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Dancin' with Enkidu.
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Robot Lord of Kyoto.
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Painting our sky ocean.
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I saw Sailor Moon.
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Last Exile, Infinite Ryvius, Da Capo, Air, El Hazard, Rozen Maiden, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
Shagfa said Israeli fire on the street outside his home left two people dead Wednesday and the building's facade riddled with bullets.
"They kept firing sound bombs, the kids were screaming," he said. "They woke up calling 'Daddy, daddy, I want to hide.' They were terrified. They've been like this for three days.
"The kids are asking lots of questions, asking us to tell the soldiers to stop. They say, 'Grandpa, go to the tank and tell him to stop.' I tell them that they will shoot at me. When I say that they say, 'But you're a big man, Grandpa, they can't shoot you.'
"I try and explain to them, but they're too young to understand."
Forty-one Palestinians have been killed since "Operation Rainbow" began last Tuesday.
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Saturday, May 22, 2004
You know. I had written a long, long thing that insulted you and insulted me.
Insulted society, culture, america, dreams. Your dreams, my dreams.
No, it isn't that I had a change of heart. Haha, dream on. It's just too dramatic.
Basically, I don't plan to go to collage. Don't care for becoming the normal, average american. Will be ok dying as a homeless person if need be, just don't plan on working the rat race. Say what you want because the other part of what I said was I don't give a fuck.
No, that isn't angst. I don't really give a fuck. Say anything, lay it on me. Speak your mind, I do enough for most of you but it would be refreshing if some of you were more blunt and honest with your feelings.
No, not like me. In your own ways. I might be too much of an arrogant prick to be an example.
Hm. I don't plan to end up as screwed up as my mom is either. Uh oh, more about his mom! Yes, basically. You'd be surprised how much contempt can rise in your soul when you see a happy person with their mother in a fucking park during the day.
I ranted about my grandparents a bit and how if they get to their christian "I was a good religious piece of shit ^.^;" afterlife, I'm stabbing a theologian with a fork in his right nostril.
Why? I dunno. It might be more efficient to aim for his neck but, nah. His nostril will do.
Said something about society, how most of it is a large pile of shit on your doorstep. Talked about some people being gems, hey! Tori, Juuthena, Mitch, AJ, Lea, James, Laura, Britty, Travis, Neil, Josh, Jenna, Karmi, Lily- that's you! Congratulations. Ranted about cherishing the gems.
I said something about extremist muslims, and realized I might offend some people. So, I deleted it and rewrote it with less cusswords, but more intellect- so only the smart people would catch on, and they would be smart enough to not be idiotically offended. People everywhere agree, taking offense due to religion, race or gender is GETTING FUCKING OLD. You're from EARTH, you BLEED, you BREATHE, you EAT and you will DIE. That's ALL, that's IT, FIN. Get OVER it you are nothing SPECIAL because you worship some other dumbass god than the other person or your skin color is a different TINT than the local MAJORITY. When you are a german/english mexican indian black agnostic maybe you will REALIZE THAT.
Let's see. Then I cussed out a few people and lamented about how much of a romanticist I am and how much I like true love.
What else. Oh yeah. I explained to you, since you know- no one knows this- that you are going to die.
I know, I know. It's a shocker- I was surprised when I heard about that too. I wish you well on your journey to a comfortable casket or fire, I'll see you on the other side.
All and all, it was alot of healthy ranting with no reason to unfold the drama for common consumption. Wouldn't want you to get a case of over-dramatization poisoning- nasty stuff, that.
I know drama is apart of life. I just don't choose to let it flow out of my mouth as much as it might.
Good day, gems. *tips hat*
[PS. booyaka.
Selphie: yay ^^;]
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
I think I've learned the value of my opinion over yours, therefore comments are back on.
Minor changes to the site. Nothing important.
*huggles the colors*
Tea > You.
Mmmmm. On a parting note, five dollars sure tastes good.

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Monday, May 17, 2004
lol. I sense some things that I consider falsities on OB. Yes, I lurk there once more.
So, Laura- you're antisocial huh?
You're antisocial AND quiet.
You could have fooled me. I swear, for an antisocial, quiet person you sure do come off as a anime loving prep.
I cannot judge. I don't know you IRL or care to- but you might want to choose how you come off online with a bit more care if you expect me to even consider you to be antisocial by any of it's definitions.
Oh well. You do what you do as I will continue doing what I do.
On a more out of context note, let's do a survey.
Full Name: Scholotheim Reinbach III.
Age: 15.
Hair: Black.
Eyes: Brown.
Sex: Hermaphrodite.
Seven things that scare you...
1. Pure silence when you are alone. More annoying than scary. Always hearing little creakings and things going bump in the night.
2. The non-christian supernatural. Demons? Angels? lol. Not. More of the things reported seen in modern days instead of silly jewish folklore.
3. The fact that some supernatural things exist that are usually considered mere folly and are taught to be such. What else could be there?
Seven things that make you laugh...
1. Witty one-liners.
2. Polotical cartoons.
3. Random webcomic humor.
4. Who's Line Is It Anyway?
5. Some of the things I say are so absurd I chuckle. Cough.
Seven things you LOVE...
1. Rain.
2. Music.
3. Video Games.
4. Books.
5. The former Soviet Union.
6. The happiness that accomponies a relationship.
7. Warfare.
Seven things you hate...
1. Ignorance.
2. Failing/losing.
3. The Christian faith.
4. Conservitives.
5. Melodrama.
6. The damning pain that accompanies the eventual and unavoidable end of a relationship.
7. People who are sensitive by their own means and expect me to care that I hurt them.
Seven things you don't understand...
1. American Foreign Policy.
2. The sensation behind pop. [boyband stuff]
3. Kids+Cards= always works? Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh.
4. Death.
5. Haha. Life.
6. Blind faith.
7. How there can be a lack of things that should not be lacked.
Seven facts about you...
1. I have a few scars.
2. I'm near sighted.
3. I'm adopted.
4. My blood type is O.
5. My biological mothers name is Tammy Lynn.
6. I collect PS1 RPGs for my own amusement.
7. I'm schizotypal.
Seven things you plan to do before you die...
1. Be a real strategist.
2. Visit St. Petersburg.
3. Defeat a true opponent.
4. Live to the best of my capabilities.
5. Raise a daughter.
6. Learn to properly fire an assortment of firearms.
7. Sit in a real tank.
Seven things you can do...
1. Cook.
2. Write.
3. Public Speaking.
4. Stand up comedy.
5. Abstract art.
6. Tactical work.
7. Analyze personalities.
Seven Things You Can't Do or Can't Do Well...
1. Care.
2. Not flirt.
3. I'm pretty bad at not ranting.
4. Be optimistic.
5. Long distance sprinting.
6. Dealing with annoyances.
7. Going to bed.
Seven things you say the most...
1. Er.
2. Damn.
3. lol.
4. No.
5. Hm?
6. Heh.
7. Oh?
Ten things that you look for in the opposite/same sex...
1. Figure.
2. Personality.
3. Sense of humor.
4. Religion.
5. Open mindedness.
6. Imaginiation.
7. Eccentric= good.
8. Arguementitive or pacifistic?
9. Intelligence.
10. May I reiterate figure?
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Friday, May 14, 2004
Serene Apocalypse.
How about a bedtime story.
There was once a young woman who received a crystal ball from a mysterious, darkly clad stranger. For years she would look into the crystal ball and see nothing in return- not a thing. As she grew and matured she began to think of it as a mere novelty of her childhood- a trinket to get nostalgic over.
The day of her sixteenth birthday came. It was a joyous, memorable day- much more joyous and exciting than she expected. The day fully partied out, she approached her room when she was startled by the strangest blue glow emitting out her doorway.
Entering cautiously, the glow almost blinded her- it was coming from her old toy chest, as magnificent and beautiful as anything she had ever seen. Sparkles floated in the air wherever the glow permeated the air, seeming to call to her.
Delighted, she opened the toy box to see what was casting out this light- it was the crystal ball, the old one she had received from that old man many a year ago, like a beacon it shone out.
She leaned in closer, answering it's call. Peering at it, she saw in it her one true love. She couldn't tell where he was- the best she could do was guess. Admiring her love, she quickly knew that she had to find this man- for herself and, maybe, for him.
The very next day, she began to pack and plan- her parents were agast, confused- scared. They asked her "Why are you seeking this which surely must be merely folly? You could end up dead, or worse!"
She could provide no real answer, but remained sure in her course.
Without anyway to convince her otherwise, they let her leave- worried sick, but still confident in their daughters strength- both of mind and body.
As she left, each of her friends and loved ones asked the same question- truly, even before she reached the city gate, she was severely disheartened by the lack of optimism for her journey.
As she approached the gate, there was one last person to say goodbye to- a childhood friend whom had been like her sister for as long as she could remember.
The adventurer-to-be explained the situation and what she had experienced to her 'sister', getting nods and "hmm"s throughout. When she was done, her friend nodded to herself and informed the lovesick adventurer she was coming with her.
Surprised, she asked "Why would you accompany someone who is surely seeking mere folly? You could die, or worse!"
She just smiled, having no real reason..
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
And the rockets rain keeping you wet..
.. in your death bed.
You know what we need.
We need a quiz day.
^(-.-)-~[Quiz Day]~-<(-.-)^
 Henchman: Forever the right hand man (or woman, as the case may be) of the Villainous Lead, yours is a place forever in the background. Though skilled in the deadly arts and generally very intelligent, you have chosen a path that keeps you far from the glory of leadership, if not the dangers. Often more loyal or honorable than the other villains, you tend to live by a code of some sort, though killing and violence are far from anathema to you. On the rare occasion a Henchman actually ascends to the place of Head Villain, s/he usually does so by force or somewhat reluctantly. Whether a mercenary in it for the money or a true believer who is behind the cause, yours is a timeless and extremely important role in the world of all villains. However, yours is the most likely villain class to turn vigilante or reluctant hero. Famous Comic Book Henchmen include Stryfe, Ian Nottingham and Mystique.
What Type of Evil Super Villain Would you be? (images) brought to you by Quizilla

Take the Which Evil Demon are you? quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria.
 Heavy metal! You rock! It's mostly about the music instead of lyrics for you...but you channel most of the emotion through the lyrics! Mosh pit for you! Just be careful you don't give yourself a concussion with so much headbanging...
What genre of rock are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, May 10, 2004
My God.
My computer is back after almost a week in the shop.
I missed pornographic material so much.
Yes. Quite. Carry on.
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Friday, May 7, 2004
There's no earthly way of knowing.
.. which direction we are going.
So, basically, my computer is dead. Therefore my absence is, for once, explainable and I don't have to shyly inform you all of my horrendous addiction to gaming, anime and avoiding people en masse.
Ah, glorious day. Rain. See, a fallout is still happening in this household from a religious argument between me and my parents.
Tsk, it's a shame- I even apologized and that whore had the audacity to not give me one back.
She insulted me several times in our debate. I was harsh with my opinions but not on a personal level. My mother is sensitive, apparently. She threw a tantrum, cried, guilt tripped me. I apologized for no reason other than to heal her for her because she is such a fucking weak person.
I got nothing back from her, that miffed me a bit. I was controlling myself well for a few minutes before I realized I was being ignored by both of my parents.
That was almost amusing, but no- I had already lost some of my emotional control. That enraged me. What is it, huh?
Well? Are my opinions too ODD for you? Or, am I too HARSH for you to even talk to? To even look at normally?
They were looking at me like I was some sort of subhuman.
So the last few people IRL I speak to about opinions, I won't now. They are failures as parents. Their first kid died, Tammy ran off and I sure turned out spot on.
It was very hard to not literally murder her with my own two hands. I have anger problems, obviously. I could and would if I was pushed too far.
I guess by now it doesn't matter. I do not care for them anymore, any respect I had garnered in the last few weeks for my mother is shot.
As is my ever blackening view on mainstream religion.
.. Which direction we are going.
Anything America does now doesn't surprise me anymore. Bush isn't the best President there ever was, obviously.
The Iraqi prisoner abuse 'scandal' is something I expected. The Red Cross, if I heard right, knew about this before it was released publicly and urged the US to do something.
Well. Aside from that.. on the world scheme I can't think of anything that has really caught my interest. Apparently, though, once again there was a great surge in jobs. 250k+ if I remember right.
Which is good- but it gives Bush an advantage in the Presidential race, which I hate. Kerry sucks. Bush is obviously a bit nuts. Nader will affect the run a bit too much.
I think Bush will win it. Pessimism, you know.
Surprise me.
There's no knowing where we're rowing..
La Pucelle: Tactics is pretty good. Not great, I'd rather finish Disgaea first. Aside from that, I might beat FF8. I got to the end of Disk 3 and lost interest again. lol.
Rinoa is too hot to be a sorceress. =/ has new screens from Advent Children if you care. Tifa ones, btw- she is too hot, period. Bad Squaresoft.
Mmm. Wish I could play Lineage 2. Damn computer. I might be a Knight, yet. Changed too many times to keep track of..
..or which way the river's flowing.
Blood should be spilt for that. I hate conceited brats who won't mature and manipulate people for their own gains.
Her religion means nothing to me. If she is murdered she will be put towards her religious wet dream fast, the resurrection. I'd be doing her a favor.
Is it raining? Is it snowing? Is a hurricane a'blowing?
I dreamed of a young woman last night that I keep dreaming of though our relationship was over long ago. It is depressing, yes. But the dreams are so delightful, being with someone and in love- ah, the only thing that ups my happiness alot. Too bad it's only a dream.
And that to wake up that facet of life has been a nightmare since she left. With that, I've been bingeing on a Deftone's song called "Anniversary of an Uninteresting Event". Get the lyrics/get the MP3 and you'll see why.
I could supply you with the lyrics if you wish.
Copy and paste. Should work.
Not a speck of light is showing..
That is about it. Bad times for the Knight of Bane.
Oh well. At least I have uh.
.. My health.
So the danger must be growing
Are the fires of hell a'glowing?
Is the grisly reaper mowing?
The danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing
And they're certainly not showing
Any signs that they are slowing!
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Friday, April 30, 2004
And now you're all alone.
There was a woman I knew who had a problem loving people. She couldn't handle attachment like that, she wanted to live free- partying, doing drugs. She couldn't handle responsibility.
She became a mother and could not handle raising it- she ended up losing both of her children and her second husband. Working as a cashier or waitress from place to place, her current whereabouts are really unknown.
The grandmother of the children cryed alot because she knew of the life her daughter's children would live.
Separated from each other, one of the siblings developed under the circumstances into something it imagines mirrors his mother's personality deficiency with attachment via emotion.
There are never many people he will be able to click with. Understanding doesn't matter, it doesn't aid. People just feel sorry for him, along with me.
Aside from the personality disorders given him, there is the constant shadow of his biological mother's history.
The product is expected to follow it's predecessors's path. Stressful and constantly brought up, it pushes him to the breaking point alot.
He refuses to follow in his maker's footsteps. With that said, I have heard he plans to undertake a daring adventure.
To escape. No matter how dressed up it is, he is fleeing the damage his mother has left on everyone who knew her. Expectations of failure are no way to exist.
I guess you should almost pity him.
Like how you pity a wounded animal or something lesser than you. Something that is alienated by choice so as to refrain from pain.
It's a shame that all that society has to offer are words. No actions will be taken.
With a wish for blood to be spelt all over the floor, I can only watch him struggle to go on with the promise of escaping.
Trying to live.
"Yet from those flames No light, but rather darkness visible."
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Monday, April 26, 2004
Man life is boring. In and out of waves of gaming with no need to speak to anyone online at all. lol.
It is kinda weird to have all this free time since I left OB. I hope everyone there is fairing well in their continued life.
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