more weight.
There will come a time when I know that death is near. Happiness lays in that, the fact that no more will I war with men, with problems, with life. My fight will be over. Ah, to know that peace..
The people I meet, the people I help, it all keeps me going. If only you never had to leave anyone behind, never had to regret things. Then you could always be as peaceful and carefree as you were as a child.
The point of this post is mundane, really. Just one more person in a myriad of people who wants to slip into death before their time.
Ah, but I can't. Promises, people, broken hearts.
This is such a pain to write. Knives in the kitchen.. pills everywhere.. tempting me, taunting me.
But no, I must remain steadfast. Things to do, projects to complete, people to help. Ah, many years yet to pass..
But, I do wish for those that have passed on, the billions of them, to rest in peace. Ah.. resting in peace.
Someday! Someday I will know happiness. A daughter, a wife, an adventure..
You too! Yes, you will know happiness.. more than you have now!
But, it always seem to take too long for the someday to come. With such dreary thoughts and tempting devices to kill myself with, can I make it?
Maybe, maybe. Surely no greater accomplishment can I achieve, for now, than to push myself to remain alive. Not for myself, but for others. Never can I live for myself, for some reason.
So tired..
Ah, well. I will demonstrate my superior strength ever-more. There will be no death that befalls me from any other man, or myself. Only nature can claim my soul.
Thusly, I condemn myself to further wear, further tear, further breaking in. Indeed, many more tribulations will befall me.
Warrior spirit, yeah. Gotta keep pushing forward. Fight the fine fight. I will never fall to my own emotions. There is nothing that I cannot get through.
Yes, always remember that. I am human, I adapt. Ahh, invigorating. I will take it head on, yes.
But still, in due time, I will have to catch my breathe and lament as I feel the true weight of what I carry once more.. over and over.
Marching forth, until which time I fall. It's a sad, really. Oh well. What can you do?
I must last longer than this. There is too much that depends on me to fall so easily.
Ah, but that much more to weigh me down.
Better people than I are going through worse things though, so, I guess it is alright to just brood, take it, and keep moving on.
Yeah. Brood, take it, and keep charging.
Something will take me down.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Cosmopolitan Blood Loss.
What an oddity that would be.
I live in a forest, a forest fast being destroyed by men. Houses are popping up everywhere and we know that it will cause more problems that it seems. [We live next to a large dry creek that fills up considerablely when it rains. With the loss of the trees, there is alot less between the runoff and us.]
But, there is one lot that has remained empty on our street- the lot right across the street from our house.
There is a chance that an old bro of mine from church might end up living there with his mom. That would be great, especially with the great timing of summer just starting.
Oh well. Not getting my hopes up, of course.
Aside from that, I uh.
Have nothing else to say.
Thusly, I uh. Bid you adieu.
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Monday, May 31, 2004
Final Boss.
Wahoo. Someone liked my form joke. *cheers for Tori*
Well, happy summer. Thusfar my plans are revolving around the driving thing, but even that has faded into obscurity intill the time for the classes come. Horrendous sprees of boredom.
But, in my free time, I was able to locate a new article that further spurs my hatred of Square Enix.
Final Fantasy VII mobile update
NTT DoCoMo handsets to support upcoming prequel first announced at E3.
Earlier this month at E3, Square Enix announced that a mobile prequel to its RPG blockbuster Final Fantasy VII was in the works. Some additional factoids about the product, titled Before Crisis - Final Fantasy VII, were recently revealed, specifically that the game is slated for a September 2004 release, and it will be available (in Japan) on NTT DoCoMo 900i-series or higher phones.
Square Enix has not yet announced a North American release date for Before Crisis. However, given the disparity between Japanese and North American handset technology, it's likely that Before Crisis will not be a downloadable option for US gamers for the foreseeable future.
As previously reported, Before Crisis will be set in the environs of Midgar, the dystopian metropolis that had fallen under the sway of the evil Shinra Corporation in the first Final Fantasy VII. This time around, players will control a member of the Turks--the elite band of Shinra operatives that worked at cross-purposes to Cloud Strife and his friends in the 1997 PlayStation original. And in lieu of the original title's nonlinear, exploratory, turn-based gameplay, Before Crisis will feature mission-based objectives and real-time combat.
Square Enix has also revealed that this action role-playing game will support real-time multiplayer--for up to three players--over a cellular network.
By Steve Palley -- GameSpot
POSTED: 05/26/04 10:49AM PST
Thusly, for the second time, FF7 is given anything BUT a sequel on a next generation console.
Pardon me whilst I stab this large, iron ruler into my eyesocket.
PS. Don't even mention the fact X got a sequel. *eyes second ruler*
PPS. I love B movies. *huggles Rodan* 
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Sunday, May 30, 2004
Blood Rodan.
:Hello and welcome to the MyOtaku 'My First Post' how-to. Just fill out this easy to use form and you will be well on your way to having a great MyO!:
[ ] Something with black.
[ ] Pink.
[ ] Pink with [yellow]/[orange]/[red]/[something else that will be found to cause seizures on rare occasions].
[ ] A nice, normal color with a [white]/[black] background.
[x] I'm a [forum goer]/[aleinated nerd who will attain his revenge someday]/[unemployed pedophile]/[gamer] who has his own, distinct font.
[ ] I don't [care]/[know]/[speak english]/[remember what I'm filling out].
[ ] Dramatic and sorrowful.
[ ] Mundane and on topic.
[x] Completely random and unnecessary.
[ ] A redundant summary of what your fantastic post will be about.
[ ] Any of the above, along with a 'mood' smiley.
I'm going to be talking about..
[ ].. my [good]/[bad]/[worst day of my FUCKING life, I dropped my fucking PENCIL and it fucking BROKE, can you believe THAT?!]/[*sobs..*] day.
[ ].. a disagreement you had with your [parents]/[siblings]/[significant other]/[homeless homie] that [ruined your life]/[ruined your well-thought out, meaningful plan]/[ended up offending you and your superior adolescent mind].
[ ].. a snippet from the daily headlines about [the Bush administration ]/[people dying]/[a clearly corrupt system that you will bring down with your MyO post]/[scientists discovering sneezing can cause cancer].
[ ].. my [interests]/[hobbies]/[dysfunctions]/[worries].
[ ].. a [un]cool [flash game]/[website]/[song]/[forum] I found on the web.
[ ].. about how much life [has]/[will]/[can]/[doesn't] suck.
[ ].. the [poem]/[song]/[story]/[idea] you have that you [know]/[hope]/[deliriously believe] people will [care about]/[hate unconditionally]/[worship]/[die horribly from].
[x].. a random idea that you think is witty, but is actually [stupid]/[mundane]/[sorta cool]/[fantastic]/[full of subliminal, hypnotic messages].
[ ] [None]/[All]/[Some] of the above.
How do you want your post to end?
[ ] With a [good]/[predictable]/[confusing]/[useless] point.
[ ] With a picture of [something from a game]/[a movie you saw]/[you]/[a friend of yours]/[something meaningful].
[ ] A [normal]/[happy]/[sad]/[sociopathic] ending that leaves your friends [awed]/[oohed]/[shocked]/[buying a bullet proof vest]/[tearful]/[killing themselves to stop the pain of how boring you are].
[x] I dunno. It'll just end.
[ ] I'll figure it out.
[ ] If other, please specify: _________________
:Thank you for filling out the MyOtaku 'My First Post' form. We hope that you found it easy to pick up and learn with. We hope that you enjoy your MyOtaku [career]/[skit]/[dynasty]/[disaster]/[novel] with the upmost [caution]/[happiness]/[sobbing]/[confusion]/[hallucinatory moments] that you can acquire.
Once again, thank you and- bye bye!:
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Saturday, May 29, 2004
Giver of Life [OR Mundane Posts are fun.]
I persuaded my mom that since, like a normal responsible young man, I had finished school on time that I deserved 50 dollars.
Yes, I got it.
Yes, it was easy. Try it sometime. It helps to be homeschooled, but the concept is still the same. "I faced temptations to ignore my work, but I stayed true- don't you think I deserve some sort of reward for that?"
With my fifty dollars+my allowance+unmentionable funds from varying places=a trip to the mall.
So I arrived at the Dillard's Home Store- the place my mom always parks infront of, thusly forcing me to enter through it.
In this very Dillard's Home Store there is one of those electronic wedding registries- and, in this very Dillard's Home Store it happens to rest right in the middle pathway, twards the exit of the store.
And at this very Dillard's Home Store I have had the pleasure of partaking in a ritual- everytime I pass the wedding registry, I have to touch the touchscreen once. If I miss a time, I have to do it twice next time.
Why? There's no point. It's just amusing to do.
After doing said-ritual, I parted pathways with my mother and headed to EB where I purchased Hearts of Iron along with FF7- 15 and 12 dollars respectively.
But Ken, you must have had FF7!
Keyword=had. I sorta gave it to a friend of mine. Well, I originally let him borrow it but it's kinda become a permanent thing.
Grrrreat fun, that. Oh well.
After said-purchases, I took a trip to FYE who, if you don't know, blare the loudest music they possibly can in their store as much as they can. Today? It was Dance music.
Hoo hoo, I can hardly contain myself.
Nah, the tunes were alright. But the problem comes in later.
I surfed the metal section, which, of course, is located in the far-far back- near the "you're a loser if you're in this section" Country and Gospel sections. In the great company of God's holy rock music and the great American tunes from the West, I felt oddly discontent and depressed- why? Who knows. [There was actually a skinhead surfing the metal area- as if that lessened the aleination of being sent to the back]
With this feeling, I traveled to the close-to-the-front-door rock section- where all the "cool" people hang out, and picked up Joe Satriani's CD, 'Is There Love In Space?'
Suddenly, amongst the jarring dance music, I hear a lovely young lasses voice. I turn, and she says "Could I have your collar?"
I was befuddled and somewhat amused by this- "Beg your pardon?" I replyed.
Of course, that was not what the beautiful young woman had said- she had asked me for a dollar. Why? Who knows. Generosity needs no why, so I provided her with a dollar. She hopped in the air, literally, as she took it, thanking me profusely and telling me she liked me- at least, I think so. In the glorious Chapel of Dance it was hard to tell, but I assume that is what I heard. Maybe I'm just schizophrenic/[wishing that is what she said...]
She went off with her friend, saying how "that guy gave me a dollar". Wow, yeah- I did. Not that big of a deal, but thanks for lifting my previously-mentioned sour spirits. [Someone told me that it was the universe seeking to tell me that I was the one alienating myself- who knows.]
She purchased something [I assume] and left the store.
It was an amusing thing. I haven't the faintest what drove her to ask me. A large, white, scruffy teenage guy- yeah, he'll give you a dollar. Aww, but overweight people are so huggable and humorous- they must be generous too!
I'm not doing to well to disprove what I just said, I guess.
After this episode, I was kinda hoping I would see here again- I dunno, just to talk or something [I must be desperate as hell, LOL.] But, I didn't, and it was soon time to depart. [I didn't get to do my ritual on the way back- some people were using the wedding registry, so. Next time I gotta do two.]
I kinda like the idea of being the random good Samaritan. I don't need people to know my name or anything. Just be generous.
My mom said that it wasn't good to be too generous- that there are panhandlers and such who live off getting people to give them money. Honestly, I wouldn't mind. It's your actions verses theres, yours outweigh [in whatever sense of morality you have] theirs, and that is all that matters- what you did. That's it, after that it is in their hands/on their heads.
Young madam, I hope that extra dollar was well spent. lol.
Destroyer of Senses [OR Dangers to society like Diet Pepsi.]
I'm going to learn to drive, woopee. My mom expects me to be ectatic.
Yes, right. I'm learning something I'll have to do from now intill the day I die, daily.
Oh well. I guess this would be a bad time to mention my high score on Carmageddon at Tony's Group Sound Arcade, lol. [Mom: The pamphlet says if you are found to be a danger to society, you will have to take the course over.
K: I'll keep that in mind?]
I don't really see what the big deal is. It's just driving. I'll prolly end up in an accident within the first couple of years, too. lol.
Oh well. Here's to driving. *sips Diet Pepsi*
I consume your children [OR Good thing they don't cost a quarter.]
Shock and awe, Tony has a message board []. Even better, it has an arcade.
Even better[er], somehow, I'm doing pretty well on games I swore not two years ago I sucked at. Of course, there are still a few I can't really get down that well. Fun games, though.Occupational benefits help the games go faster.
So, go check it out if you haven't. See what games you're good at.
Well. That's about it.
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
Read this. *UPDATED*
And think.
Caribbean Flood Death Toll Rises to 860
By AMY BRACKEN and PETER PRENGAMAN, Associated Press Writers
FOND VERRETTES, Haiti - Ferrying emergency supplies to villagers devastated in deadly floods, U.S. and Canadian troops on Wednesday struggled to assess the scope of a disaster that has killed more than 860 people and left hundreds missing in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
The death toll has risen steadily since reports began emerging of Monday's disaster. Late Wednesday night, Haitian officials said 200 more bodies had been recovered, bringing the toll there to 450. There have been 417 confirmed deaths in the Dominican Republic. In addition, several hundred people in both countries were missing.
Dominican authorities told families there was no time to identify many of the bodies because they were badly decomposed and posed health risks if moved. Many bodies were dumped in a mass grave or buried by Dominican soldiers where they were found.
"I can't find them. I didn't know they were burying them. They should let me find them first," said Leonardo Novas, who lost five family members.
Survivors painted terrifying tales of sleeping families carried away in Monday's floods, which devastated parts of the island of Hispaniola, which is shared by the two countries.
Novas, who lives in the Dominican town of Jimani, awoke to the screams of his infant son while water rose in his wooden house. He huddled with his wife and three children, and shouted to his brother next door to stay inside, but it was too late.
The force of the mud took all but one wall of Novas' house.
"Everything's gone. My house and five family members," said Novas, 28, who watched his brother and the brother's family carried away in a crushing torrent of mud.
On the other side of the border, troops from a U.S.-led multinational force sent to stabilize Haiti after President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was ousted on Feb. 29 flew by helicopters to the town of Fond Verrettes, bringing food and water to thousands of desperate Haitians.
"The river took everything, there isn't anything left," said Jermanie Vulsont, a mother who said the rushing water swept away her five children early Monday in Fond Verrettes.
The body of a 5-year-old boy was among many recovered Wednesday in Fond Verrettes, about 35 miles southeast of Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince.
About 300 bodies were recovered in a southern Haitian town of Mapou, Margarette Martin, a regional government official, said late Wednesday night.
Health officials feared as many as 1,000 people could be dead in the town, located 30 miles southeast of Port-au-Prince, because houses were submerged and rescuers saw bodies underwater that they were unable to retrieve. Mapou is still isolated because of roads washed out by mud and landslides.
Officials said workers also recovered about 100 corpses in the nearby town of Grand Gosier and 50 more elsewhere across the country.
Mudslides have prevented rescue teams from reaching many parts of the two countries. The death toll has been high because the border area is largely deforested, allowing flash floods carrying mud and debris to easily sweep away flimsy homes of wood and tin.
Fond Verrettes, where mudslides and landslides from an adjacent hill to covered most of the town, looked like a pocked riverbed with stunned residents wandering around and asking troops for help.
"For a while we didn't even realize what we were standing on," said U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Justin Collins, 21, of Avon, Ill., one of about 20 Marines who went to help feed villagers. "We were standing on some parts of a neighborhood. It's clear they need more food and water."
Manie Ceceron, 37, lost her five children. "The rain came. I was in the house and I ran. I couldn't see anything. I didn't see my children. I never saw my children."
In the Dominican Republic, the recovered bodies included seven sun-bleached corpses that were seen on the banks of Cabritos Island by a photographer from The Associated Press. The island lies in the crocodile-infested, saltwater Lake Enriquillo, just east of Jimani.
The bodies were believed to have been swept away in the rain and carried to the banks of the lake, said Eddy Olivares, operations chief for the Dominican Civil Defense, who said he expected more corpses would be found this week.
More than 150 corpses were buried where they were found in Jimani on Wednesday. Another 100 or so were buried in a mass grave on Tuesday. More than 400 people are missing.
As sunshine baked the soggy earth Wednesday, residents tried to repair damaged houses. Hundreds on both sides of the border were destroyed and international organizations were considering relocating several families left homeless in the rains.
Jimani, about 100 miles east of the Dominican capital of Santo Domingo, is inhabited mostly by Haitian migrants who work as vendors and sugar cane cutters, trying to make a better life. Dominican officials said some of the Haitians who lost family members may have been living in the town illegally and scared to identify bodies.
The Dominican government declared Jimani a disaster area, and President Hipolito Mejia said Thursday would be a national day of mourning.
"The damage and human losses have been of such magnitude," Mejia said in his declaration, adding that sending aid is of "high national interest."
*Update* The death toll now stands at 2,000 people.
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Quiz Day.
> WARNING | DeathKnight is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times. |
 You belong somewhere out in the world, exploring and learning and spreading the knowledge that you find. When you love, that love will join you in your quest and believe as you do in a world of spiritual energy that is stronger than anything humanity could normally even conceive, although you may be able to. Council those you encounter, give them your wisdom, and stay true to yourself.
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla
 You, my friend are a true individual. You most likely hate trends and are creative. By seeing things differently, people either admire you or think you are a bit strange. I'm guessing you are a lot like me. Perhaps a Good Charlotte hater? I hope so. An inspiration to us all, continue being you! (If you like GC, I'm sorry, I am just expressing an opinion)
A Deeper Look Inside Yourself (with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Ghost or spirit: You are a lost soul. Very calm and sweet, you are often the one who asks: What if? With a clever mind, you want to explore the world on a different level. Without the answers, you aren't ready to move on. You are most likely very creative and find yourself thinking things through on a different level. (please rate my quiz)
**Where will you go when you die?**(now with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 BEAUTIFUL ICE PRINCESS/PRINCE .You need distance between you and your partner in your relationship. You are very difficult to get. You have big requirements and this one you love must try hard to get you. But after she/he melt your heart she/he will be the most happy person in the world. You need someone who shoes you that you are special and it makes you feel good to see that you are loved. She/He shall know that you could easily get another girl/boyfriend but you wont as long as you love him. when she/he hurts you you will hurt him too, but in general you dont get hurt. If your partner cheated you ,you would react cold and immediately (try to) forget him
PLEASE VOTE, I want to know what you think about my quiz, I worked hard on it.You can always message me or tell me how I can improve that quiz. Ill sure write back.
~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~ brought to you by QuizillaIf I.. lost.. everything.. and I had no lover..
 You are Amon! Prone to silence and not one to smile easily, you never the less get the job done.
Which Witch Hunter Robin Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Hm. Moderately amusing, this.
Just, ya know. With quizzes, you always have to read between the lines of the results...Damn that drama. Sigh.. where are you my beloved... I need your help...
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Monday, May 24, 2004
Sieg Heil.
Part 1- The Holy Roman Empire
The Holy Roman Empire, which lasted from 962 to 1806
The HRE was a successor state to the empire founded by Charlemagne, the guy who revived the title of the Roman emperor in the western section. According to the Carolingian [a frankish dynasty of rulers that included Charlemagne] theory, the Roman empire had never ended- it was merely suspended when the last emperor abdicated.
Thus it was that Charlemagne recieved the title of the Roman Emperor in the west in 800 AD from Pope Leo III. From the death of the last Carolingian in 899 intill the German king Otto I took the title in 962, varying rulers took over the title- even a few italians.
The HRE worked by the various German states electing one of themselves to hold the Kingship of Germany, the title of Emperor of the HRE. Of course, the papacy had to flex what little muscle it had over the powerhouse of germany and "approve" of the Emperor.
The Empire's boundries varied over the years, but it usually included Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Moravia, pieces of north Italy, Belgium. Intill 1648, Switzerland and the Netherlands were considered part of the Empire too.
The dissolution of the HRE was finished by Napoleon, but started with the Thirty Year War and the Reformation, which pitted the protestant German princes against the highly Catholic Emperors that were elected into power. Thusly the protestant Princes, allied mainly with Sweden and France, were pitted against the power of the HRE and the Hapsburgs, who were allied with the Catholic princes and Spain.
To make it a short story, I'll tell you the aftermath of the war- devestation of German commerce, agriculture, population, everything. The HRE became nothing more than a ghost for the next few centuries, compared to what it had been due to the Peace of Westphalia, which recognized the sovereignty of all the states inside the empire. The only limitation was that the princes could not make alliances directed against the empire or the emperor. The Hapsburgs, the ruling house of Austria from 1282-1918, also lost a great deal of power due to this war- setting the tone for what was to come.
With that the imperial title was largely honorific- but, the Emperor's still had their herditary lands and were still somewhat powerful and the situation that was caused by the Reformation was evened out- but it started a trend of particularism and absolutionism within the various German states.
It was not nearly over, for there were three wars with Louis XIV that further destroyed the HRE's prestige.
Then, again, internal conflict- the last male of the Hapsburg line, Charles VI, died and caused the Austrian War of Succession. Maria Theresa, daughter of Charles VI, defended her Hapsburg inheritence against the amibtionious claims of Bavaria, Saxony and Prussia in said war of Succession.
Maria defended her inheritence, losing only Silesia to Prussia, and her husbund, Francis I, was declared the Emperor- so it was a successful war for her. However, due to this war, Prussia emerged as the leading German power, under King Fredrick II- which set the tone for later events, as we will see.
The successor to Francis I was Joseph II, and, being in the age of Enlightenment, tryed to rationalize the administration of the imperial government. But, he failed in the face of resistance by the particularist princes, especially Frederick II of Prussia.
And the end comes, soon- The French Revolutionry Wars began. The revolution in France alarmed many monarchs around Europe- they were afraid republican ideas and revolutions could spread to their countries, and, watching what happened in France, it was obvious they didn't want that.
When the Girondists [a group of moderate republicans] obtained control of the ministry AND the Emperor Francis II acceded in Austria, war was on the horizon for sure.
On April 20th, 1792 France declared war on Austria. The French, disorganized from the Revolution, were trampled by the allied Prussians and Austrians- they marched ever closer to Paris, and threatened to raze the city to the ground if the Monarch was hurt in any way.
This pissed off the French. Both the generals of the Northern Sector and the Central Sector resigned and were replaced by much more able-bodied generals [Dumouriez and Kellermann]- who turned the tide on Prussia and Austria.
Dumouriez advanced on the Austrian Netherlands [Belgium] and siezed it after the Battle of Jemappes, while a general named Custine marched on Frankfurt.
In late 1792, a decree was issued by France offering assistence to all people's wishing to recover their liberty. This decree along with the execution of Louis XVI and the opening of the Scheldt estuary caused Great Britain, Holland and Spain to join Austria and Prussia in their war.
Sardinia had already declared war after France had occupied Savoy and Nice. On Febuary 1st, 1793, France declared war on Britain and Holland, and on March 7, on Spain. Things rapidly turned against France. Dumouriez, defeated at Neerwinden on March 18th by the Austrians and deserted to the enemy. Revolt broke out in the Vendée and Custine lost Mainz to the Prussians on July 23.
In the emergency the first Committee of Public Safety was created on April 6th, and a levée en masse (a draft of able-bodied males between 18 and 25) was decreed in August. The Committee, inspired by the leadership of Lazare Carnot, raised armies of approximately 750,000 men. Revolutionary commissioners were attached to the commands and defeated generals, like Custine, were executed “to encourage the others".......
By the end of 1793, the Allies had been driven out of France..
Part 2- soon to come.
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
90% fake, 10% themselves OR Slowly sick society sucking souls, scientists sorrowfully say OR I wish I could stab my eyes out with a fucking popsicle stick OR I'll be waiting here for the end of my..
Worked my ass off in the yard and I was able to finally make some purchases at the local mall.
Europa: 1400 Gold Edition. 20$, comes with the full version + the expansion pack. [*insert sound of glee*]
Adrenaline by Deftones. 11.99, horrah. Think I got all the CDs now. Grahoo! [Grahoo, hm.]
The End of Heartache by Killswitch Engage. 16.99, hope it is as good as it sounded on the preview. ["I'll be waiting.."]
Worship And Tribute by Glassjaw. 16.99, finally. All I can say is finally. Behold the power of Glassjaw.
Going to the mall is a long trip in social anxiety. You feel like everyone is staring at you, or when people laugh they are laughing at you. It's an interesting trip into wishing them all dead for your own odd, uh, social anxiety.
It isn't hard to be in social situations, it's just annoying. People are like children to me, all of them. Only when you get into smaller groups, where you can meet them one on one is it nice. Persons>People.
Then again all the things you can see at the mall are quite amusing. Different "cliques", different people wearing fashions that gives away their personality [although I would think many of the people dressed as goths or ghetto people are posers, sometimes it is kinda obvious. For example, I haven't met many teenage mexican gangsters, haha! I live in a city full of hispanics so, take it from me- most of them are prolly either too stupid to be anything else or posers. :P]
As for the preppy, uppity, hyper people- what can I say? They infest everything, which is alright I guess. They are happy, cool. Just, you know- keep it OVER THERE. That way, in your own little zone. I have my own way of being happy- it's the less annoying way, the "I might not get stabbed with a ballpoint pen because I pissed off the wrong person" way.
Everyone was with someone too, friends, family, lovers. I was all alone. Aww, poor Ken.
Really, though. It was depressing in a dramatic way. But, the sun was shining through the windows above me in the food court and, there, in the light I knew that everything would be...
.. pretty mediocre. Which is all you can expect, I suppose. I won't be alone for long, so it'll work out.
I don't really know if I could get along with anyone like what was in the mall anyway, the stereotypical teenage cliques, you know?
Though, I would be happy to blend into intellectuals.
But intill then, it's just me and a bunch of people in varying states, countries and cities huh. Better than nothing I guess.
But there are still some flaws I need to work out in how I act. I try too hard to make people happy with comedy, it alienates them. But, the quieter I get, the more I have to say to people. Bluntly, comedically- both ways.
The more I have to say to people's faces.
Maybe I can't shut up. It's a talent. I can rant, I can be blunt, I can be generous.
But I can't be quiet unless something is wrong.
It is ironic I have Type O blood, the universal donor. I can give to everyone and anyone. Over and over, I probably will and do to those who need it.
But I can't receive anything unless it's exactly the same blood type. Even when I'm dying slowly, it has to be from someone special.
Maybe I need to find someone special.
But, when dealing with hordes of people, it just feels annoying. When they laugh, it feels like it's at you, and you grin- you know you're wrong, but you can't stop from feeling that way. So you have to pity yourself.
I dunno. How pitiable am I? Not too much so. I have a path, I have opinions. But I don't have true happiness, do I? I guess sometimes I get kinda happy. Maybe I'm just content.
Content with what? I own nothing but my life. Is that all I have anymore, am I down to just my own life? Lost the friends, lost the girlfriends, lost the religion. Is this really all I can say I have?
Can this be it? Just this stupid body and a mind who wanders to questions it wants to answer but it can't. That's depressing.
None of these material possessions will last. They might last longer than my life, but they will rot too.
So all I have left is a life I'll end up losing. All I can do from now till then is live, with that fact lodged somewhere near my brain.
And with this, this world. This deplorable world. Yes, this stupid place.. this place needs to be changed. And I, I cannot.. but maybe others can, I can help them.
I might not be the wisest or smartest person that will ever live. Or the strongest, or the fastest, or the happiest, or the saddest.
But that's alright, because I will be truer to me than most anyone I see in this piece of shit culture I live in.
I don't even care if that is dramatic, it's true.
But, is it good for you to be that honest with yourself? I dunno even what I'm talking about anymore.
Oh well. It feels like I'm bleeding constantly from myself and I can't stop it. Just bleeding everywhere.
My dreams are always about the past and never about the future, nothing ever good comes from sleep.
What a crazy existence it is. Maybe there is more adventure than I thought left.
I dunno. I'll die sometime. I don't plan it, I'll try to avoid it. I'll do whatever I want to till then, it might shorten my life but, hey.
The matter is not how long you live, it's how you lived it. It isn't jobs or money, or material possessions. It's the people you affect, the friends you make, the lovers you court, the family you raise.
Not about your birth, or death. It's the in between. And, maybe everyone knows that- but they don't act like they know that.
I guess I do know, for once. There isn't much question about this, it's just rambling about things people know.
Maybe I am just hoping this will be like an RPG. I'll go off and save the world! Haha. Nah.
I'll go off and live.
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