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Friday, January 16, 2004
Death Whispered A Lullaby.
Children, don't stop dancing.
Believe you can fly away... away.
Quiz Day
You are...Fuck Off.
What Usage of the Word Fuck are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 What Snack Food are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Breakup. Not very excited about anything, are we? Don't worry, the sky's not ALWAYS grey and dreary. Think of the positive things and know that while bad things happen (which they do, all the time, as you probably have discovered) we move on. Smile, think of the good times, and maybe get some help on improving your life. Optimism! Optimism!
What Stage in a Relationship Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 How sensitive are you??
 How stuck in the past are you??
 How creative are you?

I am an Intellectual

Which America Hating Minority Are You?
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 Your eye color is dark blue. You rely on your logic solely, and may have more mature interests than many of your friends and family your age. You can sometimes also be interverted and lonely from a lack of understanding with people, and can be rather frustrated with some types of folke. Some may describe you as cold and distant, and you are honest with how you feel about things.
What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ ) brought to you by Quizilla
I am Strength
Strength represents patience and compassion. Getting angry is easy when events turn sour, but dealing calmly with frustration takes great strength. So does accepting others and forgiving mistakes. We need strength to mold situations softly. The Chariot controls through mastery and authority. Card 8 is more subtle, even loving. Notice how the lion (itself a symbol of strength) is being guided and tamed by the woman's gentle hands. For a full description of your card and other goodies, please visit LearnTarot.com
| What tarot card are you? Enter your birthdate.
 How evil are you?
 Night Fairy: Congratulations you are the nigh fairy! You are the fairy who creates the stars within the sky. Legend goes that your are just another shotting star among your creations, disguising yourself, as you streak across the sky creating more stars. Little is known about you but your powers are known to be great.
Fairy categorization: Which elemental fairy are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Why do you cry? brought to you by Quizilla
...Odi et amo, quare id facere forasse requiris...Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior. Dies irae, venienti occurrite morbo. Forsan miseros meliora sequentur, post proelia praemia. Liberate tute me ex inferis. =/Acta est fabula..
"Multa ferunt anni venientes commoda secum, Multa recedentes adimiunt."
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Wednesday, January 14, 2004
That fails me. Of all the times to start a large push back into space, Bush chose a time when the economy is still sputtering a bit and the partisan attacks continue to spring up in Iraq. I guess it is a pretty good way to get re-elected.
Heh. Don't get me wrong- I'm a strong advocate of space exploration. I think, by one way or another, we will eventually have to start getting off of Earth. Either for pleasure or necessity- I can't say which.
I don't know. Maybe it is a grand idea and I am just being pessimistic. I would have thought by now that, with the end of Communism, we would have formed a single, international space program that acquired funds, resources [human and non] from many countries- in total. Make it the world's achievement. Oh well.
Here's to space. *holds up soda*
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Sunday, January 11, 2004
Blue Dress.
So, consequences for decisions- is there always a consequence for every decision? The answer is yes. No matter how small, something is always sacrificed for what you decided upon doing.
Why is this relevant? The ongoing dance of idiocy around me about my withdrawal from religion. I look at the house around me and it doesn't feel like home anymore. Just because of free will, I don't feel welcome in this house.
Maybe the consequences were too high. But it feels somewhat good to be free of religious shackles- to be able to allow myself to be truly open minded. Maybe I don't need a home.. that is probably just another bonus to life that I took for granted and realized it too late.
I don't know, maybe fifteen is not the age to be worrying about all this- but I have to, it is there whether I want it to be or not. Should I have to deal with this? Not really. But I choose to start the process a long time ago, so I can't stop it now.
Oh well. Every battle has it's casualties.
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Saturday, January 10, 2004
It is still on my mind. If I don't remain a Jehovah's Witness then I will be just another failure. Everyone will rush to comfort my parents, because of their horrible son's decision to leave the 'true faith'. How many time sin our lives will we be portrayed as the bad guy for opinions? Will it ever end?
What is wrong with using freedom of choice? Do I not get any comfort for paying the consequences for my opinions? No. I never do. Everyone thinks it is just heartless, that I am brash without thinking. He doesn't feel, he doesn't care. Let's comfort the person that was affected by his obviously instant decision to take another path.
Always, they rush to help the other person and leave you in the dark, alone in your decision- because they think you are wrong, and they don't connect that to being an independent opinion.
Bah. I'm not going to fret about this anymore. I do not need anyone to continue on, I have done fine for years now. Should have learned to not get attached to people.
I truly wish I could inflict upon this planet something equal to or beyond what I deal with in my mind consistently, something that would scar the very terrain. I pity the person that gives me power, because I will be blinded by what I know are foolish emotions, but it is too strong to intelligently ignore anymore.
Heh heh. That would be a sweet revenge. Then who would run and comfort you, hm? No one.
What sweet dreams we dream.
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Thursday, January 8, 2004
Edge of the Earth.
You might get offended by the following. If you read the following along with this warning and become offended, keep your dumbass ways to yourself please.
Bloody History Day
In 'honor' of former emperor Hirohito, who died on January 7th, 1989; I bring to you another episode of Bloody History Day, the third to be exact.
The following is from what I have gathered from several sources and is of my own writing.
On December 13th, 1937 roughly 50,000 Japanese soldiers entered the Chinese capital city, Nanking. Many of the people had already fled the city, but the exact population of the city is impossible to determine since, in a time of war, it would be fluctuating so rapidly.
The Japanese army was given an order to execute all captives- that is what you would hope, however. It seems to be mentioned in only 1 out of 14-15 sources that they were given an 'order' to carry out what followed at Nanking. Nevertheless, the Japanese had killed so many men, women and children with machetes that they had to stop and rest before continuing on because their arms were quite sore.
The soldiers used machine guns, bayonets, live burial and fire aside from the popular method of decapitation. Eye witness accounts say that the heads of some of the Chinese were even fed to dogs. Competitions took place between Japanese soldiers to see how many Chinese could be killed in a day.
The estimates on the number dead from the massacre are volatile- most modern day historians rest on the figure of between 200,000 and 300,000 dead. Of this figure there were only an estimated 50,000 to 100,000 Chinese POWs.
Aside from the slaughter, there were an approximate 20,000 women raped- forced to do 'bizarre' sexual acts, and then, apparently, killed. Fathers were forced to rape their daughters, sons, and their mothers. Chinese men were forced to rape corpses.
This continues on for around six to eight weeks- unstopped, unchallenged. Would justice come? Would the great, freedom fighting allies set all wrongs right?
That is where the dense fog becomes a wall. Several articles mention a trade between Japan and the US- Japan had a chemical/germ warfare program that was quite advanced for it's time. The articles mention that in exchange for this knowledge, the blunt of Japanese war crimes in Asia [not just the Nanking massacre] were not brought up in the war trials that followed WW2.
To this day the information that was acquired has not been declassified.
I can't confirm much, the basic facts remain that a large number of Chinese were massacred at Nanking- it appears to be in a, at the very least, merciless way. That is the only truth to be found. It is a very blunt fog- it affects alot of people, yet half the things you read are estimations, eyewitness accounts or otherwise.
Regardless, the Japanese committed many war crimes. One article stated that during the occupation of China by Japan between 10-30 million Chinese died.
I, however, remain somewhat pessimistic about these figures. All the major nations in World War 2 committed war crimes- Dresden, the Holocaust, Nanking, the Soviet execution of Poles. All of them. The figures are probably bloated- still, many, many, people died in a way that is apparently beyond anything anyone can imagine.
As for the US trade, that I wouldn't doubt- I'm not saying it is likely, but if it happened don't expect me to make a "O_O" face.
Anyway, regardless, I hope you leave enlightened.

PS.) I remain stalwart in the "war is necessary" side of things. I would hate to see all the comments be pacifistic "I'm going to generalize all of war based on some bad people and say that it is all so horrible" comments. ^_~
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Monday, January 5, 2004
About a burning fire.
Texas history is the best history of the post-13 colonies states. Why, you ask?
Well, we fought a war to be independent. Then, we were smart and realized that as a small country we couldn't do much- but if we applied for statehood we could be much more prosperous in the United States than we ever could be on our own.
Not to sound arrogant- wait, yes. We have earned the right to be arrogant. Too fucking bad for you.
Some might argue that we fought Mexico- which is obviously, at it's current state, no where near being a "world" power. However, back then, Mexico had a pretty well trained, in use army- they had just crushed a rebellion in a neighboring state. This was just another rebellion to them, and they were ready for it. So while Mexico has never been a drastically powerful nation, they were still no pussies- they could handle themselves quite well.
Along with this, most of the world that has been taught of the Texan Revolution has been giving a pretty pro-white view- in actuality, there were many tejanos in the rag-tag Texan army- they were fighting for what they believed in, but instead of it being portrayed as a war of white people fighting for independence against the Mexican tyrants- right, whatever. o.o; In reality, the Texan army comprised of even some Europeans- settlers who had come to America, and then heard of the cheap land prices in Texas that Mexico was offering. So, it was not a racial thing at all.
The Texas Revolution gave Texas land that would later be apart of 4-5 other states- it also lead to the Mexican War, which gave the United States New Mexico, Utah and California.
Also, we kicked butt- don't forget that. Estimates for most of the battle are highly in the Texans favor- no one will know for sure, but I'm pretty confident that it was no where near a good ratio for the Mexicans.
So, my friends- Texas rocks. Smartest nation that ever existed- realized the benefits of joining a larger country, instead of insisting on a foolish idea of independence that many countries are racked with- separatists seem to think becoming their own third world country is cool. Russia is a prime example of this- all those tiny, insignificant countries could gain so much by being apart of a larger superpower.
But no- nationalism and separatism is the most idiotic ideal to ever wash over the world. But, no one will listen to what I say- the Texans were smart, is all.
Oh well. If you really want to learn about the Texan Revolution, there should be plenty of sources- even a few online ones. It is prolly something non-Texans wouldn't care about, because they are FUCKING IDIOTS.
That is all.
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Saturday, January 3, 2004
OtakuAwards seem to be taken in one of three ways. Either you overtly care, you semi-care or you shrug and just go along for the ride.
Unfortunately there don't seem to be many people of the last one aside from me- it is a cute thing to do, somewhat interesting and enjoyable, but there is no reason to get all worked up about it.
It would be nice to get win some things. It would be nicer to appear on the OtakuCouple vote with a significant other, but alas. Fate is not so kind to the damaged knights.
Good luck to all parties involved, and I hope you win at least one thing for that will make you quite merry how minute it seems.
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Thursday, January 1, 2004
I had a dream last night. It is the kind of dream that comes at the most inopportune times and leaves you devestated with the after effects.
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March of the Fire Ants.
Hm. So it's New Year's.
I'd wish you a merry one but I don't really care, lol. Have fun doing whatever because I sure as hell didn't get to do anything today. Fireworks are going off in scattered order around my neighborhood.
I hope they don't set some shit on fire out of their own stupidity- it is coming from the direction of a wooded area, so I'm judging logic isn't being used on their part. There hasn't been alot of rain or anything of the sort, but I'm not really concerned. Some chaos on par with that would be quite welcome- it would be a good day.
No terrorist attacks either, it seems. I'll wait to see if anyone dies on these eve because of our "Enemies"- you know, the ones that are supposed to attack but never seem to. Why attack when we are expecting it, dur.
I don't know. I can imagine that a smart person would use a plane in combo with a nuclear or nuclear waste bomb- transport it to your target and detonate it. Maybe that would take a bit more to rig but you would have an easier time doing that then trying to hide it by ground through metropolitan areas.
I'm watching New York celebrate like hell. I think I'll go for a walk to ease my frayed nerves. The last one of the year. Bury the dog deeper, to coin a term that doesn't make sense.
On we march, slugging through another year of mediocrity.
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Sunday, December 28, 2003
Hey everybod-*is run over by a high-speed...
Quiz Day*
 You are Drama.
You are extroverted and like to show off, but can be very subtle and intelligent when you want. As an expert at story-telling, you love attention and have developed the skill of keeping it.
You get along well with Literature and Film.
What form of art are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I be 65% Nice This Year.
 Be Ye Naughty or Be Ye Nice? Find your Piratey Christmas Present on Shiver My Timber.
 5th elements
You are all of the elements water, fire, gold, wood, and earth. Well, there is nothing much to say about you but that you are perfect. You do have your ups and downs just like everyone else but it ends up to be all good at the end. You can control water fire all the elements cause you are the 5th element
What Chinese Art are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I am 68% Tortured Artist
 Art is significant in my life, people are scum but I have the capicity to deal with it. Give it a few more years and I will either forget about art or hate the world.
Take the Tortured Artist Test at fuali.com
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